Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Friday, October 8, 2010

10/2/10 - Sugar.

I dreamt I was at my childhood home. I was getting sugar out of these old-time-looking thermostats. I guess that's where we kept the sugar. I remember having to break open the thermostat to get to the sugar, except the sugar looked more like rice. I also kept thinking there might be dead mice in the thermostat/sugar holders. My dad made me tea after that, and it was three cups stacked on top of one another. It seemed normal to me to have three cups of tea. My dad then grabbed at his back like he was in pain and asked me if I ever had "railroad bones". I asked him what that was, and he said it's when your bones are weak and you start to fall, your bones will start to slide down until they "catch" onto another bone so that you don't fall. I told him I never had that, and he said, "Oh, you just wait!" like it was arthritis or something simple like that. We decided to watch a movie but we couldn't decide on one. Then dad noticed another movie that was sitting up high on a shelf. At first, I thought it was this porn movie my boyfriend and I owned at one time, and I was embarrassed if my dad saw it, so I tried to snatch it up so I could name some boring movie off to him. He grabbed it first and it ended up being a movie called La Vie En Rose. (This is scary, because I've never seen this film or even heard of it, really. Though when I woke up, the title sounded familiar, so I searched and there really is a film called that.) When the movie played, it was Leslie Bibb and Shiri Appleby. The two were having sex against some door, and on the floor was a bunch of dead people. After the two finished having sex, the dead awoke or arose and one asked, "Is she still alive?" and started searching for someone. Then I woke up.

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