Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


I had dreamt I was braiding a childhood friend's hair. We may have been younger because she looked younger/thinner. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Just remembered a dream earlier last night. I think I was riding in the back of a car and looking out at the sky and suddenly saw what looked like earth next to the moon. It started coming closer and closer. I can't remember what happened after. Maybe I woke up before it hit? 

Monday, April 22, 2024


For the last month or so I've been going to my mom's and pulling out carpet. Dreamt I was doing this. Also dreamt about Hanson for some reason. Something to do with Taylor first... Like maybe I was talking to him first? Then Zac? I can't remember. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Tornadoes At A Party

Ugh, more tornadoes. Dreamt there was a party going on.. Halloween? Went to the party with a random boyfriend. We were really annoying and we're kicked out by the host who looked like John legends wife. she and her boyfriend/husband in the dream (wasn't John.. this guy was a major asshole that listened to metal) she hated me mostly and the rest of us because we were annoying at the party. Young, drunk, having sex etc. We get kicked out and are wandering the town, drunk and dressed in costumes. We're a bit loud again on the streets, and I can hear the girl Chrissie (?) screaming how much she hates me specifically and that we ruined her party. Suddenly there's tornadoes everywhere. We run into boyfriends house, looks very cabin-like, to hide out. Tornado is wrecking havoc outside. It's pulling up roofs. I realize the house were in is right next to the Chrissie lady's house. Her roof gets taken and shortly later she comes busting into our door terrified out of her mind and we're all huddled waiting out the storm. Eventually the storm settles down and Chrissie apologies. Woke up. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Crocodile Rollercoaster

Dreamt I was in the big limo with husband and his mom. We were parked in this city and his mom and him had to go into a building and I was supposed to go but I was changing my shoes or looking for one or something. My door was opened. Suddenly this black girl with glasses came into the car to look inside. Her mom and dad walked up and kind of followed. They were just curious what the insid looked like. I let them sit in and I helped them take some pictures. When it was time for me to leave I realized I didn't know if mother in law left keys with me or kept them. I called my husband and I don't think he was sure either. I looked at my phone and somehow saw I could unlock with that but wasn't sure if that function would go away once I left the car. Husband just took a chance and we locked the car. Anyways we walked up to building I think and it kind of changed and I was showing my mom a video on my phone of this kid rollercoaster where you sit in a crocodile shaped coaster seat and real crocodiles are trying to attack you. My youngest son was on one. The video stops just as he's getting close to one and I freak out a little because it's a live video and I'm worried he got hurt and the person stopped the video to check on him. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rich Like Batman

Dreamt I was having sex with a musician, but he looked like my husband. Also I was rich like Bruce Wayne (and I might have had powers like Batman) and had a bunch of fancy things in my house like a transportation device etc.

Monday, April 15, 2024


I forgot a lot, but I do remember the gist of it being that I had a "friend from school" (this friend I've never met in my life, also I'm way past school age) was kind of stranded on side of road (I don't think anything was wrong with her car but herself.. like sick or super tired, etc.. also the road was a few miles away from my childhood home) so I told her I'd help get her to her house. My aunt was driving, but I realized it'd be a good idea to try and get her car home with her too, so I said I'd drive her car home. I must have known where she lived because my aunt didn't wait for me.. also I felt weird driving like I didn't know how to. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Grandpa's House

Dreamt my sister and I were at Grandpa's house. It's weird because some of the time he was gone, but other times he was still alive. What I do remember was we had to go through grandma's clothes and miscellaneous things to clear out the house kind of. I found some pictures and clothes and kind of looked through but felt weird going through stuff, so when I heard grandpa downstairs I stopped. I can't remember what happened after. I think I remember wondering how my sister and I will get home, since any cars that were parked there looked broken down. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Cabin

Okay.. dreamt I was in a whole new life. I had a mom that looked like Alice from Riverdale. I fell for this guy that looked like the long-haired dude from Wednesday. He went 'missing' one day and I had an inkling I knew where he was. I ran off, away from home, into the woods and went to this cabin. Found him and several other people. I walked into the cabin, found him at a table with others. They were playing this game and I joined in. It was a game where there are situational questions and you answer how you'd react (had photos next to answer, too). The question was something like if he and I were alone or something, and I answered one where we'd make out. We went off and it gets really confusing here.. I remember seeing blood on someone's pants. Might have been my sister's. I wondered how she got blood and she pointed at me. I look down and I've got blood on me too. I realize that the guy I liked might be violent during sex, which was a shame. I was in total denial. My 'mom" and a cop found the cabin and got me out of there. The cop sat a baby on my lap and then another one. I realized at least one of these were mine that I had with this guy. (I assumed the other was my "mom's"). 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Muddy Water

I was in this big building. There were several different things going on.. like games or activities at least. Husband was with. He saw this muddy area and walked into it. I can't remember what he was doing but I remember a dog was near it's owner and there were these squishy balls that you use in pools near a muddy lake, so I grabbed one and threw it towards him. Looked back over at my husband and I see a man and woman near him. This will sound weird and complicated but the man was going in to hug his wife but my husband was kind of in his way and accidentally gets sandwiched into the hug. Suddenly I see the wife is being pushed down into the water, so I yell and realize the husband is trying to do it on purpose. My husband realizes too and pushes the guy away. The guy disappears and I ask the woman if she's alright. She reminds me of an old friend (dp) so I feel bad for her and ask if she's like to tag along with us. She agrees. So she and I are wandering this building, husband is nearby but trying other activities, so it's mostly just her and I. We walk into this area that's set up like a bar. I start to see a vampire with blood all over his face and neck walking over to us. I tell the woman we should leave.. I can't remember what happens after. I remember my mom was in the dream at the end, though. My sister, too, and there was something that reminded me of my childhood in the last half of the dream. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024


Me, husband, my sister, aunt, mom, kids maybe, and husband's sister or mom are all at warrens mall. (A gas station). It seems so nice out. There's a school bus stopped off to the side near post office road. The kids and husband all get out and I'm watching my daughter wander through this crowd of children and it's hard to tell her apart because a LOT of the girls have tie dye pink and purple on similar to what my daughters wearing. I ask my sister in law if it's a common color for kids nowadays because I'm astounded I can't tell her apart.  Eventually I see her. Anyways now we're driving. I don't know if I have kids in car or if they stayed back at the gas station with husband, but he is definitely not in car. We are driving and get five miles out of town, going towards tomah, and I look out my window and see several long, skinny tornadoes off in the distance. I immediately tell everyone in car and try to call my husband. It doesn't go through. I tell my sister we also need to call Dad and warn him because he doesn't have a basement. Sister says she'll try to get a hold of Dad, so I try calling husband again. Finally I get a hold of him. I tell him frantically what's going on and that it's headed his way. As I'm telling him that I see we are passing ANOTHER tornado that looks even deadlier and honestly really, really close to us. We are just about to get into Tomah. We're all freaking out now. We hear a loud sound and see it's a red airplane coming down, and it's aimed straight for a building near our road, aimed to hit just as we're passing the building. We pass, it hits, explosions go off everywhere, and I wake up. 


Dreamt I had an animal. Can't remember is cat. I was just outside my uncle T's room and his room was an exterior door to go outside. I tried to keep my cat back but I got interested and peeked around l. Uncle T opened the door wide enough that the cat wandered out. I was trying to hold back other stuff so I couldn't grab my cat
 I was annoyed Uncle T couldn't grab my cat but assumed we'd get him right away. (Someone had knocked so he had to open the door). Anyways they finished talking and he went to shut the door and the cat is gone. I'm devastated. I just know it's a lost cause. I start to get suspicious tho. When he leaves, I snoop around in his room. I find miscellaneous things of mine that's been missing. I later assume that he has always kept missing stuff of mine to sell to weirdos who want kid's things. I can't find my cat but I find other things like lost toys (not Jolly 😢 was hoping tho) and also old permit IDs. I grab some stuff and confront my uncle just outside his room and he brushes it all off. Just as he's leaving I spot outside on a tree my cat high up in a tree sitting on a shelf. I act like I believe him it's all a coincidence my stuff is there and I let him go. I tell my dad we need to quietly and quickly grab my cat before at notices. I wake up before we're reunited again but I knew I'd get him back. 

Before this I think I was driving round in Mather. My sister was in this part of the dream. Seems like she's ahead in another car. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Harry Potter

Okay I dreamt I was in the Harry Potter world or whatnot. I don't remember the beginning but just that I was "waking" up and stood up, walked to a mirror and saw Snape. Realized that someone gave us a potion or something to change our bodies. Shortly after I realized in my thoughts that I shouldn't be Snape because Snape's body wasn't switched, so I decided I should be someone else - decided to be a girl so I can still make out with my boyfriend in the dream. So I end up being some random girl character and he's some random guy chatacter. We get in a car and make out. OG boyfriend looked like Jughead from the show Riverdale, I don't remember who he looked like switched but I wasn't too annoyed. (I couldn't wait for us to switch back tho 😂)

Friday, March 29, 2024

Console TV

Don't remember much but what I do remember:

Tried to get the console TV at my old childhood home to work, kept trying to move around dials and check cords to get random shoes to play. Couldn't really seem to get anything to work. 

Another thing I remember is seeing Adam Sandler in a movie but he was like trying to lift a skirt of some lady to expose her butt/underwear. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024


I was in a dream with a bunch of other people. We were in a hotel, maybe sometimes it'd switch to childhood home. Dunno. 

Anyways, I kept dreaming snakes were everywhere. One of my kids - maybe middle? - was just able to pick it up no problem. It was red and black. Anyways it kept wanting to escape. This red and white snake at one point shot up into the air and unhinged his jaw and was inches from my face. I was so grossed out and pissed off it couldn't be contained. 

Another part of the dream was where we were driving. I could feel my door slightly open and we could hear a noise outside. There was a cord sticking out. I told Devin to stop when I realized the cord was a leash. I ran out and saw it was snowy that was being dragged. She was alive still but very weak. I got her in the car and sat down and was about to tell Devin to wait and see if all animals were in the car before we go but he just started slowlybl driving forward. I screamed and saw my other dog sunny just barely make it out from the front of the car and not get ran over. Like she was almost hit by a tire within hairs. Very close. 

This is all I remember. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Lost Love

Had such a weird dream. Dreamt that my husband was someone else and that we weren't together anymore. His new girlfriend or wife was a lady that absolutely hated me. We had kids together I think and I really missed him Everytime I saw him. Okay things get a little weird and there's like a murder mystery going on or something. I have to help him solve it and we're kind of fighting, I'm still missing him. I remember us walking in the dark talking about this mystery and I was talking about how this phone call or something with the name 'Polly' being said could be an acronym (?) for something from x files. 

Oh! I had a dog. The dog was small. I also remember a house. Huge house. Felt familiar like I'm in this house a lot (I think I dream about this particular house often.. big house,blind of still in process of being built ) ... Woke up to me and husband fighting and almost making up (out).

Monday, March 25, 2024


Miscellaneous stuff here happening and different settings but this is the gist. 

I remember Pauline W or Sheri W or maybe both were in my dream. Maybe hanging out with my look mom? Then husband and I were walking through what looked like cranfest. I see a few dresses of mine hanging up on a rack as I'm walking past and assume my mom took some of my clothes to sell there, so I stop and tell my husband. I think his mom is with us? I have a cart with a child in it and I find a dress I want to wear for a wedding, so I go to check out. I see my cousin Mel is the one selling stuff, so I chat with her a bit as she's ringing up the dress. There's a guy behind me waiting, so I awkwardly try to move my cart and myself out of his way so he can pay... Now the location changed. I'm at my childhood home. Suddenly I'm half naked (I think wearing just underwear and bra?) and my husband and his mom are there. I'm grabbing my dress I bought and quickly walk into the middle bedroom and try to shut the door, but it won't shut right and stays open. Someone is knocking on the house door, so husband and his mom are letting me know someone is here and I'm letting them know what I'm doing and will be out soon. I get the dress on and suddenly stuff changes  Now I'm in a desert. A Ghost song is playing and I'm wearing this dress and husband is wearing some Aladdin outfit and we're on some camel looking thing, but it's going really fast and even go in the air at some point. Finally we stop and I see the door to the bedroom just sitting in the sand. I can hear husband's mom and the visitor at my childhood home knocking/asking us if we're coming out, so we try to leave and go through the door but the door is suddenly a tight inflatable tube/floatie and my husband gets stuck. I think I was carrying MIL's dog Coal at this point, too.  I might have woken up as we're just about to get him out. Woke up to my heart racing. Been feeling really high anxiety since I woke up previous to this dream to let my dog out. Also in the dream but not sure where in it, I also dreamt I was looking at these homemade soaps in a box, but I wasn't sure who made them when my MIL asked, so I said it's probably either SIL that made them or my friend Heather who bought them from a friend's small business because that's something she'd do. Eventually I figured out it was a mix of both. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Dreamt I was at my grandma's trailer. I was looking at a surveillance video and saw that two men were wanting in and one was telling me he was my Uncle Thane. He looked completely differenfem black curly hair, seemed younger, longer afro... I mentioned how different he looked and that he looks so much younger. Still, he was with his husband, so I assumed he was telling the truth. Of course I open the door and it's not him These two men are hoping to steal the house or something. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


I was with this group of people we were walking outside of a house and saw tornadoes off in the distance everywhere, surrounding the house. Some straight, some curvy/zig zagged. We needed to get to safety. There were also bad people/perhaps sorcerers that were creating smoke in the sky in the shape of scary ass shit. They were threatening us... The guy I was with decided it'd be best to go back in time and fix things because there was no way out of the tornado/scary people situation. He went first to switch things around. Seems like his family were very rich/snobby and I just knew there was no way his family would ever let us hang out, so I just knew it'd be a lost cause to fix things and have us know each other sooner etc.. Somehow after he goes in the past, we've all switched and we're in a school (set in the garden maybe of my dad's property/where I grew up as a kid) and we're learning how to plant a picture/painting or whatnot with colorful flowers or whatnot on a plate. I'm sad because the guy I once was with romantically doesn't remember me anymore. I'm with another guy (not romantically, just from the same group in future, we both still have our memories and are standing next to each other)... We sit down next to my love from before and I'm just so bummed that he doesn't remember me at all.


Dreamt before this all that there was something wrong with some of the people in the world, like zombies. I'm walking with my random family (not my actual family I don't think) in a dark alley way, trying to hide/perhaps blend in with these zombie-like people. Some of the family gets taken (possibly all or most of the kids I had with the "husband". Absolute devastation. I also remember dogs in this dream. It was really hard to tell if the dogs were bad or not, so we had to push them outside. We hide out in a house, clearing it by going through the house and getting rid of any bad guys.. I think that maybe this was the beginning of the first story/dream I'm talking about and the husband from this dream is the love that went back in time in the other dream. The sorcerers with smoke from the dream before were the zombie-like people trying to get us. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Dreamt I was with husband and husband's family. We are at a store looking at clothes. Kind of a mix between a shopping mall and 5below. I'm rushing through trying to find something to buy. Looking at shoes and just can't find anything my size. Everyone else is paying, leaving the store, getting annoyed because we have to leave etc. I finally leave the store and start walking down a road, through fields, not sure exactly where we parked. I call my husband and hear his phone off a certain direction so I head that way. Finally I find him walking down a road and we're both a little lost. Finally we walk through some bushes or something and find his family at a car. Then I wake up. 

Oh wow. I remember something else. I'm in a camper, cleaning the ceiling. It's caked in dust and cobwebs. Then I find a huge spider on a wall. It's humongous. The wall is practically made of plastic bag so I go from the outside and grab the spider that is the size of a baseball and I pop him/he so they die. Then, I am dreaming that we are driving the camper. Once parked I see that my son is over by the wall that had the big spider. I run over there worrying it has baby spiders and he could be infested. I see tiny white flecks all over him and now me. 

Friday, March 8, 2024


P. And A. Wade were in my dream. Can't remember anything that happened but I remember that they were in it. Then I dreamt I was at T. And K.'s wedding and the dresses the bridesmaids wore were not very cute... I think they resembled pajamas? Can't remember. The music was bad too, even worse than what I'd expect. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

TV Dinners

Dreamt my brother and his family were up visiting. He showed us something Ashton made and I totally blanked on Ashton's name in the dream and I think I kind of pissed him off. Then his wife was making these TV dinner soups and every time I would go to stir it with a plastic spoon, the spoon would start melting. I felt so bad wasting one or two. There was also a cat or dog in the dream.

Monday, March 4, 2024


Binging Riverdale, so had a Riverdale-like dream. Sole characters were in dream basically. 

Anyways mainly there was a holiday coming up o think Thanksgiving and we were trying to get stuff ready. 

So dreamt at husband's parents house and husbands dad was watching taskmaster and sister in law was annoyed and said she didn't like the dream.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Road

Dreamt I was driving on interstate with kids trying to get a hold of my husband. He was supposed to pick us (me and kids) up and take us a few hours away to pick up something we were buying. I had looked at my life 360 app and saw he was a couple cities away already heading to pick it up. He wouldn't answer. I knew his dad was going with us on the ride, so I toughened up and called his phone. He answered and told me just those two would go and that me and kids could stay with my mom til they get back. I'm freaking out because I'm driving this big truck on the interstate and I don't know what I'm doing. I hang up on his dad hoping he knows I'm pissed off and I try to figure out how to park on the side of the interstate. I get hit by another big truck. I get out and just know I'm in big trouble so I try to lessen the damage by making a deal with the other driver by basically giving him whatever I'm hauling in the back of the truck. 

The Motel

Dreamt that dev was at work. There was this building full of druggies and prostitutes, like a motel. Seems like I was looking through someone else's eyes first and seeing what goes on there. I was searching for something, like a game. Feels like I was on the roof at some point and the whole hotel was moving. The person I was was exposing herself to passersby and hoping to get clients. 

Okay now I'm myself and I'm looking at this building on my life360 app. I see that my husband works right next to the building and it looks like he's walking over to the motel. I immediately call a lady (I'm assuming the one I could see through the eyes of) and I ask her if she is about to see anyone tonight. She tells me she's supposed to see someone by his name, and was referred to by a 'Jill' (an old friend). I was bawling but begging her to keep me on the phone. I told her he was my husband. I needed to know why he was going over there. He knocked on her door and she was too scared and embarrassed to answer. I begged her to. She was still too scared, so he left and got back in his car. He was pulling out of the parking lot when she changed her mind and ran out to ask him what he was there for. He explains that it was something to do with his job (not his real life job, but some made up job on the dream where he's a maintenance man. 

Before this I remember taking my two boys to a church (I'm not religious, and frankly I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames when I entered the building. I was hoping that MAYBE going here will teach my boys to be good. I was desperate. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Christmas Carols

I was adopted by this big religious family. One of the older 'brithers' and I were in love.. we had to hide to meet up and see each other. I dreamt we had to walk around this pond in the snow/ice kind of similar to my dad's property. Same roads etc.. seems like the family was walking around singing Christmas carols/looking for the whole fam in these crowds of people here and there.. I tried hiding out in a restaurant booth.. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Dreamt I was at Warrens mall and my husband and I left a couple small boxes of papers and pictures and schoolwork of the kids' there. I ran in thinking it's probably closed because barely anyone was there and it was dark. Saw my cousin Mel and I told her we accidentally left the boxes and that my daughter's phone was in there. She found the phone in the boxes and I started to explain proof of how I know it's ours (messages etc), she opened the camera and saw photos of daughte or random ones of family etc, so she said she believed me. She handed it back over. That's all I remember of my dream! 

Saturday, February 17, 2024


Ugh. Thanks to my two little boys and their game they play on their phone/tablet, I had a horrible dream. The game they play is this gross game where you have to get worms out of people teeth or nos or skin etc.. supposed to be an ASMR thing or whatnot. I knew having to help my son on a level would bite me in the ass later. 🤢🤮 Dreamt my littlest got a dog or something and we later found out he gave us m*g**ts 🤮 almost like fleas or head lice. It was awewweful. I tried taking a shower but then it was in all of our clothes, towels even. Tried brushing them out.. ugh. Horrible fucking dream. Spent a bit of time trying to get them out of my son's hair. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Weird Interview

Only remembering bits of my dream. I remember sister in law, husband, daughter, niece, my sister, and others I can't remember right now. Some people I didn't recognize. I remember now. We were on two teams. We had to get the other team to want to stop playing? We had to ask questions like an interview - for something specific. I brought this bright blue lightkind of thing that maybe is for makeup and I tried to shine it up in the eyes of the people we interviewed. My sister in law was recording on an old telephone next to bed (we must have been in a hotel?). My sister in law asked if more people could come help so I yelled for my sister but she told me that she was too tired so she went back to bed in another room off of this room. I turned around and looked for my daughter thinking she and her cousin could help with stuff. I realized they were balled up hiding under the covers of the bed in the room so I pulled covers off and asked them. I think they were getting up to help when I woke up. My husband was in this in the beginning... I can't remember what happened in that portion but I remembered kissing him at some point. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hide and Seek

I was at a party with husband, my dad, my dad's friend Jack, and husband's family (or at least for sure his sister, new boyfriend and ex husband, littlest daughter etc). 

I don't remember much. But it was a party of some sort and I remember singing along to music while doing dishes. Jack comes over for a second I think for a quick small tall bit then I see dad, Jack, husband, and husband's sister all holding bite sized moldy broccoli. I'm confused. Dad tells me that mold is safe to eat because it's just oxygen hitting or something or others and he starts drizzling a little bit of western dressing on his and everyone is doing the same. Dad gives me one and then makes himself one. We're all supposed to down this together like it's a shot. Everyone is eager to try except me. As soon as everyone is distracted by eating it, I quickly give my husband one. 

Hey perfect timing I remember what happened before this and that part of dream is over... Woke up. Before that, we were playing hide and seek. It was a weird mix of inside the house (maybe grandpa's this time?) and the woods on dad's property. Some guy is counting and we're all rushing to hide almost like we'll be killed if found. I'm terrified so I cling to my husband's back of his shirt while he's jumping/flying onto a tree. We get on top of one and husband slides further and falls to ground. The seeker saw us and jumps to me and I just drop down hoping he doesn't notice and see where I land. I land in some clothes and sightly on top of my daughter who's hiding. I just try to discreetly sink further into the clothes and blankets so everything is covered. I think I'm good and he doesn't see me (or my daughter). 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Dreamt I was in the backseat of a car and my aunt was in the passenger. Somehow we were driving even though no one was in driver's seat. We were stopped at a fast food drive thru and my mom was at the window with someone else (a supervisor) taking our order. My aunt joked that the worker was 'rude' and I wasn't totally sure I heard her correctly so I loudly repeated back and the supervisor yelled at me for 'making fun of" my mom. I was so embarrassed lol. 

Then I was back at my old job cleaning bathrooms. I went to a stall and started cleaning a toilet, and an old coworker was slightly confused but went to the next one to clean. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Record

Dreamt I was looking at a record and bought something thinking it had a musician's music on it, then after buying it and opening it I realized it has a different band on it. I really wanted to go back and see if I could return... I was with husband and inlaws and they needed to go somewhere else so I kinda split ways and hoped I'd see them later so I could get a ride back home later. I feel like at some point I dreamt I was in my "house" but it was really outside in the woods at my dad's house/my childhood home. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Dreamt that I'm in my childhood room. It's a bit of a mess. I remember dad is there and he sees a movie I own about a musician I like and says he'd like to watch it and try it out/see if he likes the music. 

Omg. I remember the rest now. Right after that I dreamt I was looking at a map maybe a weather map? And the radar was showing a meteor going towards Wisconsin. Wasn't huge but wasn't good. When it hit we eventually got smoke everywhere in Wisconsin.. deadly.. my whole family were all kind of scattered around town/the state, so we needed to get back together. The problem was the after effects of the meteor. There was smoke and snow everywhere. Nobody felt comfortable even moving from the spot they were at when the meteor hit, so it was almost two years passed or something in my dream and no one ventures from where they stood. Finally I just started walking.. I think I woke up then. 

Wait I do remember at some point seeing a random lady I think maybe the musicians from earlier's wife was being motherly to some boy and I was thinking how I'm not a good mom or something. That I wished I could be a better mom. 

Friday, February 9, 2024


Dreamt I was living with my parents again in my childhood home. The rooms were all dark. I was walking up to the bathroom when I could smell a smoke smell. I looked everywhere in the house and finally saw flames shooting up from below a window in a bedroom. I yelled to my mom who was half asleep on the couch. To call fire department. Ran outside, and saw that the fire was small enough that I was able to pour rain water out of a bucket and put the fire out. The thing in fire ended up being a bag of bandages and things. I came back in to show mom and remembered she was calling fore department. I told her to cancel and when she told them nevermind, I saw she was getting yelled at or something so I told her to give me the phone and I'd explain. I did and all was okay. 

After that I just remember trying to find my bedroom and seeing car lights outside the window, pulling up in garage. I assumed it was dad, sitting in the car, talking to someone that was dropping him off. I needed to change and was worried the blinds weren't covering enough. Woke up. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Dead Horses

Dreamt my daughter had gotten the start of her period. I had to find her a pad. We were at my dad's house, but I think it was my husband's and my house in the dream. Also dreamt that the house was kind of messy - this was just some weird house, nothing I know of. And I was trying to clean up and look for my water bucket for plants. Before this I remember now: my mom stopped by and told me they couldn't take care of their chicken (they don't really have one - they live in town) - Ifirst asked if Dad could watch it since he has some but they didn't listen and just started moving stuff around. Mom carried this huge cage that had two dead horses in it... So weird... I was thinking in my head why do we have to take care of your animal of we can't even remember to take care of our own? Okay so she plops the chicken down next to Dad's door (now my door) and I realize it's winter and this poor chicken will want to stay warm, so I grab these bulky warming lamp that was by the horses, and an even bulkier plug in for it. I try to plug it in but the adapter is soooooo weird and humongous and moves around like fricken transformers. I have to slide it around so it fits right into dad's plug in up above his door. Then I noticed my mom is also dropping off a huge, fancy, probably handmad table and chairs off. She tells me it's "the Allen's" and now that I'm out of my dream I realize that this is their neighbors, but inside the dream I had no idea who or where these Allen's were.. she had to get me to explain all the places/people dad ever took me to in the area and she kept saying no, not there. I dunno. Anyways I had to find a place for a bunch of these things she was getting rid of. End tables (I put the chicken cage on top and sat it next to the door) and a bunch of plants.) THIS is why I was searching for a watering can. I had to place them around the outside of the house so it looked nice. First though to get upstairs from the door I had to maneuver some things about the house around because of where the chicken was, so I moved things around like Legos to fit some stairs into the house. Unfortunately I realized later that I put the dumbest, hardest to crawl through kind of stairs/almost like a ventilation system as soon as you go through the front door, so I had to make note to fix that later. When I get up there to the second floor, my mom, aunt, and sister are up there and they give me a bah of old candy they didn't want anymore. After that, I realize I need the watering can to water the plants they gave me. The house was a mess and there was furniture everywhere. I remembered seeing the watering can under a desk but there are so many desks so I have to go through a bunch to find the right one. I'm kind of in my own house now set up-wise. I ended up finding it, and kind of picking up dishes along the way.. I think I woke up at this point. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024


Dreamt I was in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts like school. I was in what looked like a kitchen or faculty area and we were making a potion , looking for ingredients in the faculty kitchen. I was helping someone else I think. Someone came in (we were sneaking in and weren't supposed to be in there) but it was a little kid and they were bringing in another ingredient for the person I was with. 

Then I dreamt I was taking a shower and my 4 year old wanted in. For some reason, the water kept getting clogged so it was filling up. I look away for one second and when I look down, he's under the water. I quickly grab him out and do the whole CPR thing hoping it'll help. Eventually water comea out of his mouth and he starts breathing.

Oh, before this I dreamt I had these tiny bumps all over my arm. It's something real, I can't remember what it's called, so I figured I'd take a shower and exfoliate the stuff off my arm. 

Friday, February 2, 2024


Daughter was watching an anime show.. I think it was based off kind of the Sandman theme. There was this one guy with brown and black hair holding a cat that matches him and his eyes were always closed/he was blind and his cat saw for him. There were other weird quirks about the other characters, but this guy is the only one I remember. He was not the main character.. also dreamt we were moving and putting things in boxes and husband was being confusing and possibly wanting to keep junkmail. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Killing Time

Bad people going after us. It was like they could kill us multiple times coming back to life or we could come back to life. I know me and Sarah were for sure together in the dream.. I don't know who else was with us, but a family of us. I think I was young, so must have been my parents. I know we were right in warrens. I remember someone coming at us with a gun or something. I remember a fire started. I had to run out of the house and quickly grab people. I think I became an adult for a second, because my kids were there in the dream, so I had to carry them with husband. He carried one and I the other. Then we ran off away from the bad guy enough to hide out. We were in an old abandoned house. It looked familiar to me and I saw a flashback to a little girl swinging from the ceiling doing some trick... It was my cousin's daughter with her auntie (another cousin) teaching her how to swing that high up. I was with my sister and she started remembering this place.. it was like we were back in time? I was wearing a shirt with the band Hanson on it, so I became a little kid again. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Singing Test

Don't remember much except these people were making me do some singing test and they weren't even listening... And it was like life or death or something. I was in the woods I think with these two people? One might have even been my sister? 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Kansas Catfishing

Dreamt husbands dad needed help getting ahold of someone on Facebook. I was supposed to go through a group called Kansas Cat fishing to find a member he could send a message to. When I got to the members list, he told me the name but kept walking off, so I couldn't hear well. It was E-something-s. Still never knew, because after a few listens I just gave him my phone to look through members but somehow he didn't know how to work my phone and he took a picture of himself for a virtual reality thing. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024


Dreamt I was pregnant again. I was so scared I was going to lose the baby. I drank something or inhaled something for a game or whatnot and felt sick all over like I was going to doe and I was so scared the baby wasn't okay. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Hotel

Horrible dream. Dreamt I was at a hotel with husband and his family. I guess maybe it was my birthday but there was a lady there with us. Just some random lady that wanted to hang out with us. I was so upset she was there because I was worried she was trying to steal husband away. We were supposed to celebrate my birthday and I was so distraught that I couldn't even talk or want to be there, so I told everyone I was tired and wanted to go up to my hotel room. Everyone stayed to swim. Up in my room, the lights flickered and I looked around in the room and noticed an area was opened up to let another room in if they wanted. I freaked out, shut and locked that door immediately, and warned of some random person that was supposed to be my friend that the door was open to another door. We got a little worried someone could enter. I decided to go back down and husband is creating a trampoline under the pool so people can jump while they swim. I warn him about this lady trying to steal him. Heaughs it off and just gets annoyed by me. I get angry. Mean to his family who want to have a dinner for my birthday. We are sitting down and I was allowed to pick a movie or music or something and I'm trying to search up the best media related to harming a lady trying to steal a husband (they don't know this tho). The lady looks over and grabs the list I'm looking at and puts it in the middle of the table and says we can all help pick and I snatch the list back and tell her it's my birthday. I leave the table. I explain to my niece V what's going on and what this lady is doing. She's mad too, but can't do anything. We all end up in a thrift store. I'm so depressed... I wander around and find this lady looking at something and my husband is right there next to her. They're looking at things he would have had no interest in. That's when I know he's with her now, since he's hanging around her for no reason. I run off and try to buy something quickly so I can leave.. Wake up with a headache. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024


Dreamt I was eating a bunch of candy and worrying about my blood sugar
 Whole all this is happening, I'm watching TV and waiting for a type of candy to be called off because of it's the one I'm eating then I have to stand up and do something.. I forget which. Mom, dad, Erin, Sarah.. they are also doing this. None of us have the same candy name, so we all have to go separate. Wait maybe we had to do a game or something? Like a bingo or some kind of numbers or work game?? Seems like I got confused and was mixing up who had what candy... Mostly everyone left to go do something so I had to message them when their turn was. 

Also I remember being with someone (a guy) and we are swimming or in a boat or something and we're looking for something specific. Like penguins? We find a rollercoaster and he wants to go on and I decline. He goes by himself I think. 

Right before waking up I'm asking Sarah about the game and she goes to her room and kinda shuts door in my face. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Night Swimming

Dreamt Sarah called me and asked me where I was because we had plans to meet at Dad's pond to swim. I freaked out, looked at time, and realized we were running late and it'd get dark really soon (like by the time we get there).. I tried calling dev and no answer. Tried again, no answer. Suddenly two ex friends D+J and their families walk in and I'm confused but somehow remember they were coming with. They ask if I'm ready to go. I freaked out because I don't like people, barely like them as it is, and the house is a mess... I run upstairs (kind of looks like wades house) and look for clothes to wear, bras, etc. Finally I get a hold of dev (he was apparently supposed to pick up pizza and be back, but pizza is getting cold now) and he's already there and was talking to his cousin and forgot to come pick us all up. I scream at him to hurry because people are here and I don't want to wait with them. I go back downstairs and some of the kids are asking me questions.. they meet my corgi... Etc..

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Movie

Dreamt the TV was on downstairs and husband was watching it. A commercial for a movie was on and he thought he heard a celeb kv would be in the movie as a younger version of a popular actor th (not a bio). I magically got to a theater and watched some.. googled and Facebook group'd and saw other fans thought the same, only to find he was never in the movie. 

I remember waking up shortly after dreaming I was on side of road by childhood friend cw house and mom was there. She had some weird thing like a prop from a show or something and I said something like 'what the heck is that?" And she got a lil bit defensive and said it's from a book she's currently reading. Woke up. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Happy Birthday

Hmmm. I was cleaning.. my sister and her friend John were there. Seems like I was pretending to be someone else? We had to sing Happy Birthday and was holding my dog Moses (he passed away awhile ago). 

Friday, January 5, 2024


Dreamt I was graduating again but it was further away in Minnesota. I would have flown out(lol). I find out that mom and Dad won't be able to make it so I confront Mom and she explains they have to do a meeting with school that same morning and they probably won't make it. I tell them Sarah has the same issue and they made a way etc but they are just not changing their stance. I'm depressed no one will be there. I start packing and looking for a fanny pack thinking I'll want my lgonez a lipstick, etc. I can't find it anywhere in the house (dad's/my childhood home) so I start wandering outside looking in campers and the garage. I find it nowhere. I remember our newer camper is in woods so I start heading that way. It starts to suddenly get dark I turn back, feeling defeated and sad. I tell Sarah what's going on and she's not hearing me. She's ahead of me looking around peeking in woods, turning around. I'm screaming telling her to see me. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Game

Was playing a game but also in the game real-life of that makes sense? Like Jumanji kind of? I was playing with my youngest. I remember we were wandering through what looked like a typical western deserted village. We were walking on this suspended wooden bridge in the air to get to these treehouses/wooden double-story taverns or something. Seems like we were picking up glowing orbs as we walked, must have been 'coins' for the game. They'd disappear when we'd touch them. Looking for something. I'm talking to youngest about our goal in the game and where we should go. I think at this point my youngest then turns into my sister and we separated kind of, looking in different buildings or maybe different stories of the main building. I find a huge radio and I start changing the dials on it and we find a bunch of Frasier audio from the show. 

That's all I remember. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Red Shoes

Dreamt I was wearing these flat ballet shoes with some twisted straps on top, red.. I THOUGHT I was wearing red cowgirl boots and started walking outside and when I looked down I was wearing these fairly ugly red sandals. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Dripping Fire


Dreamt I lived in this big old house with my sister and mom. First I dreamt that my daughter was going to spend the night somewhere with her grandma and cousin. She seemed okay with it (in reality, she won't even leave for a few hours to go with anyone). 

Okay back to the dream.. I lived in this huge house, daughter was away for the night. Suddenly my sister noticed that there was this corner of the old house that was dripping what looked like water but was on fire too. We yelled for mom, we called the fire department. A lady came that looked nothing like a firefighter but said that it wasn't anything dangerous and that it was the paint.. old radioactive paint (not dangerous my ass 🥴). If we scraped the paint off, it shouldn't do that anymore. I went to call my daughter quick but she didn't answer (I was going to tell her what was going on).. anyways we all start scraping everything in the house. Ceiling, wall, stairs, etc. EVERYTHING. After scraping a while, my sister yells that it's back. We run over and see the same dripping fire.. we find out later that the lady that came by was not a fireman or a fired one or something. She wasn't good. I don't know if we called and other firemen came or what. That's all I remember.