Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Sometimes I dream that Devin and I live in this huge, unfinished house. No idea why. Anyways, we were back at this house and Scarlet had her birthday party coming that day. All three kids went with their grandma and grandpa to go shop for stuff (what I assumed was decor), but when they came back they're bringing in bags and bags of toys. Like, baby toys. I asked Devin why so many toys were coming upstairs (where I was, fixing a bed) and he said that Scarlet got to pick out her presents. I was a little miffed, especially since she bought toys she would never play with. I asked angirly if her cousins gift to her will be the only gift (now, looking back, I don't know why we never mentioned buying her toys but it seems she doesn't have any from us?) Anyways dev then tells me that her cousin can't make it, so she'll have no toys to open. I'm visibly livid and yelling. His parents hear.

Okay after that I'm wearing a white dress like a wedding dress, dark hair. I'm walking through a river. It's very cold and raining. Starting to flood a bit. I call scarlet and tell her I'm sorry for yelling. Get cold. I'm starting to freeze. Somehow I materialize in front of a car. Almost get hit. Lady helps me in car but I'm practically dead already. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


I have COVID. 😭 

I barely slept last night, tossing and turning and coughing. Ugh. I think I just dreamt I was coughing all night. 🙁 laaaame.

Monday, August 28, 2023


Dreamt KV posted tour dates and one was in Eau Claire and I was contemplating buying tickets..

Friday, August 25, 2023

Hair Burned Off

Woof. Had a nightmare that I tried to curl my hair with some strange new curling tool and it sizzled a side of my hair off halfway (like made the length half of what it was). Went to brush it and it looked soooo bad. The parts of my hair that broke off but still connected to my skin were super tiny curls like ramen noodles. *Shudders*

Before that, I had woken up from another nightmare. I don't remember exactly what happened but it was similar to the book I'm reading right now where the world is dying, and also similar to seeing a huge smoke plume a short distance away while at a water park yesterday that had freaked me out a little (ended up being a barn fire, I believe)..

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Alarm Clock

Me, mom, Sarah and dad are all packing to travel... Once traveling we kind of all change into random ass people. At some point we split up and we're doing a Taskmaster task against each other or something. One group is trying to decide what they should do and when they get back they realize the other group is gone. Find out that an alarm clock sucked them into a weird world. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Good and Bad Teams

Bad dream such a bad dream
 Long too. Dev and dad fought, to the point Dad left in his car and gave me a letter saying he was going to leave/kill himself and not to worry or come look for him because he knows a good place to go that's hidden. I cried and started trying to find him. Somehow along the way we started turning into a military town. Clear good people/bad people. I became a John Connor of sorts, the main leader of good, and everyone on the good team were trying to hide me and keep me safe. I was hidden and continued to pass through areas hopefully without anyone spotting me. Hid in ceilings trying to fly and claw to the next floor, under flooring, etc. All the whole still looking for dad. I took off my glasses, dyed my hair a dark color, cut it shorter. Pretended to be a boy. Eventually I found mom. Hugged her. She told me she was proud. Encouraged me to keep going. I also saw devs mom and her sisters before that and they were all good people, really being sneaky to get me safely through.. okay I'm walking and the area feels like pond. I come up to a truck, it seems familiar. Open it and I immediately remember that I had been in this truck with dev or something and it was before the fight, clothes strewn about in there because I had been intimate with Devin or whoever in there. I'm still trying to be sneaky because a scary military guy is coming up and asking what we're doing. I find this bag..... A bookbag. It has letters to me... I find one from dad. 

The military guy sees me and stops me. I am about to assume he is catching on that I'm not a guy on his side but then I ask him something that makes him tell me that he's working for the good team and that his leader is Dad. I start to cry and I'm happy.. I repeat to him "he's still alive???" Because that's all I wanted. I didn't believe Dad would have done anything to himself so I had a hopeful inkling he'd still be okay and hiding... Woke up happy know both my parents were okay. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Work Boots

Dreamt I was at Grandma's old house (next to childhood home), outside, snow in ground, facing backyard towards neighbor's house. An actor from the 90s was there and apparently worked with dev. Dev at work, and this guy (I get him mixed with Pacey actor, both have same last name I think?) needs work boots so he can start work. We wander over to childhood home (I yell to the kids in Grandma's house that I'll just be over on the other house for a second) and we go through the house. It's a mess. I'm embarrassed going in with a celebrity. We eventually find shoes, and eventually childhood home turns into my current home. 

That's about it. Woke up super super warm because I had turned off the fan and the A/C turned off too. 🥵 Dying..

Friday, August 11, 2023


Dreamt Sarah and maybe Devin and I were playing a video game but also in it. We were wandering white hallways in what felt like an abandoned hospital, looking for something. Trying to decipher what something meant. Finally we find a dark room and Sarah says this feels right, must be what we're looking for. I find a tunnel in a cupboard and shine a flashlight off my phone in it and we see a weird animal creature coming at us. Size of a kitten. I try to smash it with something slightly heavy but I have to whack it several times because it doesn't die right away. It was awful. We think we saved ourselves doing that so we are a little relieved.. then a mom creature comes out and bites one of us and we kill her too. We are heading back and we just know being bitten was a really bad thing. I can't remember the rest..

I just remembered a bit before all of this .. I was in a house and a storm was coming.... Like a tornado... It was super windy, and I think parts of the house were breaking away. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Organizing Books

I was trying to get books around and organized for the kids school. Was missing two. Searched around... Eventually found them but then lost the others again. 

Oh and then I dreamt that half of my face was droopy so I had dev drop me off at hospital. Whatever it was I was released eventually with nothing bad. It was like a vitamin deficiency.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Waves

Was with a HUGE group of people. Me Devin I think and mom and devs parents and soooo many others. Suddenly tidal waves were coming and we had to travel and swim away into higher ground/further inland. At one point we thought we made it and started looking for places to stay but then another came suddenly. Just me and Dev and some random people we made friends with eventually.  Right before I woke up I think it was Denise or a motherly figure of the group anyways said that they felt like everything was going to be okay. Like someone they knew was up ahead as we were still walking to higher ground.. she thought maybe a daugter. We were under overpasses and curving under then when we suddenly saw another wave. We all held hands and it ripped me away from everyone. I had to hold my breath for a long time until I could swim up to the top/surface. I had a phone with me and I called Devin/my partner and it rang on the other side of street and I saw he answrred. I ran over to them and gave him a huge hug. Woke up. 

Oh.. right before we got separated I remember seeing some sneaky guy driving a four wheeler with a trailer attached and inside the traveler was a log on fire. It seems like some people were working to make the land uninhabitable too. 

Also Cherish was going to New York to see one of her favorite authors. She offered me to go but I declined. This was before the tidal wave. 

Friday, August 4, 2023


Dreamt that I was home with dev and kids. Suddenly he walks in with two kids that are his cousin's. I kind of looked at Devin like "what the hell, dude? Why are they in here?" And I don't remember why.. I think maybe his cousin stopped over to go in garage. I think I wasn't wearing a bra, so I was worked about that. Anyways I don't remember I'm between that but Sarah is video calling me and trying to make something out of a bottle of cranberry juice and asked me which end looks closer to a backhoe. I wasnt sure so I walked over to two guys that were serving food and of course the one I walk up to is famous (Sam, from GVF). I stammered a bit and stupidly acted like I didn't think he'd know the question which then I worried he'd get offended.. I asked them both. 

In between the two dreams I remember walking outside under like structures and stuff and suddenly these really big snowflakes were falling all over. Huge.. felt like end of world stuff. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Every Creatures And Bees

Jeremy says: I dreamed I was looking in the pool, and Julian was swimming, and there was worms and every creatures and bees... that was it. 

I can't remember my dream.. just tiny, tiny pieces..