Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

That Man I Shot

Dreamt that the personification Jack Frost took me out on a date. He starts out very Ville Valo-like, but as the dream progresses, he gets more on the husky side. It's nighttime and we're on a bus. I am sitting in the seat behind him and leaning in towards his seat with my arms around him. Then he disappears. As he disappears, I hear him tell me to find him. I get my sister Sarah and my boyfriend (lolol) Devin to help me find where he is. We search the coldest place on earth. We are walking carefully around this snowy mountain cliff. The path is narrow. Eventually the path leads to a house. We walk into this garage and up these stairs into this kitchen. I see a fridge and I open it. Icicles are EVERYWHERE. I keep walking through the house until I get to the living room. I tell Sarah and Devin that this is the house he planned for us to live in. I look out a window in the living room and notice two headlights parked about a quarter of a mile down the road. Then I see red and blue cop siren lights. Sarah and Devin and I start running off, thinking that Jack was in one of the cars parked on the side of the road, and that the cop probably killed him and was after us next. I run downstairs and into the garage, towards the door to the outside. Before I get out, a man with a knife walks in. I yell, "WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP!" I start blinking my eyes really wide, trying to wake myself up. Sarah and Devin look at me funny from my behavior. The guy with the knife then stabs my hand into the wall and wakes me up.

When I woke up, I was kind of disappointed. So I went back to sleep to try and find Jack. I locked myself in a basement. I had this HIM pin attached to my hat and I took the pin off to look at it and it was blank. It made me realize that Jack vanished off the face of the earth. He didn't exist anymore. I cried. Then I unlocked the door and the bad guy tried slashing me with a carving knife. I had a gun on me and tried shooting him but he wouldn't die. I finally shot myself in the head and woke up that way.

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