Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Affair

Worst dream ever. 😢 Dreamt husband cheated/fell in love with someone online. He handed me his phone and I can't remember what it was. An email? Texts? Video? Photos? But he showed me the proof. Some girl at work from his old distribution job/maybe just randomly online. I ended up calling her when I saw a link to her number. I just remember trying to be nice and asking about the guy she's seeing and then got straight up murderous and just said "well he's fucking married, you bitch." After hanging up, I pleaded with him to show me something about her again. He pretended to go through his phone and find something, made an elaborate gift where I had to unwrap his phone or whatnot or peel away at a cake or something and nothing was there and he was laughing. He was done and didn't care. It felt so real. The kids were there and they didn't seem bothered by what was going on either. 

I also dreamt a random cat we owned got outside and ran off and to find him I had to become an animal. Wait... I also dreamt I was a snail too. I don't know. Very fucked up dream. I feel like I took a bunch of magnesium or something. (I did rub a lot of magnesium lotion on myself last night since I was so sore from work.) I'm just absolutely exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally. 

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