Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Monday, March 25, 2024


Miscellaneous stuff here happening and different settings but this is the gist. 

I remember Pauline W or Sheri W or maybe both were in my dream. Maybe hanging out with my look mom? Then husband and I were walking through what looked like cranfest. I see a few dresses of mine hanging up on a rack as I'm walking past and assume my mom took some of my clothes to sell there, so I stop and tell my husband. I think his mom is with us? I have a cart with a child in it and I find a dress I want to wear for a wedding, so I go to check out. I see my cousin Mel is the one selling stuff, so I chat with her a bit as she's ringing up the dress. There's a guy behind me waiting, so I awkwardly try to move my cart and myself out of his way so he can pay... Now the location changed. I'm at my childhood home. Suddenly I'm half naked (I think wearing just underwear and bra?) and my husband and his mom are there. I'm grabbing my dress I bought and quickly walk into the middle bedroom and try to shut the door, but it won't shut right and stays open. Someone is knocking on the house door, so husband and his mom are letting me know someone is here and I'm letting them know what I'm doing and will be out soon. I get the dress on and suddenly stuff changes  Now I'm in a desert. A Ghost song is playing and I'm wearing this dress and husband is wearing some Aladdin outfit and we're on some camel looking thing, but it's going really fast and even go in the air at some point. Finally we stop and I see the door to the bedroom just sitting in the sand. I can hear husband's mom and the visitor at my childhood home knocking/asking us if we're coming out, so we try to leave and go through the door but the door is suddenly a tight inflatable tube/floatie and my husband gets stuck. I think I was carrying MIL's dog Coal at this point, too.  I might have woken up as we're just about to get him out. Woke up to my heart racing. Been feeling really high anxiety since I woke up previous to this dream to let my dog out. Also in the dream but not sure where in it, I also dreamt I was looking at these homemade soaps in a box, but I wasn't sure who made them when my MIL asked, so I said it's probably either SIL that made them or my friend Heather who bought them from a friend's small business because that's something she'd do. Eventually I figured out it was a mix of both. 

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