Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hide and Seek

I was at a party with husband, my dad, my dad's friend Jack, and husband's family (or at least for sure his sister, new boyfriend and ex husband, littlest daughter etc). 

I don't remember much. But it was a party of some sort and I remember singing along to music while doing dishes. Jack comes over for a second I think for a quick small tall bit then I see dad, Jack, husband, and husband's sister all holding bite sized moldy broccoli. I'm confused. Dad tells me that mold is safe to eat because it's just oxygen hitting or something or others and he starts drizzling a little bit of western dressing on his and everyone is doing the same. Dad gives me one and then makes himself one. We're all supposed to down this together like it's a shot. Everyone is eager to try except me. As soon as everyone is distracted by eating it, I quickly give my husband one. 

Hey perfect timing I remember what happened before this and that part of dream is over... Woke up. Before that, we were playing hide and seek. It was a weird mix of inside the house (maybe grandpa's this time?) and the woods on dad's property. Some guy is counting and we're all rushing to hide almost like we'll be killed if found. I'm terrified so I cling to my husband's back of his shirt while he's jumping/flying onto a tree. We get on top of one and husband slides further and falls to ground. The seeker saw us and jumps to me and I just drop down hoping he doesn't notice and see where I land. I land in some clothes and sightly on top of my daughter who's hiding. I just try to discreetly sink further into the clothes and blankets so everything is covered. I think I'm good and he doesn't see me (or my daughter). 

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