Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Zombie That Wouldn't Die

I can't understand my handwriting half the time, but I wrote a couples of sentences and the only phrases I understand is that I saw money and that I was going somewhere with my sister and told her I would pay for her to come with - wherever this may be.  I am at our dad's house, maybe waiting for her to get ready, and am looking out the screen door. I see the moon and suddenly it is getting closer and closer. I yell to my boyfriend Devin and BOOM, it hits Earth, but not in a catastrophic way. It is like this humongous ball of broken moon just a few miles away from me. Devin comes in and I tell him what happened and he says, "Didn't you hear?", like it had happened awhile ago. I walk outside (and now it looks nothing like my dad's property -- more like alleyways and sandy/concrete/shelters/brick walls on both sides of windy paths to the shelters). It's sunny in areas and dark in other areas. My sister is following me, and we are winding along through this area. I see a group of people eating at a picnic table. I look around and also see what kind of looks like the black hooded version of the Nameless Ghouls from the band Ghost sitting on this bench - except there are no masks, it's this empty/blank/invisible space. I point over at them to my sister because I'm not gonna lie, the invisible aspect of it was frightening. My sister tells me to quit pointing because I might get their attention and they could hurt me or something. Then this zombie-like person comes at me from behind and tries to suffocate me with his own shirt. I pull his shirt off of me and turn around to suffocate him with his own shirt and he just won't die. (durr..) Then the man-zombie turns into a lady-zombie and she tells me I need to die. I tell her that's not happening. She tries to kill me, so I try to embarrass her instead.

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