Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Dreamt husband, kids, and I were in this huge huge slightly abandoned house with husbands cousin and his family. I'm wandering the house and I find orange kittens under a bed, one with an eye missing (there is a deep hole where his eye should be). I look further under the bed by the headboard and I see a dull-orange mom cat with a couple more orange kittens and one blackish-gray kitten. I leave that room and keep wandering. I realize I'm going through husbands cousins side of the house, so I go through a window and crawl up the roof and go back into my own side of the house. 

Other stuff happened in between that and this next part, but I don't remember.... Anyways here's what happened just before I woke up: I was in the passenger seat maybe with my aunt driving? And I saw this really pretty very thin cloud that stretched all the way from far off in the distant up high on my side, and stretching to just in front of the road a short ways. We just thought it looked cool. It was really shiny, not moving but yes it looked kind of tornado shaped (but very very very skinny. Think like a dust devil size but very very long and slightly L-shaped). Annnnyways. We drive through it thinking it's just a cloud but suddenly it moves us around a little and I wake up. 

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