Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Walt's In The Hospital.

Dreamt that my great-uncle Walt was still alive and sick in the hospital. Sarah, Erin, Dad and Mom and I were all walking up to the building to go see him and we met up with my ex, Caleb, and my cousin Garrett waiting in the hallway. Everyone was in a sad mood, similar to when you usually have a gathering in a hospital for a person dying. Some were crying, others were looking at the floor trying not to. I peek out the window before we walk up to the hospital room and I noticed my dog Moses wandering off outside of the car. My aunt tells me she has to leave somewhere right now, so I grabbed my dog and hid him under my coat so that no doctors would be able to see him when I snuck him up with me to visit Walt, but when I got into the hallway, my mom's friend told me that I could just bring Moses in without having to hide him. Then Devin shows up and he tells me his job is giving him less hours, and I realize I have to work soon. Then I woke up.

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