Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Friday, December 10, 2010

I Could Never Be Your Woman

Dreamt I was at my grandfather's house and that I was engaged to be married to my ex-boyfriend. In the dream, I broke it off with him because I wanted to be with a woman instead and he hated me a LOT after that. While he's with his friends talking things over, I'm in a bedroom trying on a bunch of Tegan and Sara shirts I must have recently purchased. They are really poor quality shirts, though. One had the graphics cut off from another shirt and sewn crooked onto a beige shirt with this cropped purple coat over the top. Then my sister's dog is bleeding and he bumps into me and I go to clean my black leggings (that I wore to bed that night) and the water I sprayed on turned them grey in spots, making me realize it was bleach I was using. At first I was pissed but then I kept spraying them until they looked all kinds of different greys. I walk out of the bedroom and I'm at my old house in the kitchen with my friend Dana and a bunch of others. She kisses some skater-looking kid on the cheek and he smiles. Then I'm in this classroom and I'm taking a test and this guy in front of me is an ass and keeps bullying me. During the test, my necklace broke and I was trying to pick up what pieces I could find. After that, I'm outside at night and decide I need to take pictures of the moon because the last time they didn't turn out. I try changing the setting on my camera to a night setting, but when I look up at the sky, I notice that it is cloudy as fuck and there's no way I'll be able to see anything.

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