Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Imprisoned In A New World

Dreamt I was a guy and I lost some people in an alternate world. I went in to find them and realized everyone is imprisoned in a hospital. I have to hide things that I find out. I found an animal that talks that was an old friend and I hide him in a bag (he has powers and can make himself tiny and invisible etc).. I hide pictures for proof for the people I know so they remember me etc. there's a bad guy that is doing this all, but there's a whole business working together with him. The bad guys find me in this apartment trying to find people I know.. Finally I get caught and they're taking me to a hospital room looking thing. I get hooked up to stuff and see random people I don't know. One nurse asks me if I want my own room "for afterwards... I can do anything sexual with staff" or whatnot. I'm so confused and decide to say yes so that I get my own room to escape. (I realize later that the whole reason they're imprisoning people is to make babies/maybe more population for their world.) Just as I'm walking out, a kid tells me that my girlfriend I had been looking for is in a certain room. I tell staff I want this room. They shove me around hallways chained up by the hands I think and we're winding around looking for room 23. I finally get to it and I'm going around and I see her and she sees me and she recognizes me but she's got people with her and I realize that she doesn't live me anymore. I'm heartbroken. She was beautiful. Long, blond hair and brown eyes. She looked heartbroken, too. 

I wake up..

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