Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, December 31, 2023


Everything is really foggy like even immediately when I woke up, so I really only remember bits. I think I dreamt that I was with a celebrity (kv) or maybe a mix of him and husband and we had to do some weird puzzle things like game where we had to put books and cartoon/book characters in order of earliest to soonest created. Someone like the lady from the weakest link was judging. No idea who won, but afterwards we shared some kisses. This was all set at an old childhood friend's house, right at the end of her driveway by the road (cw).

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Missing Girl

I can't remember a whole lot but that I was maybe at my grandpa's house in Minnesota. I also remember going through my iTunes on my old MacBook and accidentally checking everything so that *everything* would play. Really embarrassing stuff. I remember looking for a young Asian girl or something and finding her in a field and she finds out that her brother died. She faked being missing because she was hoping to get money? I can't remember... And some baby alligator was a pet, but someone had gotten rid of his teeth. Also remember making out with some dude. Probably husband, possibly a mix of him and a celebrity (young jc?). 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Escape Rooms

Blech. Dreamt I was in this house with a bunch of other people. Ended up making out with a partner of a friend's. Felt awful but also in love or something. 

Also dreamt me and a bunch of others (husband, my kids, sister, friends, etc) were all in this really weird escape room that can drown you. You have to get out before the water fills up. Everyone kept forgetting to grab my kiddos so I had to grab one, run into the next room, come back, grab the other, etc. I think this happened first, then once we escaped or whatnot is when the first paragraph happened.

Remembered something else. Something kept sparking. Like a heavy-duty battery-operated can opener. I was asking for help to get the sparking to stop before it's start a fire. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Lost Dog

Been awake awhile so I don't remember much but I DO remember having a bunch of dogs I had to watch at my dad's house and one got out and didn't come back. I yelled and yelled its name but it never came back. I felt soooo bad. He was a bigger dog with a sandy color..

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Tree

Okay I dreamt that I may have been young again. My aunt Erin took my sister and I somewhere a little further away from home (but parts looked like dad's property) to visit family maybe? I just know cousins showed up. Mel especially I remember. She showed up a bit late. I remember finding these two nuts in a Walmart bag and one fell apart so I started taping it back together with masking tape and it magically had a little foliage on it, except one little area. I asked my sister if she thought I'd be able to bury that in the dirt and a tree could still pop up. She said yes but that there might be one little area that won't have leaves in the bottom area and I said that'd be cool and it could make a little nook area to hide in for fun. 

Anyways, I forgot.. I remember before all of this, like right before my cousin showed up late, I dreamt that I was in a pond and had to do an obstacle course in water. There were younger boys ahead me, and I felt silly being the only older person. Could I fly? Might've been able to. 

Friday, December 22, 2023


Seems like husband and I and another couple were all going to bed maybe in a hotel room? I don't know but it seems we'd have to sleep in the same room. The other guy complained he might not be able to sleep tonight so husband and I offered him some melatonin.

There was other stuff. Oh I'm remembering! We're kind of lost in this heavily wooded area but it's on a huge hill, so we can see where we are currently. But if we kept walking we'd probably get lost. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023


Nightmare. Dreamt that husband and kids and I were all walking in snow at night. I think I was in a car behind them walking? Anyways dreamt that my littlest kid suddenly stopped breathing/fainted from the cold. Husband screamed and we rushed to get him to a hospital. I don't know why but husband thought running in front of car was faster? Seems like the car I was driving was too slow, really only there to slow me down and trap me from helping more to gab anything. Like a car wasn't *really* there but just in my own head? 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


It was a heavy dream, but sadly I don't remember much. I DO remember making a bed and the comforter didn't fit well. The bed was at my dad's/my childhood home but it was all my stuff. I really can't remember much. Oh God hahahahahaha. I remember something now. I dreamt we found out that husband is related to a celebrity he doesn't care for. Their moms were sisters. He was horrified but then got over it I guess lol. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Dreamt a scary dream. I was walking down a road at night, starry sky.. with family of some sort. I saw a UFO kind of in the distance. It was huge and behind some clouds, nearing land in the distance. I told my family we needed to leave now. I couldn't explain why but was hoping they'd see why. They hadn't. So they just kept walking and in fact separated by walking off faster...

Lost some time/dream here and just remember being hooked up to something inside this UFO. I was making gagging noises and snoring as loud as possibly to wake myself up (embarrassingly I may have been making these sounds in real life, I dunno.) Anyways finally I woke up into a dream-within-a-dream and was still making those noises because I was paralyzed and couldn't move my body. A person whom I though was husband - looked like him anyways - woke slowly and walked over, peering at me weirdly -anr suddenly I made a really loud gagging/snoring sound and it made him laugh a little. I was pissed and thought he was still an alien and that I couldn't move. 

Somewhere in the middle maybe right after I saw UFO or before we separated I remember a really fancy vintage red contertible was parked and I thought I could try to start it and drive to get me and family out of area.. didn't work. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Imprisoned In A New World

Dreamt I was a guy and I lost some people in an alternate world. I went in to find them and realized everyone is imprisoned in a hospital. I have to hide things that I find out. I found an animal that talks that was an old friend and I hide him in a bag (he has powers and can make himself tiny and invisible etc).. I hide pictures for proof for the people I know so they remember me etc. there's a bad guy that is doing this all, but there's a whole business working together with him. The bad guys find me in this apartment trying to find people I know.. Finally I get caught and they're taking me to a hospital room looking thing. I get hooked up to stuff and see random people I don't know. One nurse asks me if I want my own room "for afterwards... I can do anything sexual with staff" or whatnot. I'm so confused and decide to say yes so that I get my own room to escape. (I realize later that the whole reason they're imprisoning people is to make babies/maybe more population for their world.) Just as I'm walking out, a kid tells me that my girlfriend I had been looking for is in a certain room. I tell staff I want this room. They shove me around hallways chained up by the hands I think and we're winding around looking for room 23. I finally get to it and I'm going around and I see her and she sees me and she recognizes me but she's got people with her and I realize that she doesn't live me anymore. I'm heartbroken. She was beautiful. Long, blond hair and brown eyes. She looked heartbroken, too. 

I wake up..


Cleaned the house (the house was childhood home) with daughter.. Though it was also my own house. Put blankets for couch in the washer.. expecting husbands aunt Shirley. Cleaning for a birthday party (daughter's).. we had a lot to do so I was trying to convince her to get a cake from Walmart instead of make it. I told her they may have Digital Circus cakes and she got excited and said she'd go with that if they did. So I started calling my sister because she borrowed husband's Eclipse car. Phones not answering so I peek out dad's bathroom window from the kitchen and I see them pulling up (also got a notification that a cousin has just arrived home which made me think they were home too because they were all together or something anyways I'm looking out window and I see sister get out and she's going to back to open trunk. Husband walks over to look out too and he says under his breath that he hopes they're careful as the car is a manual. All of a sudden Erin rolls back where Sarah is, looking into car, about to run over her. I wake up immediately. 

Monday, December 4, 2023


There was a big snake that somehow got in dad's old house (in the dream it was all of ours again). Big snake has babies. Poisonous. 

Oh. Another part of dream was that my phone randomly uploaded ALL of my photos and I had like some weird threesome or something? 

Back to the snakes. We didn't see them at all after they hid but we moved anyways because.. snakes. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023


Can't remember most but I'm remembering bits. I was fixing something up, building something with wood at Dad's house. Like outside in the back porch area. In Laws were there helping. Then I remember having to go and stay at the 'hotel' inside (inside dad's house) and it was very bare. Like white walls, bare mattress, completely clean (no clutter) etc.. I moved a suitcase over to the closet that was attached to the room. That's all I remember. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023


I don't remember a lot but I was in this room with jp's wife and someone else. Sarah? And they were making music together. I was recording on my phone.