Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Dreamt two teenage girls were at a party and one of them sees their crush. She walks over to talk to him, but he introduces her to his girlfriend next to him, so she walks away shyly and pretends to know this guy sitting down wearing a Beatles shirt. She sits on his lap like nothing happened.

Then I dreamt I was me and I was waiting for a bus at night. I was at my friend's old house, though. (In reality, the house is torn down and now there are villas all over the place for a waterpark, but in my dream the house was still there.. no waterpark). This girl that used to be my neighbor was also in my dream, though she was still the same age she was back then and I am the age I am now. She asked me if I was going back to school again (in high school, I was bullied at one point and eventually I quit school (came back eventually to finish), so I guess she knew I had left and in the dream was coming back to school). I told her I was, but I wasn't real excited about it. Finally a bus showed up and we crossed the road to get on, but other kids were piling out and at first I thought "Shit. It's nighttime. We must have missed school," but the bus driver allowed us on. We both sat down next to this girl with leukemia, I assume, since she was bald and had a scarf over her head. I felt tall compared to everyone, a giant. I could barely fit and could feel the ceiling hitting my head constantly. I remember I was chewing gum at the time, too, because I was worried the gum would fall out of my mouth and into the girl's hair.

Somehow I switched to being in my parents' kitchen. There was cake in pieces all over the floor and I was picking the pieces up and putting them into a trash bag. The pieces of cake were sopping wet with milk, though. It felt a lot like touching a wet sponge when I picked the pieces up. I even wrung the cake out to try to keep from getting milk in the bag, but then I noticed a hole in the bag and tried to tie a knot in the bag where the hole was so that nothing would spill out, but things fell out anyway. I went to put the cake pieces back into the bag but they all turned into rice krispies.

Oh, that first part I dreamt about (the party).. I dreamt this because I am in the process of reading a book about two friends, one having cancer. In one part of the book they are at a party and one of the girls sees her ex with another girl and she tries to act cool. I'm guessing this is why I dreamt of a leukemia patient in the second part of my dream.

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