Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Christmas Carols

I was adopted by this big religious family. One of the older 'brithers' and I were in love.. we had to hide to meet up and see each other. I dreamt we had to walk around this pond in the snow/ice kind of similar to my dad's property. Same roads etc.. seems like the family was walking around singing Christmas carols/looking for the whole fam in these crowds of people here and there.. I tried hiding out in a restaurant booth.. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Dreamt I was at Warrens mall and my husband and I left a couple small boxes of papers and pictures and schoolwork of the kids' there. I ran in thinking it's probably closed because barely anyone was there and it was dark. Saw my cousin Mel and I told her we accidentally left the boxes and that my daughter's phone was in there. She found the phone in the boxes and I started to explain proof of how I know it's ours (messages etc), she opened the camera and saw photos of daughte or random ones of family etc, so she said she believed me. She handed it back over. That's all I remember of my dream! 

Saturday, February 17, 2024


Ugh. Thanks to my two little boys and their game they play on their phone/tablet, I had a horrible dream. The game they play is this gross game where you have to get worms out of people teeth or nos or skin etc.. supposed to be an ASMR thing or whatnot. I knew having to help my son on a level would bite me in the ass later. 🤢🤮 Dreamt my littlest got a dog or something and we later found out he gave us m*g**ts 🤮 almost like fleas or head lice. It was awewweful. I tried taking a shower but then it was in all of our clothes, towels even. Tried brushing them out.. ugh. Horrible fucking dream. Spent a bit of time trying to get them out of my son's hair. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Weird Interview

Only remembering bits of my dream. I remember sister in law, husband, daughter, niece, my sister, and others I can't remember right now. Some people I didn't recognize. I remember now. We were on two teams. We had to get the other team to want to stop playing? We had to ask questions like an interview - for something specific. I brought this bright blue lightkind of thing that maybe is for makeup and I tried to shine it up in the eyes of the people we interviewed. My sister in law was recording on an old telephone next to bed (we must have been in a hotel?). My sister in law asked if more people could come help so I yelled for my sister but she told me that she was too tired so she went back to bed in another room off of this room. I turned around and looked for my daughter thinking she and her cousin could help with stuff. I realized they were balled up hiding under the covers of the bed in the room so I pulled covers off and asked them. I think they were getting up to help when I woke up. My husband was in this in the beginning... I can't remember what happened in that portion but I remembered kissing him at some point. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hide and Seek

I was at a party with husband, my dad, my dad's friend Jack, and husband's family (or at least for sure his sister, new boyfriend and ex husband, littlest daughter etc). 

I don't remember much. But it was a party of some sort and I remember singing along to music while doing dishes. Jack comes over for a second I think for a quick small tall bit then I see dad, Jack, husband, and husband's sister all holding bite sized moldy broccoli. I'm confused. Dad tells me that mold is safe to eat because it's just oxygen hitting or something or others and he starts drizzling a little bit of western dressing on his and everyone is doing the same. Dad gives me one and then makes himself one. We're all supposed to down this together like it's a shot. Everyone is eager to try except me. As soon as everyone is distracted by eating it, I quickly give my husband one. 

Hey perfect timing I remember what happened before this and that part of dream is over... Woke up. Before that, we were playing hide and seek. It was a weird mix of inside the house (maybe grandpa's this time?) and the woods on dad's property. Some guy is counting and we're all rushing to hide almost like we'll be killed if found. I'm terrified so I cling to my husband's back of his shirt while he's jumping/flying onto a tree. We get on top of one and husband slides further and falls to ground. The seeker saw us and jumps to me and I just drop down hoping he doesn't notice and see where I land. I land in some clothes and sightly on top of my daughter who's hiding. I just try to discreetly sink further into the clothes and blankets so everything is covered. I think I'm good and he doesn't see me (or my daughter). 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Dreamt I was in the backseat of a car and my aunt was in the passenger. Somehow we were driving even though no one was in driver's seat. We were stopped at a fast food drive thru and my mom was at the window with someone else (a supervisor) taking our order. My aunt joked that the worker was 'rude' and I wasn't totally sure I heard her correctly so I loudly repeated back and the supervisor yelled at me for 'making fun of" my mom. I was so embarrassed lol. 

Then I was back at my old job cleaning bathrooms. I went to a stall and started cleaning a toilet, and an old coworker was slightly confused but went to the next one to clean. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Record

Dreamt I was looking at a record and bought something thinking it had a musician's music on it, then after buying it and opening it I realized it has a different band on it. I really wanted to go back and see if I could return... I was with husband and inlaws and they needed to go somewhere else so I kinda split ways and hoped I'd see them later so I could get a ride back home later. I feel like at some point I dreamt I was in my "house" but it was really outside in the woods at my dad's house/my childhood home. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Dreamt that I'm in my childhood room. It's a bit of a mess. I remember dad is there and he sees a movie I own about a musician I like and says he'd like to watch it and try it out/see if he likes the music. 

Omg. I remember the rest now. Right after that I dreamt I was looking at a map maybe a weather map? And the radar was showing a meteor going towards Wisconsin. Wasn't huge but wasn't good. When it hit we eventually got smoke everywhere in Wisconsin.. deadly.. my whole family were all kind of scattered around town/the state, so we needed to get back together. The problem was the after effects of the meteor. There was smoke and snow everywhere. Nobody felt comfortable even moving from the spot they were at when the meteor hit, so it was almost two years passed or something in my dream and no one ventures from where they stood. Finally I just started walking.. I think I woke up then. 

Wait I do remember at some point seeing a random lady I think maybe the musicians from earlier's wife was being motherly to some boy and I was thinking how I'm not a good mom or something. That I wished I could be a better mom. 

Friday, February 9, 2024


Dreamt I was living with my parents again in my childhood home. The rooms were all dark. I was walking up to the bathroom when I could smell a smoke smell. I looked everywhere in the house and finally saw flames shooting up from below a window in a bedroom. I yelled to my mom who was half asleep on the couch. To call fire department. Ran outside, and saw that the fire was small enough that I was able to pour rain water out of a bucket and put the fire out. The thing in fire ended up being a bag of bandages and things. I came back in to show mom and remembered she was calling fore department. I told her to cancel and when she told them nevermind, I saw she was getting yelled at or something so I told her to give me the phone and I'd explain. I did and all was okay. 

After that I just remember trying to find my bedroom and seeing car lights outside the window, pulling up in garage. I assumed it was dad, sitting in the car, talking to someone that was dropping him off. I needed to change and was worried the blinds weren't covering enough. Woke up. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Dead Horses

Dreamt my daughter had gotten the start of her period. I had to find her a pad. We were at my dad's house, but I think it was my husband's and my house in the dream. Also dreamt that the house was kind of messy - this was just some weird house, nothing I know of. And I was trying to clean up and look for my water bucket for plants. Before this I remember now: my mom stopped by and told me they couldn't take care of their chicken (they don't really have one - they live in town) - Ifirst asked if Dad could watch it since he has some but they didn't listen and just started moving stuff around. Mom carried this huge cage that had two dead horses in it... So weird... I was thinking in my head why do we have to take care of your animal of we can't even remember to take care of our own? Okay so she plops the chicken down next to Dad's door (now my door) and I realize it's winter and this poor chicken will want to stay warm, so I grab these bulky warming lamp that was by the horses, and an even bulkier plug in for it. I try to plug it in but the adapter is soooooo weird and humongous and moves around like fricken transformers. I have to slide it around so it fits right into dad's plug in up above his door. Then I noticed my mom is also dropping off a huge, fancy, probably handmad table and chairs off. She tells me it's "the Allen's" and now that I'm out of my dream I realize that this is their neighbors, but inside the dream I had no idea who or where these Allen's were.. she had to get me to explain all the places/people dad ever took me to in the area and she kept saying no, not there. I dunno. Anyways I had to find a place for a bunch of these things she was getting rid of. End tables (I put the chicken cage on top and sat it next to the door) and a bunch of plants.) THIS is why I was searching for a watering can. I had to place them around the outside of the house so it looked nice. First though to get upstairs from the door I had to maneuver some things about the house around because of where the chicken was, so I moved things around like Legos to fit some stairs into the house. Unfortunately I realized later that I put the dumbest, hardest to crawl through kind of stairs/almost like a ventilation system as soon as you go through the front door, so I had to make note to fix that later. When I get up there to the second floor, my mom, aunt, and sister are up there and they give me a bah of old candy they didn't want anymore. After that, I realize I need the watering can to water the plants they gave me. The house was a mess and there was furniture everywhere. I remembered seeing the watering can under a desk but there are so many desks so I have to go through a bunch to find the right one. I'm kind of in my own house now set up-wise. I ended up finding it, and kind of picking up dishes along the way.. I think I woke up at this point. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024


Dreamt I was in a Harry Potter/Hogwarts like school. I was in what looked like a kitchen or faculty area and we were making a potion , looking for ingredients in the faculty kitchen. I was helping someone else I think. Someone came in (we were sneaking in and weren't supposed to be in there) but it was a little kid and they were bringing in another ingredient for the person I was with. 

Then I dreamt I was taking a shower and my 4 year old wanted in. For some reason, the water kept getting clogged so it was filling up. I look away for one second and when I look down, he's under the water. I quickly grab him out and do the whole CPR thing hoping it'll help. Eventually water comea out of his mouth and he starts breathing.

Oh, before this I dreamt I had these tiny bumps all over my arm. It's something real, I can't remember what it's called, so I figured I'd take a shower and exfoliate the stuff off my arm. 

Friday, February 2, 2024


Daughter was watching an anime show.. I think it was based off kind of the Sandman theme. There was this one guy with brown and black hair holding a cat that matches him and his eyes were always closed/he was blind and his cat saw for him. There were other weird quirks about the other characters, but this guy is the only one I remember. He was not the main character.. also dreamt we were moving and putting things in boxes and husband was being confusing and possibly wanting to keep junkmail.