Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lost Cat

Dreamt a cat/kitten got out and a dog chased it. Walked around block to look for it and found it came into a veterinarian clinic or morgue or something. Looked like a warehouse. I walked in (I'm not me, some random lady) and asked a man that owned it if he saw the kitten or dog. He helps me look and I switch to being him and I tell the lady to hide in a room with her dogs. She does. Then I open a door that has a sky light opened up and see the cat is in the room. I pick him up and carry him through the hallway to the lady. I plop him in her arms. She's super happy. I turn into the woman again. She hugs the guy and wants to start a relationship with him. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


I can't remember much but I DO remember being in a living room and a movie was on the TV and there was an extra in the movie.. she was older with shorter red hair. There was a woman next to me and she said that the woman actor knew my grandma Milly and they were really good friends. I didn't think to ask her name or anything but I started trying to search for her and just couldn't find her. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Owned a big house with Devin. Business garbage attached to it's old friend Chels and her family stopped to get their car fixed.n

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Horrible dream. Dreamt that my bug bites on my feet turned into diabetes ulcers and I had a huge caved in area on the top of my foot and also my right foot was missing a 'ring finger' toe. Terrifying. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Dreamt I was at a beach with my husband and kids. There was a bad guy or something that we were trying to stay away from. My two littlest boys that can't swim were in water and I had to help them both up and down and get out. We were all running..

 Then I dreamt I was with my kids and at least my aunt Erin but probably my mom and sister too. My aunt was driving. There were bad storms and tornadoes everywhere. We were in Tomah kind of near Burger King and I saw two tornadoes. One of in the direction of my house and another in the direction of theirs. The one by my house was coming towards tomah. Erin thought she could go extremely fast to pass the tornado getting closer. I was worried about the speed because of my kids and also I was worried we wouldn't be able to pass the tornado. Just way too close. She floored it though and I don't really know what happened but suddenly were in a tight alley but way up off the ground in a high riser style building. Windows everywhere. I'm looking for doors to get to safety and I see one door curves up. I yell out and there's this weird glitch in my voice. I peek around the corner and see a man in a tan rain jacket facing towards a wall. He does NOT want us in his room, so I usher my kids back out and lock the guy in his own room as he's running after us. We're about to go through another set of doors when I wake up.