Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

12/28/03 - Dead People On A School Bus?

Last night I only got an hour of sleep. I know I dreamt, because when I awoke I had fragments of dreams, which became forgotten within a few seconds upon waking. I think that if I can't remember a dream, I'll go through old old journals and find a random one to post. I found one in a journal from 9/13/03 to 11/21/04. So here goes one on the date 12/28/03. For shameful reasons, I am hiding a name that I mention in here, because.. well, it's embarrassing to mention past crushes.

"I had a great but crazy dream. First, I woke up wishing I'd fallen back asleep. I DREAMT OF ****! ... That's a first. The first thing I can remember was that I was new to school. I remember having to go to a phys-ed class, but it wasn't THAT bad. **** was there. Ahh! Nice. So then I remember getting onto a school bus and seeing either dead people or sleeping people on the bus, so I ended up taking a seat in the front. (My sister Sarah was with me). For some reason, the bus must have changed into a car at some point. The song Geek USA came on, and I told Sarah about it being a Smashing Pumpkins' song, and the bus driver turned around and said, "I'm a huge fan of SP!" - That was cool. Then all I remember after that was the end, when I walked out of my house and there was this huge crowd outside. I saw my mom and her friend, and I came over to them and said "Hi". One of them asked me if I had ever flown before. Then the house starts to fly, like an airplane. We were on this concrete pad-like porch that was connected to the house, so we were flying up into the clouds with the house. Then I saw the town in bird's eye view, and I saw **** in the crowd that was still outside where the house had been, and **** kept looking at me as if wanting to say something to me. It was weird. So then while up in the air, I began telling my mom how my day at school was. Then I woke up, because something I said made me realize I had been dreaming the whole time."

  • To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss.

  • To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking.

  • To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self. If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system.

  • To dream that you are floating on air, indicates satisfaction, contentment and acceptance of some situation. You are letting go of your problems and rising above obstacles. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a new perspective on things. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle. Alternatively, floating in your dream suggests that you are wandering through life aimlessly with no goals. You are just going with the flow.

I don't normally like to think dreams mean anything, but after reading this, and then reading ahead a few days later, I've found something strange I'd like to add. A week or so after I had this dream, I became home schooled. In real life, not in the dream, I had been harassed by these guys on the school bus (which maybe that meant in the dream, that those people were all dead to me. Forgotten.) Maybe the Smashing Pumpkins came into play because that band got me through the years of dropping out of school. (and holy wow, the lyrics.. pretty much summed up that experience of dropping out). The house flying up might have meant that I was getting away from all these people, trying to get a safe distance away from the hectic world. To disconnect myself from the outside world.

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