Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/25/10 - Destroyed Mailbox.

Dreamt that my Aunt Erin gave me money so my sister and I can go somewhere and do something. Maybe eat at a restaurant.

Then I'm in this lake, though the waves are big and pounding, like an ocean. I tell myself to calm down, float, and naturally let the waves take me to land. At some point, while dreaming and half-drowning, I can hear myself say "uggghhh" outside of my sleep. It's almost like in The Truman Show, when Jim Carrey is looking up to the sky feeling watched. That's how I felt. Like I knew something outside of the dream life was happening, because of this foreign voice sounded throughout the land..
though it was me.

Then I'm in this house. The downstairs looks like the house I grew up in. Tegan and Sara are there and so are other women that I don't know. We're all downstairs having some sort of party, but soon the party leaves and I can't find anyone. I can sense that everyone is still in the house, but I can't find them anywhere. I feel like a ghost. I can hear them talking, laughing, but I cannot see any person. I get onto this computer that's on a bed and there is this chatroom on the screen. Everyone from the party is online, chatting, along with people that weren't at the party. The ones that were at the party are speaking in this strange cypher that I couldn't understand. Everything on the screen that they'd write were symbols. A some point, someone invites me into their personal chat with the rest of the party, and the cypher turns to english and I can understand what they write. We're still in this big chatroom with other, uninvited strangers that are also typing in strange codes, though. I get bored fast with chatting, which is not surprising since I never chat with anyone at all online, so I go upstairs. The upstairs of this house looks like the house I own right now. I look out the window of one of the rooms and I see our mailbox is destroyed and I get pissed, thinking that whoever hit our mailbox with a baseball bat were probably the bastards that ran our cat over (in real life, the night before).

Okay, it gets weird. I'm outside of Walmart, on the sidewalk, and I am wearing my new swimsuit I bought. I'm running down the curb with a football in my hand and counting the seconds in my head how long it takes to reach a certain object. I think it ended up being 17 seconds. The women from the party are all outside and I notice Tegan ahead of me, so I stop when I run passed her and I turn around and kick the ball at her to catch. She catches it, laughs, runs backwards a few feet and throws the ball back to me. I catch the ball perfectly. I see people way up ahead, behind Tegan, and decide I want to play with them instead now, so I go to kick the ball to them and my leg can't hit the ball. As if gravity is non-existent, or maybe in my dream I expected it to be easy, as if the ball and my foot were magnetic and realized they weren't. I don't know. Anyways, I still couldn't kick the ball, so Tegan comes over and tries to show me, but I wake up before I can learn how to.

  • To see an unknown symbol in your dream, indicates your ambivalence, confusion, or ignorance in a situation. Consider the shape of the symbol and what it reminds you of for additional significance.

  • To see a mailbox in your dream, represents important information that you are about to receive. Pay particular attention to your dream and what message it is trying to convey to you from your unconscious.

  • To dream that you are playing football or on a football field, represents your competitive nature. Alternatively, you are not getting enough cooperation or support in some area of your life. You are being faced with many demanding challenges.

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