Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, December 31, 2023


Everything is really foggy like even immediately when I woke up, so I really only remember bits. I think I dreamt that I was with a celebrity (kv) or maybe a mix of him and husband and we had to do some weird puzzle things like game where we had to put books and cartoon/book characters in order of earliest to soonest created. Someone like the lady from the weakest link was judging. No idea who won, but afterwards we shared some kisses. This was all set at an old childhood friend's house, right at the end of her driveway by the road (cw).

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Missing Girl

I can't remember a whole lot but that I was maybe at my grandpa's house in Minnesota. I also remember going through my iTunes on my old MacBook and accidentally checking everything so that *everything* would play. Really embarrassing stuff. I remember looking for a young Asian girl or something and finding her in a field and she finds out that her brother died. She faked being missing because she was hoping to get money? I can't remember... And some baby alligator was a pet, but someone had gotten rid of his teeth. Also remember making out with some dude. Probably husband, possibly a mix of him and a celebrity (young jc?). 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Escape Rooms

Blech. Dreamt I was in this house with a bunch of other people. Ended up making out with a partner of a friend's. Felt awful but also in love or something. 

Also dreamt me and a bunch of others (husband, my kids, sister, friends, etc) were all in this really weird escape room that can drown you. You have to get out before the water fills up. Everyone kept forgetting to grab my kiddos so I had to grab one, run into the next room, come back, grab the other, etc. I think this happened first, then once we escaped or whatnot is when the first paragraph happened.

Remembered something else. Something kept sparking. Like a heavy-duty battery-operated can opener. I was asking for help to get the sparking to stop before it's start a fire. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Lost Dog

Been awake awhile so I don't remember much but I DO remember having a bunch of dogs I had to watch at my dad's house and one got out and didn't come back. I yelled and yelled its name but it never came back. I felt soooo bad. He was a bigger dog with a sandy color..

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Tree

Okay I dreamt that I may have been young again. My aunt Erin took my sister and I somewhere a little further away from home (but parts looked like dad's property) to visit family maybe? I just know cousins showed up. Mel especially I remember. She showed up a bit late. I remember finding these two nuts in a Walmart bag and one fell apart so I started taping it back together with masking tape and it magically had a little foliage on it, except one little area. I asked my sister if she thought I'd be able to bury that in the dirt and a tree could still pop up. She said yes but that there might be one little area that won't have leaves in the bottom area and I said that'd be cool and it could make a little nook area to hide in for fun. 

Anyways, I forgot.. I remember before all of this, like right before my cousin showed up late, I dreamt that I was in a pond and had to do an obstacle course in water. There were younger boys ahead me, and I felt silly being the only older person. Could I fly? Might've been able to. 

Friday, December 22, 2023


Seems like husband and I and another couple were all going to bed maybe in a hotel room? I don't know but it seems we'd have to sleep in the same room. The other guy complained he might not be able to sleep tonight so husband and I offered him some melatonin.

There was other stuff. Oh I'm remembering! We're kind of lost in this heavily wooded area but it's on a huge hill, so we can see where we are currently. But if we kept walking we'd probably get lost. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023


Nightmare. Dreamt that husband and kids and I were all walking in snow at night. I think I was in a car behind them walking? Anyways dreamt that my littlest kid suddenly stopped breathing/fainted from the cold. Husband screamed and we rushed to get him to a hospital. I don't know why but husband thought running in front of car was faster? Seems like the car I was driving was too slow, really only there to slow me down and trap me from helping more to gab anything. Like a car wasn't *really* there but just in my own head? 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


It was a heavy dream, but sadly I don't remember much. I DO remember making a bed and the comforter didn't fit well. The bed was at my dad's/my childhood home but it was all my stuff. I really can't remember much. Oh God hahahahahaha. I remember something now. I dreamt we found out that husband is related to a celebrity he doesn't care for. Their moms were sisters. He was horrified but then got over it I guess lol. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Dreamt a scary dream. I was walking down a road at night, starry sky.. with family of some sort. I saw a UFO kind of in the distance. It was huge and behind some clouds, nearing land in the distance. I told my family we needed to leave now. I couldn't explain why but was hoping they'd see why. They hadn't. So they just kept walking and in fact separated by walking off faster...

Lost some time/dream here and just remember being hooked up to something inside this UFO. I was making gagging noises and snoring as loud as possibly to wake myself up (embarrassingly I may have been making these sounds in real life, I dunno.) Anyways finally I woke up into a dream-within-a-dream and was still making those noises because I was paralyzed and couldn't move my body. A person whom I though was husband - looked like him anyways - woke slowly and walked over, peering at me weirdly -anr suddenly I made a really loud gagging/snoring sound and it made him laugh a little. I was pissed and thought he was still an alien and that I couldn't move. 

Somewhere in the middle maybe right after I saw UFO or before we separated I remember a really fancy vintage red contertible was parked and I thought I could try to start it and drive to get me and family out of area.. didn't work. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Imprisoned In A New World

Dreamt I was a guy and I lost some people in an alternate world. I went in to find them and realized everyone is imprisoned in a hospital. I have to hide things that I find out. I found an animal that talks that was an old friend and I hide him in a bag (he has powers and can make himself tiny and invisible etc).. I hide pictures for proof for the people I know so they remember me etc. there's a bad guy that is doing this all, but there's a whole business working together with him. The bad guys find me in this apartment trying to find people I know.. Finally I get caught and they're taking me to a hospital room looking thing. I get hooked up to stuff and see random people I don't know. One nurse asks me if I want my own room "for afterwards... I can do anything sexual with staff" or whatnot. I'm so confused and decide to say yes so that I get my own room to escape. (I realize later that the whole reason they're imprisoning people is to make babies/maybe more population for their world.) Just as I'm walking out, a kid tells me that my girlfriend I had been looking for is in a certain room. I tell staff I want this room. They shove me around hallways chained up by the hands I think and we're winding around looking for room 23. I finally get to it and I'm going around and I see her and she sees me and she recognizes me but she's got people with her and I realize that she doesn't live me anymore. I'm heartbroken. She was beautiful. Long, blond hair and brown eyes. She looked heartbroken, too. 

I wake up..


Cleaned the house (the house was childhood home) with daughter.. Though it was also my own house. Put blankets for couch in the washer.. expecting husbands aunt Shirley. Cleaning for a birthday party (daughter's).. we had a lot to do so I was trying to convince her to get a cake from Walmart instead of make it. I told her they may have Digital Circus cakes and she got excited and said she'd go with that if they did. So I started calling my sister because she borrowed husband's Eclipse car. Phones not answering so I peek out dad's bathroom window from the kitchen and I see them pulling up (also got a notification that a cousin has just arrived home which made me think they were home too because they were all together or something anyways I'm looking out window and I see sister get out and she's going to back to open trunk. Husband walks over to look out too and he says under his breath that he hopes they're careful as the car is a manual. All of a sudden Erin rolls back where Sarah is, looking into car, about to run over her. I wake up immediately. 

Monday, December 4, 2023


There was a big snake that somehow got in dad's old house (in the dream it was all of ours again). Big snake has babies. Poisonous. 

Oh. Another part of dream was that my phone randomly uploaded ALL of my photos and I had like some weird threesome or something? 

Back to the snakes. We didn't see them at all after they hid but we moved anyways because.. snakes. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023


Can't remember most but I'm remembering bits. I was fixing something up, building something with wood at Dad's house. Like outside in the back porch area. In Laws were there helping. Then I remember having to go and stay at the 'hotel' inside (inside dad's house) and it was very bare. Like white walls, bare mattress, completely clean (no clutter) etc.. I moved a suitcase over to the closet that was attached to the room. That's all I remember. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023


I don't remember a lot but I was in this room with jp's wife and someone else. Sarah? And they were making music together. I was recording on my phone. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Clothes and Concerts

Dreamt first that I was at Grandpa's house but it wasn't really his house. It was like a garage sale or something at a park shelter or something. First I saw pictures and Sarah and Garrett and I were doing through them. I really liked some of the clothes so I was going to keep a whole bunch of them. 

Then I dreamt that I was in Grandma's bedroom at the trailer. There was music playing (like a music video) and it was showing a picture of me up, zoomed in way too close, and I was singing horribly. Everyone likes it (because even though the stage was set up like Grandma's bedroom, there was a lot of people there at the concert). After my song suddenly I'm watching some sexy version of me coming out on stage in a barely-there blue bikini with two others. I'm singing along to a different song. Not me seeing. I'm watching someone else perform and I love it, though the screen is still set to me in the bikini and two others in bikinis. My hair was long, teeth bright white, face looked beautiful etc. totally not me 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bad Neighbors

Dreamt I was living in Grandma's old trailer. I was coming 'home' and walking up to the door when I find a big bowl on the deck with what looks like diarrhea and it's sloshed around enough for me to worry that a neighbor smeared some onto the house somewhere. As I'm walking up to the door I noticed the door is cracked open. I freak out, walk in, and this neighbor lady tries to open the door behind me. I try to keep the door closed so she can't come in but there are all these animals/pets that are outside that want in and I'm thinking in my head what she'll do to them if I leave them outside with her, so I'm kicking at her as I'm trying to let these animals in. Finally the last one gets in and I slam the door, lock it, etc. I turn around and look at the hallway and I already see the 'message' they wrote from the bowl of diarrhea. I wander the house to make sure they didn't do anything else. Uncle T is still sleeping in his bedroom, Daughter is sleeping in E's old room. I run to the other side of the house to Grandma's old bedroom (she is still passed in this dream, so it's not her bedroom anymore). 

Okay side story. Before I get to the house there is this horrible son that's my age of the lady neighbor's. He's also equally bad. Well I get this idea to 'one-up' him by opening a window and doing something sexual with my at the time boyfriend where this guy can see. When I open the window I see cops out front and Blanche from Golden Girls is sitting on an older black muscle car and making out with some of the cop. 

Woke up..

Monday, November 20, 2023

Another Fucking Tornado

Dad was in a chair by the window at his old house. Mom was in a chair further in the living room. I was standing. Sarah and a smaller boy were also there. We were young and a family again. A dog was outside and didn't want to come in so I kept yelling for it, finally blue lightning non stop outside, so I finally yelled for the dog and it came in. Just as he came in it picked up outside. Tornado happened. I ran to mom and hugged her/covered her to keep her safe. 

Woke up. Dad was with me. (Not my dad anymore...) He told me a tornado blew all of us away "everyone running like rabbits .. can't find anyone"... So we searched everywhere. We wandered the road and split up.. he took one side and went right and I took the other. I went towards town. Finally I decided to check for people that are hurt. I went into a building to see if maybe they were all in a makeshift hospital. I wandered until I found who I thought was Sarah. She wouldn't wake up but wasn't dead. Coma? I made note of her room and looked for mom and the brother. Went into a room and found "mom" (wasn't her.. looked nothing like her) she actually woke up. I told her we needed to get the fuck out of here. The people running this place were keeping everyone hostage or something. We crawled through the window and I told her to hide while I looked for the brother. Found him with a family eating dinner. Got his attention through a window but some lady also noticed so I kept walking last and hid behind a door / what looked like a bathroom stall. Finally I ran back out, saw he was outside the house this time following his "new mom" and I snatched him up and started running. I found "mom" and gave him to her. I let them continue hiding and was thinking of how to get Sarah when I woke up. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Music Video

Had a wacko dream that kv worked with Pauly Shore for a new music video or something. 🥴 I was so stoked.

Friday, November 17, 2023


I can only remember bits. Like maybe the main gist of my dream... I and a couple other people were fighting this bad guy and his whole town. ((Okay I remember why we were fighting him. We were hanging out normally and this guy just sprays us with this hose and we got suspicious and find out that it's going to do something bad to us. He hit my right arm and I remember thinking I'll only be able to fight with my left arm then..)) Anyways, we came up with an idea to work with this other guy that makes weapons and we would put a bomb in the town to blow up or something? I can't remember. We're sneaking around and wandering through what looks like dad's property, hallways, basements, etc, trying to find a good place to set the weapon. I remember filling this guy that was stuck in the town a little longer and he was showing me how to sneak around and hide the weapon better. I remember having to pull a hood up to cover myself and walk past all these bad guys in a hallway.. anyways it seems like we did set the weapon somewhere good and we're able to just get the bad guys.  

((I do kind of remember that one of the other guys on my team was my boyfriend or something.. we kissed when we met up again))

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Another Tornado

Had a migraine last night. Took a magnesium and a melatonin to maybe help me sleep (still took awhile to finally calm down) but I had a weird dream, and I can't remember most of it. It's like I was in this game but it was real life. It was me and two other guys. I think my brain kept changing who they were - so nobody specific. We were hiding in an abandoned house that was similar to my childhood home. It was night time and maybe lightning. There were these big Kong-lile monsters coming after us in waves. We had to hide and hope it wouldn't find us. Then my dream switched to daytime and I'm with my husband and my sister. We're going outside (still in game-mode) and heading towards the garage. We're not sure what we need to fight but as I'm walking around the house to get to the garage I'm noticing that the clouds are just getting darker and darker. My vision is soooo bad though, so I couldn't tell. It was just really blurry... But it was also getting windier. I tell them there's a tornado coming (it's like right on top of us at this point). We get in a truck and start trying to drive away. I show them on a phone how blurry my vision was. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Dreamt husband, kids, and I were in this huge huge slightly abandoned house with husbands cousin and his family. I'm wandering the house and I find orange kittens under a bed, one with an eye missing (there is a deep hole where his eye should be). I look further under the bed by the headboard and I see a dull-orange mom cat with a couple more orange kittens and one blackish-gray kitten. I leave that room and keep wandering. I realize I'm going through husbands cousins side of the house, so I go through a window and crawl up the roof and go back into my own side of the house. 

Other stuff happened in between that and this next part, but I don't remember.... Anyways here's what happened just before I woke up: I was in the passenger seat maybe with my aunt driving? And I saw this really pretty very thin cloud that stretched all the way from far off in the distant up high on my side, and stretching to just in front of the road a short ways. We just thought it looked cool. It was really shiny, not moving but yes it looked kind of tornado shaped (but very very very skinny. Think like a dust devil size but very very long and slightly L-shaped). Annnnyways. We drive through it thinking it's just a cloud but suddenly it moves us around a little and I wake up. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023


In a Walmart with a bunch of others. There's something wrong but I can't remember what. This Walmart is closed, middle of night. We're all wandering or eating the food and kind of hiding out til morning. At some point I open a door and it kind of turns into dad's house looking out his backyard door. Something outside... I'm a little nervous what's out there. I think vampires? I have this boyfriend and it seems like we were trying to keep it on the down low, but I think I jump into his arms when I see him again. I really can't remember anything but we're trying to get away from these vampires or maybe we are the vampires? Seems like after I open the door and I look out, after awhile I am following my boyfriend dude through the woods a short distance (remember this is dad's property) and we jump extremely high and land in a tree house. So maybe we were the vampires? No idea.. 

I kind of remember another bit. We're all outside the Warrens Mall and there's a little kid out there. I can't remember if I'm trying to help the kid or what like maybe I'm worried a car will back up and hit them or a vampire will get to them etc... I dunno. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Photography Book

This dream felt real but also not. I dreamt I was a kid again I think, and at a Goodwill with my mom and my sister. I REALLY wanted a certain book there. It was a photography book. Can't remember the topic of the photos, but I really wanted it. Finally my mom said we could go back and get it but I looked everywhere and it was gone. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Strange, Strange Dream

Dreamt first that I was in the future but possibly a parallel future. I was searching everywhere in a big house that Mom owned, jearching for my old stuffed animal jolly. I kept telling myself he HAS to be in this house. I needed to find him so I could see his face and remember what he looked like so I could recreate him from scratch when I woke up. Heavy heavy dream. I dreamt I was talking not in my dream but my actual body, about trying to find him and explaining that even though I forgot what his face looks like, he would still be like he always was in my dream because our brains never forget... I searched everywhere, and there were so many closets and shelves with doors etc, but I never found him in the dream. 

Then I dreamt of had an evil younger brother or something and I had to hide a knife so he couldn't hurt me. He had a disability so I was able to be kind of sneaky getting rid of the knives. 

Then I dreamt that ... Okay my brain is starting to shake off the etch-a-sketch.. starting to forget. I dreamt that I was watching a movie and it was a documentary about two elderly actresses that were never seen from again and in the documentary it led you to believe that they might have been killed but I was thinking because one of the ladies drank a cocktail before they left for the night that maybe they backed into a boat ramp and died.... Then I dreamt that I was in an older car and we were backing up, getting into water etc, and I just remember laying on my back and kicking the ceiling of the car. It was made out of thick wool. Finally I made a hole and I started tearing everywhere to make the hole big so that hopefully my family would float up. I was running out of air so I decided to bob up to the surface and go back down but just as I hit the surface my dream changed again. 

Okay I was in a room and there was a killer that was living in the house with me and others (maybe this was a whole apartment building?) and I was looking for evidence to get him to prison. I was again searching everywhere for a video, writing, I don't know. Somehow we were getting mail and one of the pieces of mail was this HUGE poster in some strange geometry shape.. like D&D dice shaped, only 2D. I knew the evidence was on it, there were small writings everywhere on it and it looked creepy lol. Only problem was some lady came over and said it was hers. I offered sexual freaking favors just so I could get it back or take a bunch of pictures of it just so I could look at it and find the evidence. I don't know why I didn't tell her what I was doing, but I couldn't for some reason. Anyways she grossly accepted and we're making out and doing stuff, but I wake up and my purse and stuff are gone lol. Same with her poster. I walk into another room and she's in there and I look around behind cabinets and I find my purse and assume the poster is okay too. I'm soooo stupid and offer again. I don't really understand this part but afterwards I am dreaming that the cast of Fresh Prince are 'coming home' to this apartment I live in and I'm trying to hide the evidence that I did sexual favors but I find out there's a video or something and it's in a gift that Uncle Phil is giving to his mom (but he doesn't know it's in there). I'm freaking out... I must be Will at this point. Anyways I wake up before she sees the video. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Regular Show

I'm kind of jumbled right now. Half asleep. Dreamt the wades were with me and we were in the woods. There was this shed or something? Or maybe the start of a wall? I tried climbing it no luck. The woods then turned into maybe the VA, kind of dark and abandoned. Wades are gone. Cherish and her kiddos are there. I can't see them (for some reason I'm hiding) but I can hear them complaining about a TV show that's playing. I thought maybe it was one show but when I physically look over at it I see it's Regular Show. 

I don't remember much after that. Honestly it might have changed back to the woods again..

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Dreamt I was babysitting an ex's kid (never met in real life). I don't remember a whole lot though.. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Ooohh. I just remembered more dream as I was about to write. First, there was a bad storm. I was in this glass building with a bunch of people. We were eating ibuprofen like it was candy. Had to do a race of some sort for something. 

Then I dreamt I was outside of my grandma's old trailer. I was hanging up Christmas lights on the railing of her deck and singing a non-existent song (I was just humming, going la la la) but I remember thinking in my dream that it was a really pretty song and I should remember it when I wake up... I didn't  😢

Then I dreamt that I was wanting to move. My husband was dracula or something. Gothy anyways. I was looking for him in this huge house but couldn't find him. I started going through other houses for sale. I wanted a HUGE house. I remember as I walked into a house I could FEEL myself telling my brain where I wanted everything as it happened. It was soooo weird. I'd open a door and I'd feel it changing to what I wanted on the other side. Anyways this house for some reason I wanted the kitchen and living room set up like the Neitzels (spelling? Old old old neighbors and friend of Dad's) trailer. Bedrooms were different and I wanted them behind the kitchen as opposed to the Neitzels living room. After that it got much bigger and complicated. Rooms within rooms etc. I didn't like this house so I left and wandered the city some more. I told myself to stay out of the downtown area because those houses would be too small. I went back towards the lake I was at. I jumped in and swam like a mermaid. It was lightning a little off in the distance. 

I think I woke up? I dunno. While typing this out some pieces seemed to also sound better after other scenes from my dream, so the order might be wrong. I thought I woke up looking at houses but as I was typing I could only remember past the swimming part. 


Dreamt me a d someone else were at an airport. We were talking and not paying attention when the ticket taker was turned around and we just walked through. We get to another area and the person sees we don't have tickets. We get kicked out. 

Also dreamt that I was somewhere maybe goodwill and mother in law comes up and tells me that her niece Serena wasn't paying attention and lost my daughter at an amusement park. I immediately ran. I ended up finding her. She went to a ride and had to wait awhile. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Gas Station

Dreamt I was in a gas station holding Jeremy. I thought I spotted cw. Kept walking to look at drinks and suddenly he comes up from behind me and asks me a bunch of questions like why I moved on suddenly after breaking up etc. I didn't even know what to say. I think maybe I said we both have someone great now, both have kids etc. He then tells me his wife left him. We keep talking and the hubs shows up and gets really angry seeing me talking to cw. He breaks up with me. Suddenly everything seems to go fast. I'm sitting down at a restaurant with the kids and cw. It just feels weird and awkward. I miss hubs. I try to look for him but worry he moved away. I don't remember the rest.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Seems like a wiener dog is sick (I think he got ran over?) and I don't know why but mom and crew help me get the dog to a vet. It's the bad vet. Sarah and I are wandering the old house and I'm finding all kinds of lost things. Hard to carry everything. 

Finally get back to car to check on the dog. Apparently bad vet won't see us because we can afford anything. I get dog back. We take him to Wilton. He'll see the dog. Flirting with vet? I dunno. I can't remember anymore. 

Friday, October 20, 2023


Dreamt I was with the kids, or maybe just littlest, and we were walking around a pond. I saw a bunched up green thing and littlest went over towards it just as I was realizing it was a snake. It was green with brown patterns on it. I ran over and got him away. The pond starts turning into a bed. My bed. I see another bright green snake beside the other one and I start figuring out how to grab them and get them away. Somehow mom helps me and they're put away somewhere but I'm still freaking out a bit wondering how we will comfortably be able to sleep. Then the whole place turns into a baseball field/the stands mostly. I'm scrambling still trying to figure out which wad of clothes has the snakes in it. I'm also noticing some of these clothes are mine or my mom's or sister's. I wander around in the seating area way in back by the wall and I try to grab anyone's clothes that look familiar. Another thing I figured out is that my favorite musician was supposed to play or be there or something? So I'm kind of looking out into the sea of faces just to see if I can spot him real quick. Never do see him. I walk off with a bunch of clothes, hoping no snakes are in the clothes I'm carrying. 

Monday, October 16, 2023


I don't remember the gist of it, but I do remember at one point an old friend of mine was in a car or a rundown hotel room or something with me. Seems like me and a whole bunch of us were all sleeping or trying to, and I was chatting with her and talking about how we still considered each other friends etc. Kind of apologizing for past crap and just being kind to one another. 

Friday, October 13, 2023


Dreamt that Greg said something REALLLY rude and then said something mean about my oldest child. Something like how she's weird and he wouldn't want to have her in his house or something like that. I remember being irate and telling him he doesn't have to worry because we wouldn't be coming over ever again or vice versa. I was so pissed and was screaming across the parking lot at them etc .. we went back "home" to this huge, abandoned-looking thing. Wood-paneled walls that were falling apart on some places. Reminded me of a mix between my childhood home and my grandma's house that really was falling apart on her and caused her to have to move. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Apartment in Warrens

I barely remember anything... I remember hiding in a public bathroom at one point, and also that my sister was showing me pictures or house plans of an apartment she once lived in in Warrens (she never did) but it felt so real. WAIT. I remember now that her and her friend also named Sarah lived "across the street from it" but she really missed THIS apartment. It looked to be on a lake, too. She was talking about how she had also lived nearby with her friend to help me remember this house, but yeah.. it had a fenced-in backyard. It was quite open as the living room and bedroom were all in the same room (started where you'd walk in the living room and her bedroom was just past that as you're walking to the kitchen). 

Monday, October 9, 2023


I don't remember most of my dream... I feel like I was in a bedroom or a hotel or something most of the time? But when I do remember was seeing a small orange kitten in a box of clothes and it was very still, so I thought maybe it died. I was going to pick it up to bury but he moved his head slightly/wasn't dead. 

I think Sarah was also in this dream but I can't remember what she did in it. 

Friday, October 6, 2023


Dreamt the neighbors that like to bitch were living in our camper and had a cop outside talking to them. I think we had just got home and out of the van when we noticed the cop. Dev went over to the cop because he knew they were bitching about us or something.. I can't remember what it was this time, but the cop just told him that they were complaining about something again..

Saturday, September 30, 2023


Had a weird dream that I had an accident while sitting down with a group of people. One of the ladies was so confused.. she got angry at me. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

But You Gotta Have Friends..

Ugh. Dreamt an old friend contacted me on messenger but made it look like I was trying to get a hold of them instead... it was weird. I just remember panicking and second-guessing myself whether I accidentally video called them or regular called them.. I dunno. Again, they got into my head and made me feel worthless.. even in my own fuckin dreams. 🙄

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Running Away

I dreamt Devin and I were standing and he started trying to rape me. He got violent just to be able to. I was so scared and terrified. When he finished or when I got away, I somehow eventually turned into a four year old girl trying to hide and run away from her dad who did the same thing. I had an animal or a robot with me and we traveled together. I'd go into random neighbor houses asking for food and after one lady gave me some food she seemed off so I asked her if she told my dad where I was. She shook her head yes and the robot or animal let me go ahead and try to escape but I got stuck hiding under a short window. I attempted to crawl under another ever lower window and a sibling saw me and alerted everyone. I started trying to run but the "dad" caught up I think. 

Woke up. 


I can't remember much, just that I was sitting down playing a game or something on my phone maybe? Or reading a book? And my old childhood friend Chelsey was sitting next to me and she was doing the same and we started talking about whatever it was and that we liked it. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Okay so a few weeks ago I started reading a series. It's about this group of people coming to a new alternate world and gaining powers. Well today I dreamt that me and a bunch of people did just that. I don't even remember what I could do. We were first stuck in a hotel or mall and I was told that someone was going to kill us that was in our group, so we had to get away from her. She was someone I follow on Instagram. She has a power that is similar to what someone has in the book I've read where she could age objects. Like completely delete things from existence if she wanted to. So we all run from her in groups of three or so. I'm hiding with two other guys but they're loud as fuck. Suddenly I see a kid outside in our group and I see it's cold out so I open a door and let him in only to find that he was being held hostage by the bad lady. We all run, and eventually we all start finding some of us again. My sister can fly, so we tell her to take someone with another really good power that can help us get away from the bad girl. While they're doing this (I think they're trying to find a way to get a phone. Since we don't exist in this world, we can't buy a phone because they are government ordered or something, so that's why it's difficult.) We find a big van and we all get in l. While I'm outside the car, two homeless boys that look a little untrustworthy at first overhear me talking about the powers some of us have and the trouble were in. They tell us they can help since they live in this world and also have powers. So I let them in the back of the van and they get comfy, tired. My sister comes back with a nother trustworthy guy that lives on this alternate world and he's bought a phone and is going to drive us to a safe place. The van is his. I explain our new people and everyone seems okay with it. They hand me the phone to start registering it with one of the homeless kids. 

Woke up as we're driving away. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Dreamt really random stuff. I was watching a movie and realized half the stars were from the L Word.. then I dreamt I was living in my childhood home and a boy came up and had asked if I had seen a cat and some other animal? I can't remember.. I said no, and he left, and then another kid slightly older shows up and he asks about a different animal and it made me think that his animal and the other kids animals got into a fight. Then I looked behind the kid and my dad's garden was dug up and somehow I assumed that the kid thought he lived on this property and was obviously mistaken. I dunno. Just a really weird dream. Then I was in bed with someone and were cuddling and suddenly he didn't want to be touched at all so I backed away as quickly as I could. Woke up right after. 

Monday, September 18, 2023


Mmmm.. dreamt I was making out with my current favorite celebrity. 😍💫🥰 it was niiiice. 

Also dreamt that they were taking a shower so I had to go get them a towel, and I totally wanted to peek, but I didn't. We were also watching some movie or something at one point and I didn't realize he was behind me, so I turned around for some reason and there he was watching the movie, too. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Makeup Mishap

Today I dreamt that Dad, Sarah, and I were heading to a concert. I had a bunch of makeup but it all sucked for me. I had a few bottles of foundation but the one I put on was extremely dark, so I put on a moisturizer to hopefully even out the tone. The rest is a little hazy, but basically I Mr. Bean'd my face pretty bad and had no time to fix it, so we started heading to the concert. Dad and Sarah were big sports about it though and weren't embarrassed by me at all, lolol. 

Sometime last week I also dreamt that I was at Sarah's and she had her life360 app open and for some reason/somehow she saw one of my exes and his wife/family on the app living right behind her or something? I dunno, I don't remember much of it, but I just remember that part. 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Bus

Dreamt first that scarlet was going to go with devs family for a trip. Like camping or something, but not the usual stuff. But before then, his dad said something about me that pissed me off. I couldn't say she couldn't go, so I continued to let her go with them, but then I felt so worried the whole time while she was gone. She came back safe though. 

Then I'm on this weird almost like a tour bus but it's very very futuristic. Shits going on outside with the weather and we feel very safe. Kind of like magic school bus. I have a huge crush on someone but suddenly can't find them amongst everyone. Right before I wake up we are driving kind of by the burnstads park and suddenly outside looks so weird. It looks like a line of water above us. I yell to everyone to look up/watch out and just as everyone is looking, we drive onto a road that changes us completely. Suddenly I don't even know.. it was like a Grand canyon or the ocean but no water. We're floating, though. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Sometimes I dream that Devin and I live in this huge, unfinished house. No idea why. Anyways, we were back at this house and Scarlet had her birthday party coming that day. All three kids went with their grandma and grandpa to go shop for stuff (what I assumed was decor), but when they came back they're bringing in bags and bags of toys. Like, baby toys. I asked Devin why so many toys were coming upstairs (where I was, fixing a bed) and he said that Scarlet got to pick out her presents. I was a little miffed, especially since she bought toys she would never play with. I asked angirly if her cousins gift to her will be the only gift (now, looking back, I don't know why we never mentioned buying her toys but it seems she doesn't have any from us?) Anyways dev then tells me that her cousin can't make it, so she'll have no toys to open. I'm visibly livid and yelling. His parents hear.

Okay after that I'm wearing a white dress like a wedding dress, dark hair. I'm walking through a river. It's very cold and raining. Starting to flood a bit. I call scarlet and tell her I'm sorry for yelling. Get cold. I'm starting to freeze. Somehow I materialize in front of a car. Almost get hit. Lady helps me in car but I'm practically dead already. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


I have COVID. 😭 

I barely slept last night, tossing and turning and coughing. Ugh. I think I just dreamt I was coughing all night. 🙁 laaaame.

Monday, August 28, 2023


Dreamt KV posted tour dates and one was in Eau Claire and I was contemplating buying tickets..

Friday, August 25, 2023

Hair Burned Off

Woof. Had a nightmare that I tried to curl my hair with some strange new curling tool and it sizzled a side of my hair off halfway (like made the length half of what it was). Went to brush it and it looked soooo bad. The parts of my hair that broke off but still connected to my skin were super tiny curls like ramen noodles. *Shudders*

Before that, I had woken up from another nightmare. I don't remember exactly what happened but it was similar to the book I'm reading right now where the world is dying, and also similar to seeing a huge smoke plume a short distance away while at a water park yesterday that had freaked me out a little (ended up being a barn fire, I believe)..

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Alarm Clock

Me, mom, Sarah and dad are all packing to travel... Once traveling we kind of all change into random ass people. At some point we split up and we're doing a Taskmaster task against each other or something. One group is trying to decide what they should do and when they get back they realize the other group is gone. Find out that an alarm clock sucked them into a weird world. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Good and Bad Teams

Bad dream such a bad dream
 Long too. Dev and dad fought, to the point Dad left in his car and gave me a letter saying he was going to leave/kill himself and not to worry or come look for him because he knows a good place to go that's hidden. I cried and started trying to find him. Somehow along the way we started turning into a military town. Clear good people/bad people. I became a John Connor of sorts, the main leader of good, and everyone on the good team were trying to hide me and keep me safe. I was hidden and continued to pass through areas hopefully without anyone spotting me. Hid in ceilings trying to fly and claw to the next floor, under flooring, etc. All the whole still looking for dad. I took off my glasses, dyed my hair a dark color, cut it shorter. Pretended to be a boy. Eventually I found mom. Hugged her. She told me she was proud. Encouraged me to keep going. I also saw devs mom and her sisters before that and they were all good people, really being sneaky to get me safely through.. okay I'm walking and the area feels like pond. I come up to a truck, it seems familiar. Open it and I immediately remember that I had been in this truck with dev or something and it was before the fight, clothes strewn about in there because I had been intimate with Devin or whoever in there. I'm still trying to be sneaky because a scary military guy is coming up and asking what we're doing. I find this bag..... A bookbag. It has letters to me... I find one from dad. 

The military guy sees me and stops me. I am about to assume he is catching on that I'm not a guy on his side but then I ask him something that makes him tell me that he's working for the good team and that his leader is Dad. I start to cry and I'm happy.. I repeat to him "he's still alive???" Because that's all I wanted. I didn't believe Dad would have done anything to himself so I had a hopeful inkling he'd still be okay and hiding... Woke up happy know both my parents were okay. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Work Boots

Dreamt I was at Grandma's old house (next to childhood home), outside, snow in ground, facing backyard towards neighbor's house. An actor from the 90s was there and apparently worked with dev. Dev at work, and this guy (I get him mixed with Pacey actor, both have same last name I think?) needs work boots so he can start work. We wander over to childhood home (I yell to the kids in Grandma's house that I'll just be over on the other house for a second) and we go through the house. It's a mess. I'm embarrassed going in with a celebrity. We eventually find shoes, and eventually childhood home turns into my current home. 

That's about it. Woke up super super warm because I had turned off the fan and the A/C turned off too. 🥵 Dying..

Friday, August 11, 2023


Dreamt Sarah and maybe Devin and I were playing a video game but also in it. We were wandering white hallways in what felt like an abandoned hospital, looking for something. Trying to decipher what something meant. Finally we find a dark room and Sarah says this feels right, must be what we're looking for. I find a tunnel in a cupboard and shine a flashlight off my phone in it and we see a weird animal creature coming at us. Size of a kitten. I try to smash it with something slightly heavy but I have to whack it several times because it doesn't die right away. It was awful. We think we saved ourselves doing that so we are a little relieved.. then a mom creature comes out and bites one of us and we kill her too. We are heading back and we just know being bitten was a really bad thing. I can't remember the rest..

I just remembered a bit before all of this .. I was in a house and a storm was coming.... Like a tornado... It was super windy, and I think parts of the house were breaking away. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Organizing Books

I was trying to get books around and organized for the kids school. Was missing two. Searched around... Eventually found them but then lost the others again. 

Oh and then I dreamt that half of my face was droopy so I had dev drop me off at hospital. Whatever it was I was released eventually with nothing bad. It was like a vitamin deficiency.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Waves

Was with a HUGE group of people. Me Devin I think and mom and devs parents and soooo many others. Suddenly tidal waves were coming and we had to travel and swim away into higher ground/further inland. At one point we thought we made it and started looking for places to stay but then another came suddenly. Just me and Dev and some random people we made friends with eventually.  Right before I woke up I think it was Denise or a motherly figure of the group anyways said that they felt like everything was going to be okay. Like someone they knew was up ahead as we were still walking to higher ground.. she thought maybe a daugter. We were under overpasses and curving under then when we suddenly saw another wave. We all held hands and it ripped me away from everyone. I had to hold my breath for a long time until I could swim up to the top/surface. I had a phone with me and I called Devin/my partner and it rang on the other side of street and I saw he answrred. I ran over to them and gave him a huge hug. Woke up. 

Oh.. right before we got separated I remember seeing some sneaky guy driving a four wheeler with a trailer attached and inside the traveler was a log on fire. It seems like some people were working to make the land uninhabitable too. 

Also Cherish was going to New York to see one of her favorite authors. She offered me to go but I declined. This was before the tidal wave. 

Friday, August 4, 2023


Dreamt that I was home with dev and kids. Suddenly he walks in with two kids that are his cousin's. I kind of looked at Devin like "what the hell, dude? Why are they in here?" And I don't remember why.. I think maybe his cousin stopped over to go in garage. I think I wasn't wearing a bra, so I was worked about that. Anyways I don't remember I'm between that but Sarah is video calling me and trying to make something out of a bottle of cranberry juice and asked me which end looks closer to a backhoe. I wasnt sure so I walked over to two guys that were serving food and of course the one I walk up to is famous (Sam, from GVF). I stammered a bit and stupidly acted like I didn't think he'd know the question which then I worried he'd get offended.. I asked them both. 

In between the two dreams I remember walking outside under like structures and stuff and suddenly these really big snowflakes were falling all over. Huge.. felt like end of world stuff. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Every Creatures And Bees

Jeremy says: I dreamed I was looking in the pool, and Julian was swimming, and there was worms and every creatures and bees... that was it. 

I can't remember my dream.. just tiny, tiny pieces.. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023


I remember a dream... Not sure if last night or night before... So backstory: last week I took my kids to a school playground and we found a kitten up in a tree. I called my aunt to help get him out of the tree, and she took him home as he was very thirsty, hungry, and just exhausted. They've been taking care of him since and plan to keep him is no one claims him as lost. 

Okay dream time: dreamt I took my kids to that school again and it was CROWDED with cats. Like everywhere. I was terrified of how I was going to be able to take care of all of those cats. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Movie

Dreamt I was a kid again and a bunch of people were over. Not sure if party of dads or a family get together but Sarah and I had a homemade video and there was a really embarrassing part at the end, so I kept having to distract people from seeing the end. It was exhausting. I don't know why we didn't just destroy the whole movie - I think we were proud of most of it. But yeah I kept having to turn it off. Eventually at the end people got distracted and I tried to fast forward to the part in question and find a record over button to the part I hated, but realized there wasn't one on the vcr ... Woke up.. soooo tired I can barely keep my eyes open or read what I'm writing. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


I don't remember my dream but I did wake up half in a panic attack or something. I was breathing in but couldn't feel myself breathing in, just warm (sauna-like) air. Had to get up and walk around to feel and breathe normal. 

Dream was boring, I remember that. Felt like everyday kind of stuff maybe. I think dad was in it. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Time Traveling For Bands

I almost forgot this dream but it kind of came back to me after getting up and ready for the day...:

I was in an extreeeeeeemely packed movie theater. I think. It was weird because there were bands playing also, but also movies playing? Or like.. maybe bands playing somewhere else and when they finished playing they came here to the movie theater? I dunno. Okay. I dreamt that there were two bands that had played, one I don't know the name of but I've seen them online and the other was KV. The two bands kind of left with big crowds surrounding them and I was able to snag a piece of paper with signatures on it or something. I sat down next to this stranger and he told me we could try going through a backstage door or something, so we tried that and a stern lady came out and said we weren't allowed back there...... Okay then it switched to a huge flood/apocalyptic type environment, and there is this family with a teenage boy that had diabetes or something and he needed medicine so I told them I'd go find some.. Somehow I found a way to go back in time before the apocalypse, before the weird movie theater/band thing happened, and the guy I was with that wanted to go backstage and I were both trying to figure out how to meet the bands now that we kind of knew there moves in the future. 

Julian dreamt he was in Flinging People And Things and that someone was throwing a person in water head-first. He peeked his head under the water and saw that it wasn't all water and instead was a huge pocket of air under the surface part of the water, but there was a deep hole and the person that was thrown in died anyway and an octopus grabbed him and threw him out of the water. He went to the police station with us (his family) and found that the police were going to try to kill the octopus. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023


Dreamt Scarlet was going on a trip with Kaelynn. Literally just them, unsupervised, on a trip, with maybe a bunch of other kids. I had a wad of money and gave it to Scarlet and told her to be responsible and Kaelynn asked if she could borrow money too. Dev handed her some money. Seems like there were piles of clothes and stuff she still need e to pack. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

3D Painting

Don't remember most, but I remember Cherish showing me a painting she did (apparently she was doing classes through a college or something) and had painted something of mine or whatnot, so she gifted the painting to me. It was like a pillow or pillow-shaped toy for a dog or something and looked 3D. We were discussing how you could hang it carefully and whether they made shadow boxes that deep. I think maybe we were at her old apartment? Denise was there too. 

Monday, July 17, 2023


Sarah and I were wandering these woods. We needed shoes for some reason and found a shed with a bed,curtains, like 5 pairs of shoes. As soon as it got dark we turned a light on and started looking for a pair of shoes. Sarah heard someone so we turned light off and hid behind curtain on bed. That person left after turning light off and acting suspicious, and Sarah went back to turning light on after a minute. We looked for a good pair of shoes and honestly I think we went with heels. Sarah wanted to stay in shed til sun came up. Guy showed up again. I think we hid, but he realized we were there anyways. I can't remember what happened after but I know we were hiding because we weren't supposed to be there. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Dreamt in a big house. Devs family there, I'm waiting for my family to show up (it's a birthday party.) I remember calling Sarah and telling her she has to come since she went to one of the boys' bday parties already.. then a dog jumps into a pond and doesn't come up.. dog looks like Ziggy (Springer spaniel of mine I had in my teenage years) and he doesn't come back up so I jump in and get him to shore. 

It was such a weird and wacky dream. So much going on. I'm exhausted waking up now. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Forbidden Love

Such a weird dream.. me and a bunch of others were brought to a new world but we were locked in it - couldn't leave. I wasn't myself, I was some girl. Fell for some guy. We both had to hide our love for one another. Even as we were navigating hallways to get back to the new world and into the new world... Forbidden love. 

Friday, July 14, 2023


Dreamt Mom, Dad, Sarah, and I were at The Wades' old house. We were walking away from their house, towards the fireman's building parking lot area to get our car. Dad kept looking over his shoulder, worried his ex Patti was following us. I told them to head out and I would follow her (I could fly?), so I started flying around looking for her or her car. I had an idea about where I thought she lived in this dream, but wasn't totally sure. I looked inside windows (I was invisible.. ghost like) and then it kind of switched dreams slightly. I was with a guy and there was another guy like a brother chasing us. The brother was helping Patti I think. The guy with me was helping me escape or find Patti still. I can't remember the end, but it's almost like we needed to come up with a spell or something along those lines to get me out of there. I dunno. Woke up before escaping.

Seems like in between this I was a teacher or I pretended to be one, and I flew around a school building looking for a good place to hide, because my family and I were worried she would kill us. Maybe I hid them in a classroom and then it switched to me flying around looking at roads and cars trying to find her. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Games / Party

Dreamt I was in this big squid game-like arena where I had to do five different games and try to win. No death, though. I think you just did the games and at the end you see how you did after completing all of the games. Tons of family/friends were in it too, though I couldn't see them. I mostly just tried looking around for anyone I knew. 

Second dream was that I was at a party. There were really weird phallic-shaped cookies with perfectly placed icing. I remember having to change or something and I was having a hard time finding a private place to change.