Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monkey Business

Dreamt I had these super powers and my dad was really proud of me. He gave me lots of attention, and it made my mom and sister (Sarah) extremely jealous from the attention I got, so this made my mom and sister real awful towards me. In my dream, I still lived with my family and that our normal one-story house was a two-story. I remember climbing out of the bedroom window and walking to the edge of the roof by the porch. Then I climbed down this dinky metal post we normally have that supports the roof to the porch. Then I ran through the woods, down the hill, to our pond we had on our property. I walked around the pond until I got to the swampy areas on our property. Then I wondered if there were snakes out yet, so I kind of freaked myself out and retreated back up to the house, but crept through the woods checking for my mom and sister. I saw that they were also in the woods planning how to kill me, but barely a few yards from our yard, so I kind of booked it away from the house back to the marsh. Then I saw this tree and tried to shimmy myself up it but it kept wanting to bend down and show I was in it because I was too heavy for the tree. Then the tree fell on my dad's camper that he has near the pond, and I jump off and kept walking. I get to this library and poke around in it and look at a few of the books on the shelves. I remember seeing a shelf of Piers Anthony books, only they were romance novels and the one I picked up had an island on the cover and the title had the word "autumn" in it. After setting the book down, I decide to use a computer and find a way to move away from home. Before I get to a computer I see (the musician) Sara Quin looking at a couple books in this area that looked more like it was set up for children. I get distracted from my idea to move away and walk over to her. We both start flirting, but after a couple minutes I see my mom and sister walk in. I quickly hide under this table and Sara hides under it with me. We both are scared and hold hands. Then Sara turns into a monkey (waaah, I wanted human Sara back) and my mom notices this Sara-monkey. The setting changes and I'm walking down the driveway back to my house and my mom is trying to coax Sara-monkey to come home with us (because in my real life, my mom has wanted a monkey since she was a child). Sara-monkey is scared and hides behind a tree and doesn't really want my mom to be near her at all. I woke up at some point.

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