Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Obama Wants To Be Left Alone.

Dreamt I was at my parents' old house, watching the news/weather. The news said that (although it was January) a really big tornado was expected tomorrow.

Then I was in Burnstads (a grocery store in town), and I was paying with chocolate-covered pretzels. The only problem was that while I was shopping for groceries, I was hungry, so I was eating my money. When I got to the register, I found out I only had maybe $3 (three pretzels) and the cashier needed $17 for everything. I asked him to take back everything except for the milk, butter, and another important. (Obviously the economy must still be in good shape in my dreams.. hmm..) The cashier was a nice guy around my age. The lady behind me, a fatter, older blond lady, was impatient and complained that I shouldn't be shopping with so little money. She almost made me cry though, so after the guy rang up the few things I bought, I walked up to the manager's area and praised the cashier that rang me up because he was so nice to me. I also told him about the bitch behind me that was really rude, and he points to this couch that magically appeared in the store and tells me that the bitch is the cashier's cousin. I left the store after that.

Then I dreamt my friend Dana and I were still in high school. It was really dark in the hallway, and we both saw the President walking in front of us. Dana really wanted his autograph, she started running and following him. She disappeared around the corner in the hallway, so I could only hear voices, but I heard him yell, "Who's behind me? NO! Please, I have a wife and kids! Leave me alone!" When I finally got far enough to seeing the two again, I saw her persist and finally he turned around, looked angry, grabbed her hand real hard and pushed her into the wall. I ran over to her and said, "Dana, come on.." and while we were walking away I was convinced I said her name wrong and that I meant to say the name Donna. (Around this dream I had watched the film La Bamba. It's the movie about Ritchie Valens, the guy that sang the song "Donna")

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