Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Dead Horses

Dreamt my daughter had gotten the start of her period. I had to find her a pad. We were at my dad's house, but I think it was my husband's and my house in the dream. Also dreamt that the house was kind of messy - this was just some weird house, nothing I know of. And I was trying to clean up and look for my water bucket for plants. Before this I remember now: my mom stopped by and told me they couldn't take care of their chicken (they don't really have one - they live in town) - Ifirst asked if Dad could watch it since he has some but they didn't listen and just started moving stuff around. Mom carried this huge cage that had two dead horses in it... So weird... I was thinking in my head why do we have to take care of your animal of we can't even remember to take care of our own? Okay so she plops the chicken down next to Dad's door (now my door) and I realize it's winter and this poor chicken will want to stay warm, so I grab these bulky warming lamp that was by the horses, and an even bulkier plug in for it. I try to plug it in but the adapter is soooooo weird and humongous and moves around like fricken transformers. I have to slide it around so it fits right into dad's plug in up above his door. Then I noticed my mom is also dropping off a huge, fancy, probably handmad table and chairs off. She tells me it's "the Allen's" and now that I'm out of my dream I realize that this is their neighbors, but inside the dream I had no idea who or where these Allen's were.. she had to get me to explain all the places/people dad ever took me to in the area and she kept saying no, not there. I dunno. Anyways I had to find a place for a bunch of these things she was getting rid of. End tables (I put the chicken cage on top and sat it next to the door) and a bunch of plants.) THIS is why I was searching for a watering can. I had to place them around the outside of the house so it looked nice. First though to get upstairs from the door I had to maneuver some things about the house around because of where the chicken was, so I moved things around like Legos to fit some stairs into the house. Unfortunately I realized later that I put the dumbest, hardest to crawl through kind of stairs/almost like a ventilation system as soon as you go through the front door, so I had to make note to fix that later. When I get up there to the second floor, my mom, aunt, and sister are up there and they give me a bah of old candy they didn't want anymore. After that, I realize I need the watering can to water the plants they gave me. The house was a mess and there was furniture everywhere. I remembered seeing the watering can under a desk but there are so many desks so I have to go through a bunch to find the right one. I'm kind of in my own house now set up-wise. I ended up finding it, and kind of picking up dishes along the way.. I think I woke up at this point. 

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