Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dreamt I was working as a social worker of some sort for this boy whom we suspected of being abused. Had no proof and his dad had super powers. My sister and I both went to a library and looked through books to help him for the meantime. We found a couple books, one being a witchcraft-like book to help protect him until we could provide the proof to get him out. I wanted to drop these books off so I drove around hoping to find his house. I was driving on the road my dad lives on. We passed a white house with multiple garbage bags outside and my immediate thought was that the dad did something and was hiding his body. Then I saw a flash in a window and worried it was a gun going off. Somehow I was my husband and still driving and I slowed down further away where I could still see the house. I saw something move and realized it was the boy hiding behind something and walking with it to get to the car. We drive to Walmart (I think I was going to buy him stuff to just run away with or something) and then I woke up. 

Best Teacher Award

Dreamt I found out that an old old old childhood friend won an award for best teacher, so I went to the school for find her. Through hallways, bathrooms, library, etc. Nada. Couldn't find her. Went up to every teacher a student to ask where she was. At some point there was even a tornado. 

Never did find her. Explained to a librarian how we knew each other, that we weren't exactly friends but acquaintances.. woke up. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024


Dreamt I was walking up to Dad's house and a whole bunch of celebrities were there to greet me. Like someone heard I was a fan of them and wanted to celebrate that or whatnot. Okay change that and I'm in a city/store that's also outside. I'm looking for clothing because I'm naked. I'm being looked for by police or a hospital or something. I quickly find clothes and try to get them on. Running around through hospital again. I see k. He looks nervous to see me but also not. Like he's heard bad things about me but also doesn't want to believe or something. Anyways we try to find privacy on some basement stairs. We kiss. 

Honestly I can't remember much..