Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Strange, Strange Dream

Dreamt first that I was in the future but possibly a parallel future. I was searching everywhere in a big house that Mom owned, jearching for my old stuffed animal jolly. I kept telling myself he HAS to be in this house. I needed to find him so I could see his face and remember what he looked like so I could recreate him from scratch when I woke up. Heavy heavy dream. I dreamt I was talking not in my dream but my actual body, about trying to find him and explaining that even though I forgot what his face looks like, he would still be like he always was in my dream because our brains never forget... I searched everywhere, and there were so many closets and shelves with doors etc, but I never found him in the dream. 

Then I dreamt of had an evil younger brother or something and I had to hide a knife so he couldn't hurt me. He had a disability so I was able to be kind of sneaky getting rid of the knives. 

Then I dreamt that ... Okay my brain is starting to shake off the etch-a-sketch.. starting to forget. I dreamt that I was watching a movie and it was a documentary about two elderly actresses that were never seen from again and in the documentary it led you to believe that they might have been killed but I was thinking because one of the ladies drank a cocktail before they left for the night that maybe they backed into a boat ramp and died.... Then I dreamt that I was in an older car and we were backing up, getting into water etc, and I just remember laying on my back and kicking the ceiling of the car. It was made out of thick wool. Finally I made a hole and I started tearing everywhere to make the hole big so that hopefully my family would float up. I was running out of air so I decided to bob up to the surface and go back down but just as I hit the surface my dream changed again. 

Okay I was in a room and there was a killer that was living in the house with me and others (maybe this was a whole apartment building?) and I was looking for evidence to get him to prison. I was again searching everywhere for a video, writing, I don't know. Somehow we were getting mail and one of the pieces of mail was this HUGE poster in some strange geometry shape.. like D&D dice shaped, only 2D. I knew the evidence was on it, there were small writings everywhere on it and it looked creepy lol. Only problem was some lady came over and said it was hers. I offered sexual freaking favors just so I could get it back or take a bunch of pictures of it just so I could look at it and find the evidence. I don't know why I didn't tell her what I was doing, but I couldn't for some reason. Anyways she grossly accepted and we're making out and doing stuff, but I wake up and my purse and stuff are gone lol. Same with her poster. I walk into another room and she's in there and I look around behind cabinets and I find my purse and assume the poster is okay too. I'm soooo stupid and offer again. I don't really understand this part but afterwards I am dreaming that the cast of Fresh Prince are 'coming home' to this apartment I live in and I'm trying to hide the evidence that I did sexual favors but I find out there's a video or something and it's in a gift that Uncle Phil is giving to his mom (but he doesn't know it's in there). I'm freaking out... I must be Will at this point. Anyways I wake up before she sees the video. 

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