Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Clothes and Concerts

Dreamt first that I was at Grandpa's house but it wasn't really his house. It was like a garage sale or something at a park shelter or something. First I saw pictures and Sarah and Garrett and I were doing through them. I really liked some of the clothes so I was going to keep a whole bunch of them. 

Then I dreamt that I was in Grandma's bedroom at the trailer. There was music playing (like a music video) and it was showing a picture of me up, zoomed in way too close, and I was singing horribly. Everyone likes it (because even though the stage was set up like Grandma's bedroom, there was a lot of people there at the concert). After my song suddenly I'm watching some sexy version of me coming out on stage in a barely-there blue bikini with two others. I'm singing along to a different song. Not me seeing. I'm watching someone else perform and I love it, though the screen is still set to me in the bikini and two others in bikinis. My hair was long, teeth bright white, face looked beautiful etc. totally not me 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bad Neighbors

Dreamt I was living in Grandma's old trailer. I was coming 'home' and walking up to the door when I find a big bowl on the deck with what looks like diarrhea and it's sloshed around enough for me to worry that a neighbor smeared some onto the house somewhere. As I'm walking up to the door I noticed the door is cracked open. I freak out, walk in, and this neighbor lady tries to open the door behind me. I try to keep the door closed so she can't come in but there are all these animals/pets that are outside that want in and I'm thinking in my head what she'll do to them if I leave them outside with her, so I'm kicking at her as I'm trying to let these animals in. Finally the last one gets in and I slam the door, lock it, etc. I turn around and look at the hallway and I already see the 'message' they wrote from the bowl of diarrhea. I wander the house to make sure they didn't do anything else. Uncle T is still sleeping in his bedroom, Daughter is sleeping in E's old room. I run to the other side of the house to Grandma's old bedroom (she is still passed in this dream, so it's not her bedroom anymore). 

Okay side story. Before I get to the house there is this horrible son that's my age of the lady neighbor's. He's also equally bad. Well I get this idea to 'one-up' him by opening a window and doing something sexual with my at the time boyfriend where this guy can see. When I open the window I see cops out front and Blanche from Golden Girls is sitting on an older black muscle car and making out with some of the cop. 

Woke up..

Monday, November 20, 2023

Another Fucking Tornado

Dad was in a chair by the window at his old house. Mom was in a chair further in the living room. I was standing. Sarah and a smaller boy were also there. We were young and a family again. A dog was outside and didn't want to come in so I kept yelling for it, finally blue lightning non stop outside, so I finally yelled for the dog and it came in. Just as he came in it picked up outside. Tornado happened. I ran to mom and hugged her/covered her to keep her safe. 

Woke up. Dad was with me. (Not my dad anymore...) He told me a tornado blew all of us away "everyone running like rabbits .. can't find anyone"... So we searched everywhere. We wandered the road and split up.. he took one side and went right and I took the other. I went towards town. Finally I decided to check for people that are hurt. I went into a building to see if maybe they were all in a makeshift hospital. I wandered until I found who I thought was Sarah. She wouldn't wake up but wasn't dead. Coma? I made note of her room and looked for mom and the brother. Went into a room and found "mom" (wasn't her.. looked nothing like her) she actually woke up. I told her we needed to get the fuck out of here. The people running this place were keeping everyone hostage or something. We crawled through the window and I told her to hide while I looked for the brother. Found him with a family eating dinner. Got his attention through a window but some lady also noticed so I kept walking last and hid behind a door / what looked like a bathroom stall. Finally I ran back out, saw he was outside the house this time following his "new mom" and I snatched him up and started running. I found "mom" and gave him to her. I let them continue hiding and was thinking of how to get Sarah when I woke up. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Music Video

Had a wacko dream that kv worked with Pauly Shore for a new music video or something. 🥴 I was so stoked.

Friday, November 17, 2023


I can only remember bits. Like maybe the main gist of my dream... I and a couple other people were fighting this bad guy and his whole town. ((Okay I remember why we were fighting him. We were hanging out normally and this guy just sprays us with this hose and we got suspicious and find out that it's going to do something bad to us. He hit my right arm and I remember thinking I'll only be able to fight with my left arm then..)) Anyways, we came up with an idea to work with this other guy that makes weapons and we would put a bomb in the town to blow up or something? I can't remember. We're sneaking around and wandering through what looks like dad's property, hallways, basements, etc, trying to find a good place to set the weapon. I remember filling this guy that was stuck in the town a little longer and he was showing me how to sneak around and hide the weapon better. I remember having to pull a hood up to cover myself and walk past all these bad guys in a hallway.. anyways it seems like we did set the weapon somewhere good and we're able to just get the bad guys.  

((I do kind of remember that one of the other guys on my team was my boyfriend or something.. we kissed when we met up again))

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Another Tornado

Had a migraine last night. Took a magnesium and a melatonin to maybe help me sleep (still took awhile to finally calm down) but I had a weird dream, and I can't remember most of it. It's like I was in this game but it was real life. It was me and two other guys. I think my brain kept changing who they were - so nobody specific. We were hiding in an abandoned house that was similar to my childhood home. It was night time and maybe lightning. There were these big Kong-lile monsters coming after us in waves. We had to hide and hope it wouldn't find us. Then my dream switched to daytime and I'm with my husband and my sister. We're going outside (still in game-mode) and heading towards the garage. We're not sure what we need to fight but as I'm walking around the house to get to the garage I'm noticing that the clouds are just getting darker and darker. My vision is soooo bad though, so I couldn't tell. It was just really blurry... But it was also getting windier. I tell them there's a tornado coming (it's like right on top of us at this point). We get in a truck and start trying to drive away. I show them on a phone how blurry my vision was. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Dreamt husband, kids, and I were in this huge huge slightly abandoned house with husbands cousin and his family. I'm wandering the house and I find orange kittens under a bed, one with an eye missing (there is a deep hole where his eye should be). I look further under the bed by the headboard and I see a dull-orange mom cat with a couple more orange kittens and one blackish-gray kitten. I leave that room and keep wandering. I realize I'm going through husbands cousins side of the house, so I go through a window and crawl up the roof and go back into my own side of the house. 

Other stuff happened in between that and this next part, but I don't remember.... Anyways here's what happened just before I woke up: I was in the passenger seat maybe with my aunt driving? And I saw this really pretty very thin cloud that stretched all the way from far off in the distant up high on my side, and stretching to just in front of the road a short ways. We just thought it looked cool. It was really shiny, not moving but yes it looked kind of tornado shaped (but very very very skinny. Think like a dust devil size but very very long and slightly L-shaped). Annnnyways. We drive through it thinking it's just a cloud but suddenly it moves us around a little and I wake up. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023


In a Walmart with a bunch of others. There's something wrong but I can't remember what. This Walmart is closed, middle of night. We're all wandering or eating the food and kind of hiding out til morning. At some point I open a door and it kind of turns into dad's house looking out his backyard door. Something outside... I'm a little nervous what's out there. I think vampires? I have this boyfriend and it seems like we were trying to keep it on the down low, but I think I jump into his arms when I see him again. I really can't remember anything but we're trying to get away from these vampires or maybe we are the vampires? Seems like after I open the door and I look out, after awhile I am following my boyfriend dude through the woods a short distance (remember this is dad's property) and we jump extremely high and land in a tree house. So maybe we were the vampires? No idea.. 

I kind of remember another bit. We're all outside the Warrens Mall and there's a little kid out there. I can't remember if I'm trying to help the kid or what like maybe I'm worried a car will back up and hit them or a vampire will get to them etc... I dunno. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Photography Book

This dream felt real but also not. I dreamt I was a kid again I think, and at a Goodwill with my mom and my sister. I REALLY wanted a certain book there. It was a photography book. Can't remember the topic of the photos, but I really wanted it. Finally my mom said we could go back and get it but I looked everywhere and it was gone.