Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bad Neighbors

Dreamt I was living in Grandma's old trailer. I was coming 'home' and walking up to the door when I find a big bowl on the deck with what looks like diarrhea and it's sloshed around enough for me to worry that a neighbor smeared some onto the house somewhere. As I'm walking up to the door I noticed the door is cracked open. I freak out, walk in, and this neighbor lady tries to open the door behind me. I try to keep the door closed so she can't come in but there are all these animals/pets that are outside that want in and I'm thinking in my head what she'll do to them if I leave them outside with her, so I'm kicking at her as I'm trying to let these animals in. Finally the last one gets in and I slam the door, lock it, etc. I turn around and look at the hallway and I already see the 'message' they wrote from the bowl of diarrhea. I wander the house to make sure they didn't do anything else. Uncle T is still sleeping in his bedroom, Daughter is sleeping in E's old room. I run to the other side of the house to Grandma's old bedroom (she is still passed in this dream, so it's not her bedroom anymore). 

Okay side story. Before I get to the house there is this horrible son that's my age of the lady neighbor's. He's also equally bad. Well I get this idea to 'one-up' him by opening a window and doing something sexual with my at the time boyfriend where this guy can see. When I open the window I see cops out front and Blanche from Golden Girls is sitting on an older black muscle car and making out with some of the cop. 

Woke up..

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