Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/13/10 - Most Disgusting Dream Ever.

I dreamt I was getting ready to go camping with Devin, my sister, and a BUNCH of others. It was almost like a game, or a scavenger hunt, instead of camping. I remember someone telling me that someone misplaced their snake, and that "Now we only have thirteen out of the fourteen snakes." I was freaking out, I hate snakes. Anyways, I looked everywhere for the snake outside, and couldn't find it anywhere. It was also supposedly a 16-foot snake. So I can't find it outside, but Devin, Sarah and I all drive to Warrens to get gas to go camping and I get out of the car while Devin pays and I start looking around town for the snake. I see Jay Manuel from America's Next Top Model and I walk over and ask him if he's seen the snake, and he tells me to follow him. I magically appear in this warehouse with all these plastic dolls with blood smeared all over them. It seems like a storage unit for a horror movie's props or something. A woman that slightly resembles Milla Jovovich of Resident Evil is telling us that the snake is one of these dolls, and gives us all guns to shoot at them. So I watch her shoot at a bunch of them, and then walk away. I start thinking the woman is a bit loony for thinking the snake is a doll. When I walk away, I notice this REALLY disgusting REALLY big worm slithering out of the ceiling. I stare at it for a few seconds like a dope (like the dumbasses I see in horror movies, when I tell them to RUN AWAY but they don't) and the worm (it was wormy colored and wormy shaped) /snake (the right size for one) SHOOTS out of the ceiling and attaches to the lower right part of my stomach. Kind of where my appendix scar is. As the worm attaches, it also feeds itself into me and jolts me and gives me these uncontrollable tremors. I was waking up when this happened, and when I opened my eyes, that part of the body that the worm was eating into felt really weird.. Like it was still shaking from the worm eating at it.

It was the most disgusting dream ever. Ewww..

  • To see a worm in your dream, represents weakness, degradation, filth and general negativity. You have a very low opinion of yourself or of someone in your life. The dream may also relate to self-esteem issues or a skewed self image. Alternatively, dreaming of a worm may be a metaphor for someone who is untrustworthy or slick.To dream that the worm is crawling on your body, indicates that you feel someone around you is taking advantage of you and feeding off your kind heartedness.

  • To dream that you lose something, indicates that you may really have misplaced something that you had not realized yet. It may also be a signal for you to clean out and reorganize your life. Perhaps you are overwhelmed and distracted with the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.
    • Snake
      • To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream, signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. Alternatively, the snake may be seen as phallic and thus symbolize temptation, dangerous and forbidden sexuality.

9/12/10 - The Floor Caves In.

Dreamt I was at my parent's old house. The house was seriously falling apart. The floor even caved in.

The night before, I was talking about karma. I did something horrible, and I was talking to my dog (I know, lame.) about how the floor was going to cave in because of the bad thing I did. So I was right, in a way.

  • To see an old, run-down house in your dream, represents your old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update you mode of thinking. To dream that your house is damaged, indicates your waking concerns about the condition of your house.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/11/10 - Two Types.

I dreamt the world was being overtaken by aliens. Humans were classed into two types. One was "Security Guard" (which in reality would be like recruits for an army) and the other wasn't really termed in my dream, but they were just the average bystanders that couldn't do anything to save their life. I was the last type. So in my dream, I'm hiding with a group of people in this office, and we're all looking out the window. The "Security Guards" in the office get called out to war, so Devin leaves, along with his sister. I wait with the rest of the scared bunch and watch as lightning bolts hit telephone poles and a trailer park that was in our view. Finally the Security Guards come back around by one of the windows, one of them even had their badge over their eye as a gag. One of the guys that was cocky in the group of Bystanders jumped up and decided to leave the office and help fight, so I followed him to the door to shut the door and lock it back up because at this point I was thinking the Security Guards were bad guys now. When I tried to lock the door, I realized I had gloves on. For some reason the gloves were making it hard for me to lock the door. Then a man in a ski mask comes running at me from outside with pruning shears. He starts opening and shutting them, getting closer and closer to my throat. I woke up before he got to me.

  • To see aliens in your dream, signify that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling "alienated" and disconnected. You may also be having difficulties with how to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. On a psychological level, seeing aliens represent an encounter with an unfamiliar or neglected aspect of your own self.

  • To see or dream that you are at a shelter, represents the difficulties and sense of helplessness that you are experiencing. You are looking for some sort of security and stability.

  • To see lightning in your dream, signifies sudden awareness, insight, spiritual revelation, truth and purification.

9/10/10 - At Sea.. In A Clawfoot Tub.

Dreamt I was mixing a bowl of something together and my aunt Erin was nearby and (she's allergic to pretty much everything) inhaled the fumes and fell/fainted. I ended up trying to give her CPR.

Then I was on this game show with three others.

Then I'm in this clawfoot tub with a see-through curtain, but the tub was floating in the ocean. It was dark out, and all I could see was the moon, and the bright white porcelain tub. It was raining, so I pulled the curtain tight and even though you'd think with the top of the tub not being protected, I strangely didn't get wet at all. The tub just kept rocking back and forth with the waves, and I wanted land. At some point I even made a snoring noise in my dream for some reason, which obviously must mean I was snoring in my waking life and having that affect my dream life. Finally, I open the curtain after the rain stops, and I'm on land. The same three people from the game show are on the land with me, and we walk down these steps of this hill and I see a piano sheet book on the ground that belonged to my grandma's in real life. I picked it up, knowing that I had this before I was in the ocean on the tub.

  • To see or be in a bathtub in your dream, suggests a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. You need to rid yourself of the burdens that you have been carrying.

  • To dream that you are lost at sea, suggests that you are drifting around in life without any direction. You are feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

9/9/10 - Mess With Texas.

Dreamt I was a vampire. I was jumping onto houses, from one to another. It made my stomach feel funny, but it felt good, too. At some point in the dream, I became a human again, and I was afraid of this vampire that was hiding in the dark that was getting ready to ambush me or something.

Also dreamt that Devin got a tattoo of Texas, and that I was genuinely pissed about it because I hated Texas for some reason in the dream.

  • To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death.

  • To dream that you are jumping, indicates that you need to take a risk and go for it. You will overcome your obstacles and find progress toward your goals.

9/8/10 - Andy Dick, Sandra Bernhard, Juliette Lewis - OH MY!

Dreamt I was watching this movie of a yellow house with a green door. I was looking at it with morning-light hitting it perfectly. With the light hitting it just right, I for some reason thought I was watching the movie Hocus Pocus, but was proven wrong when Andy Dick started walking past the house, trying to look into the windows..

Then I dreamt I was in a filthy kitchen, and that Sandra Bernhard and Juliette Lewis were lovers. Juliette was making breakfast for her.

  • To dream that you are watching a movie, suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are living vicariously through the actions of others. Consider also how the movie parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself.

  • To see a kitchen in your dream, signifies your need for warmth, spiritual nourishment and healing. It may also be symbolic of the nurturing mother or the way that you are for your loved ones.

9/7/10 - Board Game.

Dreamt I was playing a board game with others.

Pretty lame dream.

Board Games
  • To see or play board games in your dream, signifies your progress in life. How you do in the board game is analogous to the setbacks and accomplishments in your waking life. Consider the name of the board game you are playing in your dream for additional significance.

9/6/10 - Super Tired.

Dreamt Devin and I were in the bedroom, and I was packing to stay over at Dana's for the night. Then I told him I was super tired, and that it was pointless to stay at Dana's. because I'd be sleeping all the time. Finally Dana comes over, and she plays a CD she wants me to hear.

  • To dream that you are at a sleepover, indicates that there is a situation that you are refusing to see or accept. You need to be more alert and pay attention to what is going around you. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to let your guard down and learn to be more open and receptive.

Compact Disc
  • To see a compact disc in your dream, represents a need for enjoyment or a distraction. It also points to the opportunities and possibilities within your grasp. Consider the type of music and the title of the compact disc. If you are giving away the CD, then you may be trying to convey a message to that person within the songs.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

3/24/10 - The Caterpillar Neighbor.

Posted 24 March 2010 - 11:34 PM

Woke up with my dream forgotten. Here's an older one I posted in a message board sometime in the beginning of this year (actually, it was the day before I saw Tegan and Sara in concert. Yep :) ):

This morning I dreamt that I was at my parent's old house (my grandma, when she was alive, was our neighbor) and I was in the driveway (it's a long, winding, dirt road). Anyways, I was with my grandma and we were both standing (which is really amazing, because her legs were amputated before I was born) and our hands were on our hips and we were just looking around the place. All of a sudden I look over and see this long wall-hedge thing that we never had in real life, and beyond that was another house. All of a sudden, and I shit you not, a man that resembled a human-size caterpillar (he was green) and he was mowing his lawn! (I'm sure this had to do with watching the awesomely bad movie Slither - I love that movie - a few days ago). Anyways, weirder yet, for some reason I knew he was of mexican decent, and I don't believe we have any mexicans in our family that I know of, but I could see his face really well and it wasn't caterpillar-like, it was a human face. It was almost as if the man was wearing a costume, because surrounding his face, like a hood, was the top part of the caterpillar. Anyways, I asked her, "Isn't that your cousin?" or something like that, and she said "Yep." All matter-of-factly.

It was so weird.

  • To see a caterpillar in your dream, signifies a stage in your own personal growth and development where you are on your way, but have not yet reached your goal.

  • To dream of having a good neighbor, signifies enjoyment and tranquility at home.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9/4/10 - Looking For Dana.

Dreamt I was chatting with Dana, a friend, with a webcam. At some point, a bomb went off in the room she was in, and all I saw was fire on the camera. I freaked out. I was in my parents' old house in the porch on this bed (the porch in the old house was very rectangular, and we sometimes used it as a big bedroom when I lived there), and I seemed to think Dana was in one of the other bedrooms in the house. I went up to the living room and found my sister Sarah, Tegan and Sara, and a bunch of strangers in the room. I bawled while telling everyone what happened, and that I thought for sure that Dana had died. They didn't seem so sure, so we all went into the rooms and checked for her. I guess Dana must have been babysitting, because there were a bunch of kids hiding in parts of the room, trying to find shelter from the explosion. Everyone grabbed the kids and I kept trying to find out where Dana was and if she was alright. I went over to the closet and opened the door to see if Dana was in there, but it seemed empty and pretty dark. I noticed something tan-colored fly up from a coat that was hanging and do a few circles in the air above my head and then land on my back. I could feel the claws ripping into my skin. It hurt so bad and I was so frightened, I ran over to Tegan, who happened to be a man although I knew he was still her, and asked him/her to help me pull off the bat that was embedded into my back. S/he pulled it off carefully. Then I ran back to the closet to keep looking for my friend and I couldn't find her in there. I lost hope, and started crying. I noticed a big jeep/hummer parked outside next to a trailer near the house and it was a bunch of bigger latino men carrying something I couldn't see into the backseat. I rushed over to the guy that was driving and knew that this person was Dana's boyfriend Matt (he doesn't look like this man in real life at all, though). I asked Matt if that was Dana they put in the jeep, and all he told me was "I need to get to the hospital". I started crying, with joy now because I knew she was at least alive, and ran to the house I was in and told this Tegan-man what I heard. Before I woke up, I hugged this guy/girl and was crying, still of joy, into their chest.

  • To see a bomb in your dream, indicates that you are going through a potentially explosive situation in your waking life. The bomb could represent repressed desires and unexpressed emotions that are on the verge of exploding or bursting if not dealt with soon.

  • To see a closet in your dream, symbolizes something in your life that you have kept hidden. It may also signify an unveiling of previously hidden aspects of yourself, as in "coming out of the closet".
    • Bats
      • To see a bat in your dream, symbolizes uncleanness, demons, and annoyances. Alternatively, bats represent rebirth and unrealized potential. You need to let go of old habits. Your current path is not compatible with your new growth and new goals. It may also indicate some unknown situation and how you are blindly entering into a situation or deal. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully. The dream may also been a pun on feeling "batty" or feeling crazy.

Friday, September 3, 2010

9/3/10 - Digging Up Bodies.

Today I dreamt about being outside with these strangers. We were in this dirt, and there was apparently a bunch of bodies buried in the ground. We were all assigned the task to dig these bodies up, some of the bodies were in these locked boxes, so we needed to find the right key to unlock these dead/dying people. I also remember seeing fingers poking out of a dirt pile. It was a pretty grotesque dream. I remember at one point I found a box and I tried to use a screwdriver, but the screws and the screwdriver weren't the right size.

Everyone else seemed to get the bodies out, except for me. Two bodies were unable to be dug out because I couldn't find them or couldn't find the right tools to open the boxes.

  • To dream that you are digging, indicates that you are working hard to uncover the truth in a problem that is haunting you. You are overly preoccupied with trying to find out something about yourself, your reputation, or your self-identity. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are trying to get to the root of some issue. Or the dream may be a metaphor to imply an insult
    • Dead
      • To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss.

  • To see a lock in your dream, signifies your inability to get what you want. You are being kept out of some activity or situation. Perhaps an aspect of yourself is locked up inside and it needs to be expressed.

9/2/10 - The Dog Tag.

Dreamt my dog Moses was sitting on the floor next to my bed, near the lamp on my night-stand. The light from the lamp was projecting onto the ceiling, and Moses' tag was in the way, so I could see his name, address, and phone number on the ceiling.

Also dreamt that I was telling my aunt Erin what I dreamt about the day before and she wrote it down.

  • To see a lamp in your dream, symbolizes guidance, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reassurance.

  • To dream of your old address, suggests that you need to take a look back at the past and learn from it. To dream of a new address, indicates the need for change.

9/1/10 - Hot Tub.

So... I don't understand almost a damn thing I wrote down this day when I woke up.. So here it is in my own half-asleep words:

"Helping Erin with homework in car. Explaining what you can't do. Erin said not to google-search things directly from paper (plagiarism). Moses (my dog) wanting in room, tried a billion times until wake me up and actually let him in.

Trapper (my cat) alive. ----Maybe Moses? In woods. Near lake. I was telling him that I was doing this thing to be with him. Moses was stiff, but moved head. In trailer. ASL & fam were there. Change on floor. Picked up. "

Okay, so that's part of the dream I don't remember at all. I don't even know who ASL is. Isn't that some lame chat thing?

I also remember dreaming about being in this hotel and there was a hot tub in this room I was in. There was a gaming system that was attached to the hot tub and I kept calling the game Frogger even though it was Mario Kart, because I was riding a kart as King Boo in a gold tuxedo. At one point, I even accidentally dropped the controller down into the water and thought I'd get shocked and was surprised I didn't.

Hot Tub
  • To dream that you are in a hot tub, indicates that you are unveiling aspects of your unconscious. Alternatively, it refers to relaxation and recuperation. You are looking to escape from your daily problems. The dream may also be a metaphor suggesting that you are in a lot of hot water or that you are in deep trouble.

Video Game
  • To dream that you are playing a video game, represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, playing video game suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems in your real life, instead of confronting it. Consider the type of video game for additional insights.