Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31/10 - Symbol.

Dreamt I was helping my aunt do her homework. (She's going back to college). She used a very strange, unknown symbol on some chart. I don't remember what it looked like, just that I had never seen it before.

Also dreamt of Devin's extended family and that my sister and I started a band.

  • To see an unknown symbol in your dream, indicates your ambivalence, confusion, or ignorance in a situation. Consider the shape of the symbol and what it reminds you of for additional significance.

  • To see a band or play with a band in your dream, represents a sense of community and belonging. The dream may also be a pun on banding together and need for cooperation/unity.

8/30/10 - No Autographs, Please.

Dreamt I was back at my childhood home, getting ready for school. Some woman gives my sister and I homemade hot air balloons.

Then I notice I'm wearing a skirt, but my legs are hairy. I am embarrassed. I find scissors and I start cutting my dog Moses' hair for some reason. After his hair is cut, I walk down the street with Moses on a leash in downtown Tomah with my Aunt and mom and we head towards a bank. I notice this nervous man outside of the bank with a machine gun. I feel like I'd be rude if I didn't walk in the bank because he was holding the gun nearby, so I walk in, because I don't want him to think I'm refusing to go in because of what he's carrying. As if I felt I was being racist or homophobic or some form of bigotry or something like that. This guy was white, mind you. I just felt like "Oh, I'm in that situation, and I don't want to look like I'm not walking in just because he's got a gun." Or something. So we all walk in, and while walking in, I see that my dog's leash is stuck on the hinge that holds the door open and closed (and sometimes has bells or something to let cashiers know when someone enters). I take a few seconds trying to untangle the leash out of the hinge.

Now I'm in an airport and I notice Mary J Blige is walking a little bit behind me. I do a double take and she looks over, rolls her eyes, puts her hand up, and says "No autographs". I get flustered, because I didn't want her autograph and she just automatically assumed I wanted one. She seemed egotistical. Anyways, I snap back "I don't want an autograph, I was just trying to figure out why you look familiar."

  • To see hair in your dream, signifies sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health.

  • To see a gun in your dream, symbolizes aggression, anger, and potential danger. You may be dealing with issues of passiveness/aggressiveness and authority/dependence. Alternatively, a gun represents the penis and male sexual drive. Thus, the gun may mean power or impotence, depending on whether the gun went off or misfired.

?/?/? - Falling Into A Trampoline Field.

Didn't write down my dream again. I promise I will more often soon.

Here's something I posted in a message board, replying to a similar dream someone had:

And QueenofKings, that dream you mentioned reminds me of another dream I had when I was younger. I was sleeping on a cot at this point in my life, so it was a crampy bed, but I remember dreaming I was falling into this football field and I was super scared I would ... you know .. ker-splunky. Well, I ended up hitting the football field, but it was this huge trampoline. I ended up bouncing up into the air really high and falling back down again into it. I did this for awhile until I woke up and realized I was on the edge of my cot practically, about to fall out of bed.

  • To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may also imply that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself.

2/26/10 - Keebler Elves and Stabucks.

Another dream from awhile ago since I didn't write a dream down yet again:

Posted 26 February 2010 - 08:24 PM
This is creepy, but a few days ago I was on Twitter (in real life) reading my "awesome people" list, which consists of T&S and others, and I'm following Tegan's girlfriend on there, too. Cuz I'm a stalker like that, I guess. Anyways, she mentioned something about how much she missed and loved starbucks or something, I guess she went there recently. ANYWAYS.. Creepy, but I dreamt that night that I was at my parent's old house, and I was with this group of women and we were all lounging about on a few couches talking. Everyone had light blankets and were covering up, chatting. I remember turning to the person on my right and it was Tegan's girlfriend, and she was telling me that Starbucks was really good and she was jonesing for some. It was kind of weird. I know I dream a lot of T&S respectively, but never have I dreamt of their girlfriends. hahaha.. It was werid. Anyways, after that I remember her and I and the rest of these women went into this big factory where these keebler elves or something were making this orange concoction. I don't remember anything else after that.

  • To see a blanket in your dream, symbolizes warmth, love, security and protection. You may be seeking for some form of shelter from the outside world. Consider also how your dream may be calling attention to a "cover-up" in some situation or circumstance in your waking life. To dream that you are wrapped in a blanket, indicates your fear of the unknown. You may feel some sort of threat/chaos or sense some coldness from those around you. To dream that you are covering or wrapping someone in a blanket, indicates your desire to care for that person.

  • To dream that you are at a factory, represents repetitious thinking and an old way of doing things. It is symbolic of predictability and unchanging habits. Alternatively, it signifies business, productivity, energy and bustling activity. You are a person that can get things done.

2/24/10 - Cartman.

I didn't write anything down this morning.

Here's one I found on a message board in a 'dream' thread.

Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:07 AM
This morning I dreamt Eric Cartman was sitting on a couch in my parent's old house. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember when I woke up, noticed my boyfriend was watching South Park on the TV, I laughed and said "Thanks to you, I just dreamt Cartman said.."

Totally don't remember what he said, but I did at the time. I think it was about food, if that helps.

  • To dream that your real life is depicted in a cartoon world, suggests that you are perceiving the world in a comical and unserious manner. This dream may also serve as an escape from the stressful realities of your life. It is your way of obtaining moments of lightheartedness and fun. Additionally, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and at your mistakes.

8/26/10 -Whispers.

I didn't write down a dream this morning. I did write down something that happened the night before, while going to bed. I was just in the hypnagogic state, and I heard very clearly my Aunt Erin's voice telling me in a whisper: "Al, it's almost 1 o'clock already."

That day I was in pretty good spirits, but towards night I started to get upset again about losing my cat. When I get depressed I usually hear voices before I fall asleep or something similar, so this might be why.

Anyways, I started to scribble this down on my notebook to remember for tomorrow and out of curiosity's sake, I checked the clock. It was a few minutes after 1 AM.

  • To dream that someone is whispering in your ear, suggests that you need to pay closer attention to something or listen to someone more carefully.

  • To dream about time, indicates your fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of everyday life.

8/25/10 - Destroyed Mailbox.

Dreamt that my Aunt Erin gave me money so my sister and I can go somewhere and do something. Maybe eat at a restaurant.

Then I'm in this lake, though the waves are big and pounding, like an ocean. I tell myself to calm down, float, and naturally let the waves take me to land. At some point, while dreaming and half-drowning, I can hear myself say "uggghhh" outside of my sleep. It's almost like in The Truman Show, when Jim Carrey is looking up to the sky feeling watched. That's how I felt. Like I knew something outside of the dream life was happening, because of this foreign voice sounded throughout the land..
though it was me.

Then I'm in this house. The downstairs looks like the house I grew up in. Tegan and Sara are there and so are other women that I don't know. We're all downstairs having some sort of party, but soon the party leaves and I can't find anyone. I can sense that everyone is still in the house, but I can't find them anywhere. I feel like a ghost. I can hear them talking, laughing, but I cannot see any person. I get onto this computer that's on a bed and there is this chatroom on the screen. Everyone from the party is online, chatting, along with people that weren't at the party. The ones that were at the party are speaking in this strange cypher that I couldn't understand. Everything on the screen that they'd write were symbols. A some point, someone invites me into their personal chat with the rest of the party, and the cypher turns to english and I can understand what they write. We're still in this big chatroom with other, uninvited strangers that are also typing in strange codes, though. I get bored fast with chatting, which is not surprising since I never chat with anyone at all online, so I go upstairs. The upstairs of this house looks like the house I own right now. I look out the window of one of the rooms and I see our mailbox is destroyed and I get pissed, thinking that whoever hit our mailbox with a baseball bat were probably the bastards that ran our cat over (in real life, the night before).

Okay, it gets weird. I'm outside of Walmart, on the sidewalk, and I am wearing my new swimsuit I bought. I'm running down the curb with a football in my hand and counting the seconds in my head how long it takes to reach a certain object. I think it ended up being 17 seconds. The women from the party are all outside and I notice Tegan ahead of me, so I stop when I run passed her and I turn around and kick the ball at her to catch. She catches it, laughs, runs backwards a few feet and throws the ball back to me. I catch the ball perfectly. I see people way up ahead, behind Tegan, and decide I want to play with them instead now, so I go to kick the ball to them and my leg can't hit the ball. As if gravity is non-existent, or maybe in my dream I expected it to be easy, as if the ball and my foot were magnetic and realized they weren't. I don't know. Anyways, I still couldn't kick the ball, so Tegan comes over and tries to show me, but I wake up before I can learn how to.

  • To see an unknown symbol in your dream, indicates your ambivalence, confusion, or ignorance in a situation. Consider the shape of the symbol and what it reminds you of for additional significance.

  • To see a mailbox in your dream, represents important information that you are about to receive. Pay particular attention to your dream and what message it is trying to convey to you from your unconscious.

  • To dream that you are playing football or on a football field, represents your competitive nature. Alternatively, you are not getting enough cooperation or support in some area of your life. You are being faced with many demanding challenges.

8/24/10 - Die.

Although I'm uploading this about a week late, I have a good excuse. My cat died on the 24th, so I was a bit depressed and unmotivated to upload anything. This was the night before my cat died (journal entry):

So anyways, I didn't write down a dream that day. But I did write down something the night before, when I was going to bed. I was half asleep and I had a clear vision of my sister signing (sign language) the word DIE to me. She had blood all over her, too. I remember waking up with a jolt, feeling guilt and panic, and and feeling pain in my chest.

Bloody Hands

  • To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt.

Monday, August 23, 2010

8/23/10 - Playing Games.

I dreamt I was online playing this game. It was this thing where you had to click these items in a list that a family would pick at a grocery store. I remember clicking on a little "luggage" icon. There are items all over in the list, so you have to be careful with what you click.

Then I don't remember what I dreamt about, but I wrote this down:

"Sarah bought something from a store. Then later, Devin's parents and my aunt Erin go to some game show."

Computer Game
  • To dream that you are playing computer games, represent a situation in your waking life where you either win or lose. If you dream the game is over, then it indicates that something has come to an end. Consider the type of game and how it parallels your life.

Game Show
  • To dream that you are on a game show, suggests that you need to change some aspect of your life around. You may be experiencing feelings of uncertainty and what the future may hold. Consider the type of game show or the name of the game show. What are you playing for and what is its significance relative to your waking life.

8/22/10 - Vision of Atlantis?

I had two dreams today.

First, I am helping my aunt, who is going back to college, do her homework.

Then I'm in the village of Warrens, and there are these electric fences (that are not turned on) everywhere. I am climbing through them and climbing through more and more and then I get to this airplane runway and I see the guys from Mythbusters near this plane. One of them starts shooting at me.

I'm just going to type what I wrote down word-for-word, because I don't know how to say this and make sense.

"I appear somewhere else, like a house bar. John (my sister's friend) is talking about something. Names? Hair? I don't remember. King/Queen?"

There are two parts to this next inspiring dream of mine. Both coinciding with each other.

In the first-half, I only remember being on my dad's property. I'm on the last step down the hill that heads towards the pond. The ground is completely flooded. I notice a flip flop is floating towards me. The water is creeping ever-so-slightly higher and higher. Even though the ground is only flooded a foot or two, I still don't want to walk in the water. I jump to more hillier areas to get around, in order not to get wet.

In the second-half, I am in this futuristic realm. I'm in this building that continues into other buildings. I am getting a 'tour' of this realm. This man is telling me how far the realm has progressed. It seems I have just arrived to this place, learning about it. I am flying/floating through this hallway, pushing myself off with light fixtures and things. I see a huge window and it's leaking water from outside. I look outside and notice the building is immersed in water. I then realize that this is the after-effect of the flooding that I experienced in the first-half of my dream. Then I am in this big area of the building. There is even grass on the ground. The guy showing me the tour points to Michelle Rodriguez (and she's wearing this brown suede/leather skimpy dress) and tells me that "she" was reconstructed to be like she was in the other realm before the flood. He seems to make the point that we were lovers or something. And that she must have died from the flooding. I see her with her family and immediately assume her father is a teacher of some sort. The strangest part of this dream is that it 'recapped' in my mind right before I woke up. As if someone was whispering to me what to remember, showing me brief memories of it. If it wasn't for this at all, I'd have forgotten my dream.

  • To see a fence in your dream, signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in some situation or confined in some relationship? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world. To dream that you are climbing to the top of a fence, denotes success. If you climb over the fence, then it indicates that you will accomplish your desires via not so legitimate means. If you dream that you are on the fence, then the dream may be a metaphor indicating that you undecided about something. To dream that you fall from a fence, denotes that you are in way over your head in regards to some project which you are dealing with.

  • To dream that you are in a flood, represents your need to release some sexual desires. If the flood is raging, then it represents emotional issues and tensions. Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. Consider where the flood is for clues as to where in your waking life is causing you stress and tension. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion. Still another interpretation could be your desire to wipe everything clean and make a fresh new start. To see a gentle flood in your dream, indicates that your worries over a certain matter will soon be swept away.

  • To dream of an underground or underwater city, represents your unconscious and how through deeper understanding of yourself, you find commonality and shared experiences with others.

8/21/10 - Angry Dancers.

Oh good god another embarrassing one.

I'm in this strange place. On this busy street. I am doing this puzzle-type of thing. It's hard to explain. I had to do these things in order to get it right. For example, I had to take a picture of someone and get a glare off of their hair, from the sun. If I couldn't finish these puzzles, I'd "wake up" from this "dream" and have to start over again. Kind of like in the movie Groundhogs Day.

I'm on this bus with a BUNCH of people. We are at this fast food restaurant trying to decide what we'll get for food (at some point I am in the restaurant, but in the beginning I was on the bus). The manager of the place says he/she won't sell us anything because we can't make up our minds. Even when we finally decide, they still refuse to sell us anything. I get pissed, because I'm starving. I also remember an ex-friend of mine was working at this place. She was wearing a black shirt and was also refusing to serve us anything. Somehow I'm BACK on the bus, and the bus driver tells us we have to pay them again for riding. This bus eventually turns out to be the band Hanson's bus. Even though it looks like a regular Greyhound bus. I have no money that I'm willing to give up, so I get off the bus. I walk into this huge building that from the outside looks like a casino. I recall wearing a tank top and a skirt and I hear someone whistle at me. I walk in with Taylor Hanson and a few others behind us. We all walk around the slot machines, and eventually I lose Taylor. My aunt Erin walks up to me and we walk for awhile and then she sees some coworkers of hers (who happen to be the fast food management that wouldn't allow to serve us awhile ago). I decide not to walk over to these people with her, so I continue walking. I start walking towards tables, getting away from the casino area. There are a lot of people sitting at the tables, all wearing elegant dresses or tuxedos mostly in colors of black and red. Everyone stands up simultaneously and the start ballroom dancing around the room. I have to zigzag around them. I notice Zac Hanson is walking around them, too. We both don't know why these people are dancing. The people that are dancing notice that we aren't dancing, and they look angry, but continue dancing. I start swaying when I walk, to pretend like I know what's going on and he does the same. We keep zigzagging around the angry dancers.

Fast Food
  • To see or eat fast food in your dream, indicates that you are not taking the time to cater to your emotions. You are not taking good care of your physical or mental health.

  • To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking.

  • To dream that you are in a casino, signifies the risk-taker within you. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream suggests that you should take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to make a more informed decision instead of relying on fate.

Ballroom Dancing
  • To dream that you are ballroom dancing, indicates success in your endeavors. You have a positive outlook in life and are willing try anything and give it your all.

8/20/10 - Stealing Wine From A Car.

Dreamt I was at a party. I wasn't feeling good at all, so Devin had to carry me. People kept coming up and asking me what was wrong, if I was alright. I shied away and buried my face into Devin's chest. Not really because I felt bad, I actually wanted the attention, I wanted them to worry about me. Devin puts me in this bed with two other people that were sleeping.

Later on, after feeling better, I walk to this kitchen and I start looking for food. There are three elderly people sitting on a couch. One guy with a cane in his hand tells me there is some red wine I could drink that was sitting on a plate (a used plate, mind you) on the microwave. It's already in the glass, so I assume it's his own drink. I take a sip, to be nice, and set it back down. He tells me he stole the wine from someone's parked car outside, and he chuckles at that. Then I walk away and notice a few classmates in another part of the house. I chat with them for awhile. I don't remember anything after that.

  • To dream that you or others are sick, denotes discordance and trouble in your life. It may signal a part of yourself that needs to be healed, either physically or mentally. Perhaps you are wallowing in your own self-pity. You need to quit feeling sorry for yourself.

  • Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self-exploration and experience. Three stands for a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc.
    • Elderly
      • To see an elderly person in your dream, represents wisdom or spiritual power. Pay attention to the message or advice that the elderly person is conveying to you. He or she can help provide life answers and solutions to your problems and try to guide you toward the right direction.

  • To dream of drinking wine, symbolizes festivity, celebration, companionship, satisfaction and success. You are content with the way your life is going. The dream may also be a pun on "whining" and how you like to whine about things. In particular, to dream that you are drinking red wine, signifies excess and sensuality.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

8/19/10 - Moses died.

First, I remember finding a picture. It was of me, Sarah and Joran and our cousins Mike and Tracen. We were all little kids, but of the right ages between us all. We all look normal, except of course me. I look like a boy and I even have shaving cream all over my chin. And I'm making a goofy face at the camera. I even remember turning bright red and wondering why I had shaving cream on my face.

Then I'm in this airport terminal. A girl with brown hair and brown skin is crushing on me and she hugs me and we walk around for awhile but then we part ways.

Now I'm at my aunt Erin's trailer, and I have this drawing in my hand. It's just a bunch of doodles, and one is of this naked woman. I think nothing of it, so when I go to give my aunt Donna the drawing, she gets offended, crinkles the paper up, puts it in the trash can, and tells me she wants nothing to do with it. I grab the wad of paper and yell at her that I drew it, and it's nothing too horrible and not to get so bent out of shape about it. Then the lights go out. I look out the kitchen window and there is this big truck parked outside with its headlight beaming into my eyes. My sister tells me it's "her dad's truck" (we must not have been sisters in this dream ), and that we need to leave. We head out the door and down the driveway, but I notice a bunch of papers on the ground. Some are manuscripts of some sort. I seem to think my sister wrote these or something. I tell her what I see all over the place and she kind of just shrugs it off like it's nothing. I pick up a manuscript and take it with me when I climb into the truck.

Now I'm at this campsite, and I'm with Devin. We both notice that our dog, Moses, is gone. We walk around the campsite and I notice this dog that looks similar, only when I get closer to him, at his level, I notice the hair on his face is really long. I even had to move the bangs out of his eyes just to see if it was him or not. It wasn't him, though. It was just a dog of his breed, with long hair. The owner comes out of his camper and tells us we could have the dog if we wanted him, but I tell him I want MY dog. I then ask the man if he'll help us find Moses. He tells me that he has arthritis everywhere, and it hurts to walk. I respond to him that Devin could push him around in a wheelchair, and finally he obliges. We look around everywhere and we see my old childhood home on this campsite. I walk in and the place is a mess. Papers everywhere. I remember a printer was printing things out continuously. I notice a pink pen is on the computer desk, and that it's my aunt Erin's, so I grab it and put it in my pocket. I don't see my dog anywhere in the house, so I start looking at papers and eventually see this list of dogs' names. I notice Moses listed on it. It has birth dates and death dates. I see that next to Moses' name is a death date. It was 1902 or 1905, I don't remember. Anyways, I come to the conclusion that there is a man that owns this house, and that his son had stolen Moses and killed him. I start crying. Then Devin, this old guy, and I try to find our way out of the house because we suspect this evil killer is sitting in the dark getting ready to pounce on us.

  • To see blank white paper in your dream, signifies your desire to make a fresh start in your life. You need to express yourself through writing or art. Alternatively, blank paper indicates that you need to work on being more communicative.

  • To see a truck in your dream, suggests that you are overworked. You are taking on too many tasks and are weighed down by all the responsibilities. Pregnant women often dream of trucks or driving trucks. This may be a metaphor of the load they are carrying or an expression of their changing bodies.

  • To dream that you lose something, indicates that you may really have misplaced something that you had not realized yet.
    • Dog
      • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8/18/10 - Class In The Porch.

I don't really remember a lot about this dream, and what I wrote down did NOT help whatsoever. Anything in parenthesis is just myself trying to remember a bit more, for description).

School. Stuffed animals. (I remember sitting on these stuffed animals, in my childhood home porch. The porch was a classroom for my old high school class.) Audrey won Academy Award or something. Best actress. (Audrey is my grandpa's sister. I must have dreamt this because of receiving the photos of grandpa's family or something. After seeing photos of Audrey, I thought she looked a lot like a silent film actress back in the day. This must be why I dreamt that she was an actress.)

2. (I think I actually woke up for a second and then fell back asleep, so this is a continuation of the dream above) Class still in porch now. I'm upstairs noticing Devin is gone. I see "him" (even though it's my dog Moses) sleeping under someone's blanket. I yell for Devin (Moses) and make him come upstairs with me to the living room because I don't want to be alone.

At some point before I wake up, I'm in bed lying on my left side. I hear an acoustic version of Lady Gaga's song Poker Face. I change the station. Then I wake up.

  • To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about your performance and abilities.

8/17/10 - Decapitation.

I had two dreams on the 17th. Two very long dreams. This is what I get for writing down a dream, rolling over, and going back to sleep, having to write down yet another. I'm splitting them up into two sections. Here's the second one:

Dreamt I was in this barley field where a party was happening. There were a bunch of people there, including Jaime Pressly and Jason Lee (these two were making out on a blanket somewhere in the field).

At some point there is this girl with long dirty-blond hair that walks up to Devin and me. She tells us that she's got a surprise for us. That her boyfriend is coming over to the party. She asks if we could walk her up this hill so she can meet up with him. We oblige, and we follow her up this hill a good thirty yards from where the party was. Once we get to the hill, we stop. We hear younger gentleman up the hill with someone and he has this dog catching tool, a "snatcher", in his hands. I see the guy struggling to put the snatcher around the other guy's neck, but eventually he does. For some reason, I can hear a choir singing similar to the music in The Omen. Real creepy. At this point I'm looking away, burying my face into Devin's chest. I hear a slice, and then a thud. Then the girl that was with us is up the hill and she's screaming at the guy. The guy then grabs her and walks her off away from us. I start worrying about the woman, thinking she's going to die. Devin walks me away from the hill and back towards the party. When we turn around to head that way, a bunch of people are surrounding us. Devin assures me that these people are safe. I notice the guy in front of us has a bow and arrow and a "Irish" shirt on. He's aiming his bow towards the bad guy. I start to wake up as I hear the woman screaming again.

  • To see or eat barley in your dream, signifies good health, progress, and satisfaction with your life.

  • To dream that you or someone else is being beheaded, signifies poor judgment or a bad decision that you have made and regretted.

  • To see an arrow in your dream, represents the targets that you are reaching for and the goals you are setting for yourself. Alternatively, the arrow also signifies an end to suffering and the beginning of new-found pleasures and festivities.

8/17/10 - KFC Officially Sucks Ass.

I had two dreams on the 17th. Two very long dreams. This is what I get for writing down a dream, rolling over, and going back to sleep, having to write down yet another. I'm splitting them up into two sections. Here's the first one:

Dreamt I was either playing mario kart, or riding around in a kart.

Now I'm outside, at Jelly Stone (which is in Warrens, WI). I'm walking down this sidewalk, at night, though there are outside lamps for seeing, and I notice this guy I used to hang out with coming towards me. He asks me if I'm hungry and if I want KFC. I tell him I'm starving and I'd love some. Then Devin and my sister and a few of her friends show up on the sidewalk and ask what I'm doing. I tell them that I want KFC, and ask if they're hungry, too. They say no, but eventually Devin's jealousy gets the best of him and he decides he wants some as well. Some little asian kid comes over and by now we have a bunch of teens surrounding us, handing this asian some money to count. Afterwards, Devin goes with this old friend of mine to pick up the food (Sarah and her friends decide to go for a walk instead). I'm outside Devin's parents' house and it's night-time still. I'm watching all kinds of people walking up to their house and entering, as if his parent's are having a party or something. His parents assume we're eating at the party, so I don't say anything about the KFC. Soon enough, though, Devin shows up with his whole graduated class and they all bring the food. His dad is pissed at him for bringing food and not eating at their party, but eventually leaves to go back to his home. We eat the KFC on a bunch of these desks that are outside of Devin's parents' house. For some reason, I don't want to eat near anyone, so I choose to eat near these nerdy-looking kids. I choose to sit next to this pint-sized asian boy. He's aggravated that I sit next to him, but everytime he moves a seat away, I strangely move in the seat next to him. After I finish eating and disturbing the asian kid, I look around for Devin and he's sitting, propped up against a cement half-wall, getting awfully close with an old elementary school friend of mine. Their heads are tilted less than an inch apart. I stand up, yell at him from across the room, and he backs away from the girl. I march over, trying to act calm, like I hadn't noticed anything. I do this so that she doesn't run away. When I get up to her, she stands up. I POUNCE. I go to punch her, but I wake up. While waking, I see these little red bumps before opening my eyes. I try rubbing my eyes, but it makes it worse. I now start seeing my own eyes, clear as day, with my eyelids closed. When I open them, the vision is gone.

  • Generally speaking, food in dream usually refers to food for thoughts, ideas, new beliefs, etc. They are ideas you take in and digest mentally.

  • To dream of infidelity (either by you or someone else), represents issues of abandonment and neglect in a relationship. Or you are feeling emotionally confined and need an outlet for your feelings. Alternatively, a dream of infidelity indicates that you are feeling unsatisfied with your current relationship. You are harboring guilt over a sexual relationship or you are looking for a more erotic sex life.

8/16/10 - The Hallway.

Dreamt I was in a school building. It was a pretty big building and built more like a college than anything else. I'm wearing uncomfortable shoes, so I walk into this room that looks like a place to shower. Many stalls. I feel like I shouldn't be in here, like it's not my school. I grab shoes that are in a shelf painted with colors you would normally see in an elementary school classroom. As I grab the shoes, I hide in one of the shower stalls, thinking a student will catch me in here, stealing someone's shoes.

Now I'm on this road. I have this soggy shoebox in my hands, (the bottom was wet with rain or something and was falling apart) and inside of the shoebox are kittens. While walking down the road I see a bus coming up towards me, so I get towards the side to let it pass but I notice Tegan Quin is driving the bus. The bus stops after it passes me and I can see this person in her rear-view mirror. We stare at each other for a few seconds, but then I continue walking and she continues driving.

Now I'm in Warrens, WI. On the main street. There's a lot of people out, perhaps Cranfest is going on. I'm sitting by this picnic table with my family and they start to walk away and up these steps into a church. I go to follow them and I notice my aunt Donna standing on the steps. She shows no emotion, though. Like she's just a shell. My sister walks into the church with her friends and I run after but when I enter the room, I'm alone. I am in this hallway that circles around the whole building. I walk all the way around the building looking for my sister or any of her friends but I cannot find them. Finally the hallway opens into this lobby/bar. I start to walk towards where the hallway starts up again on the other side of the bar, but a bunch of men of mexican or american indian decent start to surround me (I don't know why I couldn't tell a difference between the two ethnicities in my dream, but I just couldn't). I freak out. I know they are going to either harm or rape me. I start running towards them, towards the hallway, but dodging them as I go. The guy I try to dodge grabs me and I scream as loud as I can, even louder a second time. Even with him holding me in place, I try pushing him forward so I can get into the hallway. Eventually I get away and I have my eyes closed when my sister finds me in the hallway. She tells me I was dreaming and that I made two high-pitch screams and then said two names while dreaming: "Kid up" and "T. Honey".

I don't understand that dream.

  • To see a shoebox in your dream, suggests that you are headed toward a new direction in life. You are in for a new experience.

Bus Driver
  • To see a bus driver in your dream, indicates leadership in some group idea or plan. It is symbolic of collective power. Alternatively, it suggests that you are going around in circles and showing little progress.

  • To dream that you are lost, suggests that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. If you try to call for help, then it means that you are trying to reach out for support. You are looking for someone to lean on. Alternatively, being lost means that you are still adjusting to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.
    • Hallway
      • To see a hallway in your dream, symbolizes self exploration. It is the beginning of the path that you are taking in life. You are going through a transitional phase and journeying into the unknown. It also signals spiritual enlightenment, emotional growth physical prowess, new opportunities and mental passages in your life.

  • To see an unruly crowd in your dream, signifies that the worries and problems around you are pressing in on you. You are expressing great distress.

Monday, August 16, 2010

8/15/10 - Footer Became A Cannibal.

Dreamt I'm looking at a list. Either a grocery list or maybe it's a budget.

Then I'm on my way to LaCrosse with Devin to get to Pridefest, and I'm trying to call Dana to see if she's coming or not. Halfway there, we realize we forgot to bring Sarah with us, so we turn around.

Then I'm in my porch and I am playing the new Arcade Fire CD in a stereo. I seem to be taping something together, because I have tape stuck on the edge of something but I don't remember what I was taping, maybe a present. Then Devin's sister comes in and she complains that she's heard the same song on repeat too much. Although I blush, knowing I'm playing the CD, I hear the same song playing from across the street. I open the door, walk out, look across the street to see which house is playing Arcade Fire, but I cannot hear any music. It's all coming from inside the house.

Then I'm in Sportsman's Bar. I am drinking something at the bar and I walk away and sit at this picnic table. Sarah sits down next to me and tells me the grossest thing I have ever dreamt about in my entire life. First, she seems to think I remember that a woman was shot on my aunt's property. I nod my head, saying "Yeah? What about it?" And she then tells me that her friend, Footer, decided to take this woman's body home to chop her up and eat her. Like, make her into meat. Yeah. I look over at my aunt and she's sitting on another picnic table and she looks disgusted. Sarah tells me Erin is grossed out by all of it. I don't blame her. I was, too. Sarah tells me the name of the woman and the last name is so unique that I immediately knew it was an old classmate's sister. Anyways, Sarah walks over to use the bathroom and I'm all by myself. I don't tell anyone what I just heard, but I walk up to the bar to get another drink and I notice the bartenders (there's about five of them behind the bar, but they are in this room that looks just like my old childhood room, including the door with the stickers on it) look suspicious and they think I told someone else. They all grab me and take me into the room. When I get in the room, I'm in this big living room with these windows that (are closed) open up to bright sunshine, contrasting the dark room I'm locked in. When the bartenders leave, I see my dog and two dark grey kittens walking around. I walk to the windows and I notice they swing open like a screen door. I grab the kittens and set them carefully out. Then I grab my dog and set him out carefully. I crawl out the window behind my dog. When I'm outside, I notice I am outside my aunt and uncle's home in Warrens, WI. I tell my dog to run. He WALKS down the road. I keep yelling for him to hurry and of course at this point he decides to go to the bathroom. At this point, I run up ahead to see if the bartenders have caught on to our escape, and to hide behind trees. Finally he finishes pooping and walks over to me. I pick him up and we start running.

  • To feel disgust in your dream, represents an unacknowledged or denied aspect of your own self. You fear confrontation. You may also lack the means to defend and/or protect yourself.

  • To dream that you escape from jail or some place of confinement, signifies your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. Alternatively, it suggests that you are refusing to face your problems. You are avoiding the situation, instead of confronting them.

8/14/10 - Sunflowers.

I was with someone that wasn't Devin, and I was making out them. We were in a bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror afterwards and notice hickeys all over my neck and I freak out, thinking Devin would notice. I grab a shirt to put on and it looks like a flowing tank top. It's a silky light green, the color of a flower stalk, and in the middle, resting below the bosom, is a sunflower. On my shoulders, connecting the front to the back, are sunflower petals holding the dress together. It really was a gorgeous shirt, if I do say so myself. At the time, anyway. Then I put on a sweater, to cover my neck up. Devin walks in. Doesn't notice.

Then I'm in a car. I yell outside to Devin and this person I was making out with that I need help getting out. They both come over and the other one walks to the front to cover his immediate reflex to help me. He pets my dog Bear (apparently the dog was in the front seat). Devin comes to help me out.

  • To dream that you commit adultery or have an affair, signifies your sexual urges and desires that are longing to be expressed. Alternatively, it indicates self-betrayal of your subconscious. You may find yourself entangled in a situation that is not in your best interest, perhaps even illegal.

  • To dream that you are covering something, indicates a part of yourself that you are trying to hide or are afraid of revealing. Consider what you are trying to cover up.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8/13/10 - Lame Dream.

I had yet another dream about looking at a picture. This one was black and white, and it was my grandpa and his sister next to a tree. I don't know if I was looking at the picture though, or if it was actually them moving around. It was the picture in my view, and nothing more. I couldn't see my hands holding the picture, etc.

I'm brushing my wet hair at my childhood home, in the living room. I notice a pile of stuffed animals on the couch and I set the brush down and sift through them. I see my [real life] old stuffed animal, Jolly, my fuzzy green stuffed animal that looked like a mix between Gumby and the Jolly Green Giant, (in my waking life, a dog had stolen Jolly and I was too afraid to ask the owner for it back, so I lost him forever). So I was really excited to see him again. I hugged him and clung to him, walking out the house towards a beer tent that was magically thirty feet from my home. I remember the orange-tape fencing clearly. I walked up, grabbed a beer (which I rarely drink), and walked back out of the beer tent and stood next to Devin. I was still carrying Jolly with me. At some point, I notice a tour bus with a huge picture of Bam Margera painted across it riding down the road past the beer tent. Following behind were a bunch of men on motorcycles. Even though I was far away, I could see Ryan Dunn in the front wearing sunglasses. To explain, I am not a big fan of Bam or anything like that. I was at one point, though, and in my waking life, I obtained a joke poster of Bam Margera as a gift from a penpal, so I'm blaming her a second time for affecting my dreams. Moving on, though. I was outside the beer tent and I noticed the bus. I started dancing to the music that was playing, trying to see if the bus would stop and see me dancing and think that there was a party going on or something. I was bored as hell and wanted a crowd there. The bus did stop, but I didn't watch to see them come off the bus or anything. I ended up dropping my bottle off at the bar and the bartender starts to get suspicious about Jolly. I start worrying that he thinks I stole Jolly, so I leave the beer tent and walk to a gas station nearby. Jolly disappeared, as did Devin. I walked up to some stranger and I told them I needed shampoo, so I walked into the gas station. I change my skirt right in the gas station, in a place people could see. Don't ask me why. I walk back out and I see a group huddled on the floor. It's my mom, my aunt, my uncle and my sister. They tell me that a News Channel was just inside the store and was taping something. I try to remain calm, but inside I am thinking "I just showed my underwear to a news crew. My ass might be on television." I teleport somehow to this computer and I am trying to get the internet to work. I call tech support and first I am afraid I'll get this person I really don't like in real life but I end up getting someone nice that I don't mind. I didn't even get to the website to see if I was caught changing into a skirt, I ended up just getting the computer fixed and teleport back to the gas station. Once there, at night, I notice a bus waiting. An old friend, Chelsey, is telling me I should come with her on the bus, so I join. We get on the bus and ride for awhile and at some point, for no reason - I shit you not - she points at some random person and declares that "That person just farted." I laughed awkwardly and eventually got off the bus.

I really really really don't want to post the rest of this dream, but it's a dream and it's one I can't control no matter how cringe-worthy it gets.. (Plus, after reading The Oxford Book Of Dreams, and reading excerpts from journals of other dreamers, I can safely say this is nothing compared to what others have dreamt about.. hahahahahaha-yikes.)

Somehow I'm in this house. It has MANY doors and the rooms open to other rooms, which open to other rooms. It's unending. The walls were white and all the beds had maroon bedspreads. There were always two beds in one room, and the beds were aligned in a crooked manner to the room. I'm walking through the house with my boyfriend and we notice Tegan Quin and her girlfriend in the house, too. I get starstruck and I end up not listening to something Devin says, because Tegan is wearing quite the risque clothing.. Nighties, swimsuits, etc.. We all sit down on the two beds, Devin and I on one bed and she and her girlfriend on another. The two women get lovey-dovey, and I get insanely jealous and I end up leaving the room. I open the first door and I can barely hear what Tegan is saying to her girlfriend, so I follow the wall closest to where she was sitting and get to another door around the corner. Now I am entering a bathroom and I can hear her even clearer. She is telling her girlfriend how much she loves her or something, and I keep my hands and ear against the wall, trailing along to get closer and closer to her voice. I respond that I love her back and notice the voice is even louder through this other door that is between the bathroom and the bedroom they are all in. I open the door and it is a closet with three darkly wooden steps that go down to this wall. I walk down the steps and I hear her say even louder now that she loves her again, so I push my hands up against the wall and scream a response again. The wall pulls back as soon as the weight of my body hits it (like a secret passage would do) and I end up falling down more stairs. I land on this weird flooring. It's almost a rat's nest. Fuzziness everywhere. There are holes in the flooring and I notice movement below. Underneath this strange flooring is a basement I assume, so I peer down to look below. I notice a piece of paper that has "obsession" in big letters and the movement below me notices me watching them and the person starts to climb up the holes in the flooring to catch me. This person (I'm unsure if it was male or female, I never saw a face) is upset that I caught them spying on me and the other three. I crawl up the stairs trying to keep away from this person. I notice Tegan and her girlfriend are fighting, but I tell them about this person that was spying on us and they all freak out. We all start walking out of the bedroom and Tegan follows closely behind me instead of her girlfriend, because of their fight they had.

I think we know the interpretation for this one. Obsession over a celebrity. That's lame and really embarrassing. Can't wait to write more dreams so I can bury this one.

Stuffed Animal
  • To see a stuffed animal in your dream, represents an immature attitude. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. Alternatively, a stuffed animal indicates your need to relax and be less serious. You need to let your mind and body to rejuvenate. A stuffed animal may also mean security, love, comfort, support and unconditional or unquestioned love.

  • To see a wall in your dream, signifies limitations. obstacles and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. Alternatively, the wall indicates that you are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking. You feel stuck. To dream that you are hiding behind a wall, suggests that you ashamed in acknowledging your connections. To dream that you are being thrown or shot through a wall, means that you need to literally breakdown those walls that you have put up around you.

  • To dream that someone is spying on you, represents your impulsive behavior. This dream may also serve as a warning that you are being watched, investigated, or evaluated. Someone is looking over you.

  • To see a sign in your dream, indicates that you need help. You need some direction and guidance in your life. Pay attention to what the sign says and what it is pointing you to do. Perhaps the dream is highlighting "a sign of the times".
    • Obsession
      • To dream of an obsession, suggests that you need to take some time to work through some difficulty. There is a situation that may potentially take over your daily life and prevent you from functioning efficiently.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

8/12/10 - I Wanted The Signed Poster.

(picture of my grandpa's family. He's the youngest one, in the middle).

This one will be short. I barely remembered anything. I just remember at one point I was on the computer editing a photo of my grandpa's family. (In my waking life, I recently found a bunch of photos of my dad's side of the family and I liked one picture so much I just had to print it out and tape it to my wall..)

The next thing I remember dreaming was waking up in bed. Devin walks in and throws this package at me. I ask him what it is and he tells me that I received my vinyls I pre-ordered (a collection of Tegan & Sara records, which comes with a signed poster), and I ended up getting a DVD instead of the poster (this was the package he threw at me).. I remember freaking out thinking I needed to let the company that sent it know that they mixed up, so that I didn't feel awful getting a DVD for which I didn't pay for. That, and I really wanted the damned poster with the signatures.

  • To dream that you are altering a photo, suggests that you are putting out a false image, or something is not what it seems to be.

  • To dream that you receive mail indicates that you need to communicate or re-establish contact with someone from your present or past. It may also represent messages from your unconscious or intuition. The mail may also be a pun on a "male" in your life.
    • Disappointment
      • To dream of disappointment, indicates real-life experiences of being continually disappointed. Such dreams often reflect repressed disappointments which has accumulated over a period of time. Your dream serves as an emotional outlet to help ease your mind.

8/11/10 - Sleep Paralysis To The Max.

Okay, I might have been going through major sleep paralysis in the first bit of my dream. I know it was lightning and down-pouring, I remember looking out the window. (In my waking life, it was actually storming that night, so maybe it was projecting into my dreams..) I was in the process of awakening, but couldn't move. I remember trying to yell to Devin, who was beside me in bed, "Wake me up! Wake me up!" I felt like I couldn't do it myself, and I could only whisper through my lips. I could hear myself, in my dream, yelling, and myself, outside of my dream, whispering. It was eerie. Finally Devin rolls over, tells me I'm fine, and goes back to bed. Eventually I finally awake completely, but right beforehand I felt someone touch my left hand. I was freaking out thinking a ghost tapped my hand. I couldn't sleep for awhile after that, so I wrote down what happened.

Finally I went back to sleep, and I dreamt that I was visiting my dad and he told me he read my dream blog about some dream where I was kissing a Quin Twin--Tegan, to be exact--with "lots of tongue". I was blushing in my dream, embarrassed that he read my blog--and used the phrase 'lots of tongue'--but in my waking life I have seriously never dreamt about kissing either twin with 'lots of tongue', or any tongue for that matter - god dammit. :( That was a weird dream, too. The next part I wrote down I don't remember the details, just that my dad's workplace was making a documentary. Then I'm walking to my childhood home. I get to the back porch, and enter the utility room. There are dog beds in the closet area of the utility room, and my dog Bear and Ziggy are there, along with two dogs, Wyatt and Tuffy, whom have passed away in my waking life. I remember my dog Bear kept wanting to bite Tuffy. Tuffy was a fat dachshund, so he was a small little guy compared to Bear's St. Bernard/Lab mix. I was really scared Bear would tear Tuffy to shreds, so I kept forcing myself between them to protect Tuffy. At some point, Bear quit bothering him, so I walked to the living room and looked out the door. It was raining really hard and then these fish the size of big northerns started falling to the ground along with the rain. I got scared and backed away from the door. Then I went back to the utility room and instead of the dogs there, my boyfriend's sister Cherish and her boyfriend Monte were there sitting on a couch (in the utility room, I don't know why). I decide to call Devin, my boyfriend, to see where he was and I heard a little kid's voice in the background. I joke about hearing a kid and tease him about cheating on me and having a family started with some other woman. He gets quiet and really defensive then. I bawled, realizing it was true. Cherish gets mad at Devin for what he did, but I leave the house and hang up on him. I decided to walk into the woods, towards the road. I call my aunt Erin and tell her what happened. Then I hang up again and walk some more in the woods. I meet up with Sara Quin and strangely we seem to be in a relationship or something. It doesn't last for long, though. First, Devin's cousin Trevor starts chasing us in the woods. Then, I project out of my body and some woman is taking the place as Sara's girlfriend/the one getting chased. I'm just a third wheel trying to help them get to safety. Eventually we get to the road. It's autumn, cold, rainy. Leaves are falling from the painted-orange trees. A car pulls up and I look over at the other two and think "We're safe." They have the same look to them. Then a guy gets out and he looks like Taylor Handley (again, I had to look this guy up. I've only seen him in one thing, and it was Dawson's Creek a few years ago. It's strange how the brain stores hidden, insignificant information and visuals.) When I saw him exit the car and tell us to get in, I thought, "Great. Just like in the movies, he's supposed to be my knight in shining armor. There's no way I'm going to be his love interest in this dream" I don't know why I thought that, but he smiled arrogantly, so it just got worse from there. The guy chasing us was closing in, and although I was thinking over whether I wanted to deal with this guy or the one chasing me, I eventually got in the car with Sara and her new girlfriend.

At some point in this dream, I actually remembered dreaming about the denim clothes that I wrote in this blog. I think writing these dreams down for so long is starting to make the memory of my waking life better.

  • To dream that you or someone is yelling, represents repressed anger that needs to be expressed. If you are yelling and no one hears, then it suggests that you are being overlooked in some waking situation. You feel that your voice does not matter or that your opinion does not count.

  • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream, indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it indicates some inner conflict within yourself. It may also indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness.

  • To see and hear rain falling, symbolizes forgiveness and grace. Falling rain is also a metaphor for tears, crying and sadness. Alternatively, rain symbolizes fertility and renewal. If you get wet from the rain, then it indicates cleaning from your troubles and problems.
    • Fish
      • To see fish swimming in your dream, signifies insights from your unconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish, represents insights which have been brought to the surface. Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant. To see a dead fish, signifies disappointment and loss of power/wealth.

  • To dream of infidelity (either by you or someone else), represents issues of abandonment and neglect in a relationship. Or you are feeling emotionally confined and need an outlet for your feelings. Alternatively, a dream of infidelity indicates that you are feeling unsatisfied with your current relationship. You are harboring guilt over a sexual relationship or you are looking for a more erotic sex life.

Astral Projection
  • To dream of astral projection, suggests that you are looking at things from a whole new perspective. You may be feeling liberated and free. Alternatively, it indicates that you are physically or emotionally disconnected from those around you.

  • To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal, represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.

11/30/09 - Sleep Walking?

Forgot my dream, here's an old one I had that I posted in a message board:

Posted 30 November 2009 - 10:32 AM

Double-posting only because it won't let me edit..

But I had a really weird dream that got even weirder when I woke up. I dreamt that my dog was scratching at the bedroom door, scratching, scratching.. It got annoying, because I was sleeping (in my dream), so I went over to the door to open it and my dog started pouncing up getting excited. My hair was in a ponytail, and I felt someone pulling on it. It was my dog, he kept pouncing up and grabbing at my hair and tugging at it. Once the door opened, he left and I went back into my bed. When I was all settled in bed, I started to feel pressure on my head and I tried to pick my hands up to feel my head to see if something was sitting on me or something, but my hands were really really heavy and I couldn't lift them. At this point I was gradually waking up outside of my dream, and my head still had the pressure feeling. I looked at my hands and they were stiff kind of.. It was weird.. I think I'm just getting a slight headache, but that dream was really weird, and kind of scary..

Another weird thing is that about a half-hour after I woke up, my dog came into the bedroom and started yipping at me because he wanted something, but I didn't know what he wanted.. It eerily reminded me of my dream.

  • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream, indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten. To hear barking in your dream, suggests that you are annoying those around you with grumpiness and fussiness. The dream may also be analogous to your tendency of barking orders at people, instead of asking or talking kindly. Alternatively, barking refers to unhappy and disgruntled companions. To dream that a dog bites you on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. Alternatively, it symbolizes disloyalty.
    • Pulling
      • To dream that you are pulling something, refers to your burdens and struggles. You have difficulties accomplishing your tasks and goals. You need to unload and/or let go some of your responsibilities. Perhaps it is a relationship that you need to let go of. Consider also what or who you are pulling. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your "pull" or influence for some favor or decision.
        • Hair
          • To see hair in your dream, signifies sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. It is indicative of your attitudes.

  • To see your bed in your dream, represents your intimate self and discovery of your sexuality. If you are sleeping in your own bed, then it denotes security and restoration of your mind. You may be looking for domestic bliss, for peace or for some form of escape.

  • To dream of pressure, symbolizes stress and tension in your life. You are feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or overloaded. The dream may be telling you to take it easy. Relax.

  • To dream that something is too heavy, symbolizes your burdens, work load and responsibilities. You are carrying too much on your shoulders and need to prioritize. Take a break and lighten up.
    • Arm
      • To see your arms as the emphasis in your dream, indicate your nurturance side and your ability to reach out and care for people. Alternatively, it may represent the struggles and challenges in your life. Consider the pun "arm yourself" which implies that you need to protect yourself, be more aggressive and take a firmer stance on things or the pun "up in arms", representing anger and your readiness to argue.

2/27/10 - I Talked To Walt.

Could have sworn I wrote this day down, but I can't seem to find the evidence for that, so I'm going to have to find an old entry for today. Found this on the message board I go onto, in a Dream thread:

Posted 27 February 2010 - 03:06 PM

I'm barely awake right now, but i want to remember:

Everything is black and white in this part. Bright. I'm in this huge apartment in a big city, with wooden floors. I grab a Tegan & Sara CD and blast Back In Your Head and start dancing all giddily for some reason. The weather outside the big window of the room I was in (which looks like a living room/dining room/kitchen, if i remember right) is heavily-clouded and down-pouring.. I'm wishing I had a camera with how beautiful it looked outside, and for some reason I wanted to take the picture doing a Grand Jeté in front of the window (I had to google this, but it's the jump, doing a front split, in midair.). I did the Grand Jeté anyways, a few times. I guess it was dark-lit at the time and I thought it'd make a beautiful picture against the bright, paris-esque rainy weather outside. I felt a little lonely, though, so although I was giddy, I did want company.

Dreaming in color now: Now, I'm in my house, and there are boxes about the place on the floor. I call my mom and tell her that since she's coming over, if maybe she could help pack a few things in her car to be dropped at this house my boyfriend and I are moving into. Then I'm in this different house, in the town my parents live in. For some reason, I think that I've lived a long time in one of the other houses my boyfriend and I looked at that we were thinking of buying at the time (in real life), and that we only lived in our current (real) home for a short while... Anyways, I remember my boyfriend's family are looking at the new house, and I'm standing at the window waiting for my parents to come visit and see the new place. I remember the outside of the house we bought was bright, but darker, red. If that makes sense. Think of a cabin-red exterior.. Anyways, my mom gets there with my aunt, and I begin to worry about my dad. It's weird, too. For two reasons. One: I know kind of where we were located in town, in real life, because I remember thinking about how we were close to the Veteran's Administration Hospital. And two: It felt eerie, like I was copying real life with this next part. I was watching for my dad's car to pull up and I kept hearing sirens for an ambulance go off, and I was worried he might have had an accident (because I did this in real life a lot when I was little, stare out the window waiting for my dad to come home, worried he was in a car accident). Finally he pulled up in this blue geo metro, which is the car he had driven when I was little. He pulled into the garage. Then I turned back to the house and it changed a bit in structure. I was in this room, and I saw my boyfriend and his father head down a hall and out the front door straight ahead. I could see my boyfriend's mom and her family at a table, down the hall and a little out of sight behind the wall. She's telling everyone that my boyfriend and his dad always does this, leaving to do something in the garage before dinner, so we may as well eat without them. The room I was in had two tables. One had my grandpa, and he set his plate down and then sat down slowly to eat. I looked over at the other table and my great-uncle Walt, whom died in real life when I was seventeen, was sitting next to a woman, talking. I kind of choked up a bit, because I knew he died. He said something to the woman, and even though I knew he was talking to her, I asked him what he said and sat down next to him. If you have ever seen the movie Drop Dead Fred, you'll know the exact reaction I had when I asked him to repeat what he said. The last scene, when Phoebe Cates asks the little girl what name she spoke, and then told the girl she believed her, that is exactly the same reaction I gave. This woman he was talking to looked over at me, smiling all knowingly and not caring that I interrupted her conversation with him. He said something completely different to me than what he said before, and this time it was something directed towards me.. I don't remember what it was, but it was about the food I think. Maybe he asked me if I liked the food or something. Anyways, I started to tear up a bit, and I told him I really missed him and that I hadn't seen him in forever. I gave him a great big hug, and he hugged me back. Then he started to half-disappear, and I started to half-wake (not really waking in real life). I remember the hug lasted longer then when he disappeared, I was left waking up in this car, dry-heaving and tearing up again, hugging at my chest like I didn't even want to let go of the air. I looked around and realized I was parked in this parking lot, in the passenger seat, in this bigger city half an hour from of my own town. I also remember there were these little Gary Oldman pictures in the dashboard. Don't ask me why those were there.

Black And White

  • To dream in black and white, suggests that you need to be more objective in formulating your decisions. You may be a little too unyielding in your thought process and thus need to find some sort of balance between two opposing views. Consider the views and opinions of others. Alternatively, black and white dreams is a sign of depression or sadness. You may feel that there is not enough excitement in your life.
    • Ballet
      • To see or wear ballet slippers in your dream, represents your understanding of the principles of balance and grace. You carry yourself with much poise and get along well with others.

  • To dream that you are moving away, signifies your desire or need for change. It may also mean an end to a situation or relationship; you are moving on. Alternatively, it indicates your determination and issues regarding dependence/independence.

  • To dream that you are nervous about something, indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of insecurity.
    • Father
      • To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father and how aspects of his character may be incorporated within yourself.

  • To dream that you are in bereavement, suggests that you are repressing your grief. Perhaps something is bothering you more than you realize. You need to express your sadness and not keep it inside. For those that are experiencing bereavement in real life, such dreams are a way of coping with what has happened.

  • To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss. If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.
    • Hugging
      • To dream that you are hugging someone, symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate.
    • Disappear
      • To dream that people or objects are disappearing right before your eyes, signify your anxieties and insecurities over the notion that loved ones might disappear out of your life. You feel that you cannot depend on anyone and that you will end up alone. You need to work on your self-image and self-esteem.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/8/10 - The Stairs Were Bright Teal.

Dreamt I'm trying to drive this small boat. I'm in this river and there is another small boat with men riding around near me. I don't know how to control the boat or steer for some reason, and I tell them this, and they laugh at me and then yell at me that I'm stupid and I should know how to operate a boat. I have my dog in the boat with me. A storm comes in fast and it gets windy, and eventually the wind uproots a tree.. This is where my mind confuses my sanity. Instead of the tree falling into the river and hitting the boat, the boat is magically in the tree, and when the tree falls down, it digs the boat into the ground. I fall about thirty feet from the tree, but my dog is still in the boat under the tree. I start bawling and I rush over, trying to pull branches out of the way to save my dog. He hobbles out (he's a papillon/chihuahua mix, so he's a little guy) and I pick him up, now crying of joy. I notice his elbows are jutting out in a scary position, as if he has an extra bone connected to the humerus bone or something. Needless to say, it grossed me out, though I held onto my dog tightly after that. These guys (one of them looks an awful lot like Christian Bale) and I walk away from the side of the river and try to find a place to get out of the impending storm. We find this white house, the paint chipping off, and walk up the porch. We get to a screen door and knock, and a couple comes to the door. The guy looks like Jon Favreau of Couples Retreat (and he was a dick in my dream, too) and his wife looked like Minnie Driver. We asked them if we could come in from the rain, and I explained about my dog. Minnie Driver opened the door all the way and let us in in a welcoming manner, while her husband folded his arms and looked suspicious at us. When we walk in, I immediately notice that there are a LOT of bright teal steps going up, the walls were pure, bright white. I walked in first and the men followed behind me. When we get up the stairs, it seems were in the basement. The basement has wood flooring and the walls are dark brick. There are pipes hanging on the ceiling, posts helping to hold the house up. I didn't seem to notice the strangeness in going upstairs to the basement at that time, it seemed normal to me. This Jon Favreau guy was a bit calmer and he pointed out rooms as we passed. We were walking down a straight path, and eventually reached the end, where he turned to the left to show us a kitchen. This was a huge house, and I seemed to think that the basement was a full house itself, and that they had their own house upstairs, even though we came from downstairs. The husband opens the fridge to show us there was food in there and a cat jumps out. We notice there is a tray of sliced cucumbers on the top shelf. I set Moses (my dog) down on the floor as the husband leaves the room so that we can get comfortable in the new place. He seems to be telling us that we can stay there however long we would like to. Christian Bale and the other two guys seem reluctant to stay. I set my bag down on a chair at the table and tell them that I want to stay. I tell them that I don't want to run around trying to find our world/home anymore. (I don't understand this part really, maybe I was dreaming we were "Sliders", which is a TV show I was really into a year ago where this group is going through parallel Earths and trying to find the one they originated from). I tell the guys that we could get jobs, buy homes, live here. I say this while looking at the Christian Bale character. I'm looking at him, because I like him. I want to grow old with him.

  • To dream that you are in or see a boat, signifies your ability to cope with and express your emotions. Pay particular attention to the condition and state of the waters, whether it is calm or violent, clear or murky, etc. Are you "smooth sailing"? Alternatively, you may be ready to confront your unconscious and unknown aspects of yourself. The dream could be telling you not to rock the boat and to stay out of harm's way.

  • To see a falling tree in your dream, means that you are feeling off balance and out of sync. Perhaps, you are off track and headed in the wrong direction.

  • To see bones in your dream, represent the discovery of your personal, family, or cultural secrets. It is also symbolic of your underlying strengths that you have not yet recognized. Consider the symbolism of getting to the "bare bones" or the significance of "having a bone to pick with someone."

  • To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicate that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual, emotional or material journey. The dream is also analogous to material and thoughts that are coming to the surface.
    • Teal
      • The color teal signifies trustworthiness, devotion and healing. It is also indicative of spiritual guidance and teacher.

  • To dream that you are in a basement, symbolizes your unconscious mind and intuition. The appearance of the basement is an indication of your unconscious state of mind and level of satisfaction. It represents primal urges, animalistic desires and basic needs.

  • To see or open a refrigerator in your dream, represents your chilling personality and/or cold emotions. The dream may also be telling you that you need to put some goal, plan, or situation on hold. Alternatively, a refrigerator signifies that you have accomplished what you have been unconsciously seeking.
    • Cat
      • To see a black cat in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck.
    • Cucumber
      • To see or eat a cucumber in your dream, signifies recuperation and recovery. You need to regain your energy and health. Alternatively, it is symbolic of the phallus and have sexual connotations.

  • To dream that you are in a strange, unknown or foreign place, represents change in your life. Consider how you feel about the surrounding. If you are afraid or lost, then it indicates that you are not ready for the change. You are not ready to leave the past behind. If you are excited or happy in this unknown place, then it suggests that you are ready for change.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

8/7/10 - Gonna Raise Hell.

I'm at my aunt and uncle's home, during a family reunion. One of my other uncles comes over and talks to me about his house and his wife and kids.

I don't remember what happens or how I get to the next part of my dream, but I am next to this lake house (that actually looks like the house in the movie Lake House) and I remember walking over this dock and trying to locate a missing dog. I am calling for about five dogs, and all of them came to me except one. I put the dogs that came to me inside the house and start calling for the other. I finally find the dog coming towards me on the dock, but when I get close to her, she starts to dart away, then come back to me. She continues doing this for awhile, and I don't remember if I ever did catch her.


Now I'm lying in this sleeping bag next to Devin. There are others around us also sleeping in bags. Someone walks over and tells us that 'Brent' is looking for us. Devin rolls over towards me and explains to me that Brent hid something - buried it - in the woods where we're sleeping. I start thinking that Brent is a killer and that what he buried is a body, so I start to freak out. Then somehow we're not outside and we're in this record store, still in our sleeping bags (though now with a mattress underneath) though nobody else is in the store with us. I remember a HIM poster is on this architectural column of some sort in the record store. Then Hellraiser (looks like the usual Hellraiser, played by Doug Bradley) comes into the store with two other men that look like Migé Amour and Emerson Burton of the band HIM. Hellraiser comes closer and although I am not completely terrified like I would be in real life, I do have this feeling that he is bad. This Hellraiser guy is pissed, though. He expected Devin to do something for him, and Devin didn't do whatever it was he wanted done. He tells Devin that if it's not completed soon, then he'll kill one of us... Then it gets weird. He comes over to us, pushes Devin away, pulls my clothes off and rapes me. Although in real life I would be so incredibly scared and turned off, it was actually quite the opposite in the dream. I loved it. And I remember biting him a LOT. Ew.


This is the second dream I've had where a bed appears in the past month. In both dreams, the bed was just a mattress, with no frame. I might have to take note of that and see if this is common in most of my dreams.

  • To dream that you are searching for something, signifies the need to find something that is missing or needed in your life.

  • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity.

  • To dream that you bury something, suggests that you are hiding your true feelings. Or you are trying to cover up some situation or act. In particular, if you are burying a body, then it suggests that you are trying to hide something that you find repulsive or that others may find unappealing.

  • To dream that you have been raped, indicates vengeful or resentful feelings toward the opposite sex. You feel that you have been violated or that you have been taken advantage of. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. Things are being forced upon you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

8/6/10 - Human Houses.

I dreamt I was in the driveway of my Aunt's home and I was shooting at this chubby man wearing a tuxedo. He was holding this woman that looked like Trini Alvarado (an actress). He was standing on the deck at my aunt's house, holding onto this woman to make sure she wouldn't be able to escape. Eventually I shot him, killing him instantly. I ran to the deck and when I get there, she's mad that I killed him. I meant to just wound him, but I wasn't upset that I killed him.. He was trying to kidnap her. As I got on the deck, though, I sort of became invisible. This man that looked an awful lot like Nathan Fillion came into view and embraced her. They kissed. And then - don't laugh - they turned into half humans-half houses. They were human sized and had these houses around them. Kind of like Alice In Wonderland, where she grows really big in the rabbit's house. You could see their legs/arms/heads, but the rest were houses. They were each a two- or three-story house. Both had balconies, too. It's a weird, messed-up dream.


I watched The Frighteners last night and it stars Trini Alvarado, so that's why I must have dreamt about her.. And I can only guess I dreamt of Nathan Fillion because I'm trying to watch the tv show Firefly because it has Summer Glau in it.. I just haven't watched it recently.

  • To dream that you shoot a person with a gun, denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person. If the person you shoot is a stranger, then it indicates that you are rejecting unknown aspects of yourself that you do not understand.

  • To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self.

    • Balcony

      • To see or dream that you are on a balcony, refers to your desire to be seen and noticed. You are searching for prestige and higher status.

  • To see others kissing in your dream, suggests that you are too involved in someone else's personal lives and relationship. You need to give them some space.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/5/10 - Dogs Are A Delicacy.

There is a lake and I'm standing on this rock near the shore.. The mustang is half-in the water, and near the rock, so I carefully get onto the top of the car and have Devin help me up and out of the lake.. It seems I can't swim or maybe there was something in the water.. Also, it's really dark out.

Then I'm in Warrens, right in town. It's the end of a parade and I'm sitting on the corner of Railroad St. and Cty Hwy O (I google-mapped this just now for the correct location, and also the picture in this entry is actually of the spot where I was sitting..). This girl of about sixteen with long blond hair walks to the center of the road with this pink barbie sled/bike (it had wheels, but was flat like a sled). She gets in the sled and spins around and around, kind of making a fool of herself like most teens do for attention. :) She's too big for this contraption, so she skids out twice, and eventually people yell for her to get off the road. A sister of hers walks to her with a towel and puts the towel around her as she changes for some reason. The sister gives me the evil eye, as if I'm bad news. When this sixteen year-old is done changing, she walks over to where I am and sits down to my right. She starts flirting with me, with Devin to my left. I feel awful, but I like the attention, so I flirt back even though she's a bit young. There is this white table in front of us and I have gum in front of me. She reaches for a piece without asking and it bothers me a lot. Then she starts to grab this iPhone that is Devin's, but we catch her in time, and I give it to Devin. We start taking pictures and we have this screen so we can see our pictures while we take them.. I notice our teeth are sharp, like a vampire's. Then we disolve and I become this man in a grunge band taking pictures by this tree with his band. They are wearing fangs. Then I become myself again and I start walking to my aunt's house, down this trail, but I walk on my tippy-toes, like a ballerina. I walk like this all the way to my aunt's home. I walk up their ramp and notice these two cats that are starving. Their stomach's are sunk in and their fur is matted. They need food soon or they'll die. I don't seem worried, so I walk off and on my way I look on the ground for something for the cats to eat. I figure if I find something for them, I'll walk back.

I'm in this hospital room now and in the bed is my great-uncle Walt. My whole family is surrounding him and at one point we are all making small talk and the issue is about meat.. My cousin Megan pipes up that she heard dogs are a delicacy and are supposedly the tastiest meat.

  • To see a lake in your dream, signifies your emotional state of mind. You feel restricted and that you can't express your emotions freely. Alternatively, the lake may provide you with solace, security, and peace of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolizes your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.

  • To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside, you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to him or her. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic of someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.

    To dream that you are a vampire, signifies that you are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit.

  • To dream that you are a ballerina, suggests that you are moving through the obstacles of your life effortlessly. You feel unrestricted. It is also a symbol of innocence, frailty, and vulnerability. Alternatively, you may feel unable to attain and measure up to society's ideals of beauty.

  • To dream about starvation, indicates that you are lacking in some mental or emotional area of your life. You may be ignoring or avoiding an important family/emotional issue. Starvation dreams are not uncommon in individuals who are dieting or who have an eating disorder.

      • To see a cat in your dream, symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck.

    • To see food in your dream, represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies.

      • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity.