Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

3/24/10 - The Caterpillar Neighbor.

Posted 24 March 2010 - 11:34 PM

Woke up with my dream forgotten. Here's an older one I posted in a message board sometime in the beginning of this year (actually, it was the day before I saw Tegan and Sara in concert. Yep :) ):

This morning I dreamt that I was at my parent's old house (my grandma, when she was alive, was our neighbor) and I was in the driveway (it's a long, winding, dirt road). Anyways, I was with my grandma and we were both standing (which is really amazing, because her legs were amputated before I was born) and our hands were on our hips and we were just looking around the place. All of a sudden I look over and see this long wall-hedge thing that we never had in real life, and beyond that was another house. All of a sudden, and I shit you not, a man that resembled a human-size caterpillar (he was green) and he was mowing his lawn! (I'm sure this had to do with watching the awesomely bad movie Slither - I love that movie - a few days ago). Anyways, weirder yet, for some reason I knew he was of mexican decent, and I don't believe we have any mexicans in our family that I know of, but I could see his face really well and it wasn't caterpillar-like, it was a human face. It was almost as if the man was wearing a costume, because surrounding his face, like a hood, was the top part of the caterpillar. Anyways, I asked her, "Isn't that your cousin?" or something like that, and she said "Yep." All matter-of-factly.

It was so weird.

  • To see a caterpillar in your dream, signifies a stage in your own personal growth and development where you are on your way, but have not yet reached your goal.

  • To dream of having a good neighbor, signifies enjoyment and tranquility at home.

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