Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Dreamt a scary dream. I was walking down a road at night, starry sky.. with family of some sort. I saw a UFO kind of in the distance. It was huge and behind some clouds, nearing land in the distance. I told my family we needed to leave now. I couldn't explain why but was hoping they'd see why. They hadn't. So they just kept walking and in fact separated by walking off faster...

Lost some time/dream here and just remember being hooked up to something inside this UFO. I was making gagging noises and snoring as loud as possibly to wake myself up (embarrassingly I may have been making these sounds in real life, I dunno.) Anyways finally I woke up into a dream-within-a-dream and was still making those noises because I was paralyzed and couldn't move my body. A person whom I though was husband - looked like him anyways - woke slowly and walked over, peering at me weirdly -anr suddenly I made a really loud gagging/snoring sound and it made him laugh a little. I was pissed and thought he was still an alien and that I couldn't move. 

Somewhere in the middle maybe right after I saw UFO or before we separated I remember a really fancy vintage red contertible was parked and I thought I could try to start it and drive to get me and family out of area.. didn't work. 

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