Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dreamt I was working as a social worker of some sort for this boy whom we suspected of being abused. Had no proof and his dad had super powers. My sister and I both went to a library and looked through books to help him for the meantime. We found a couple books, one being a witchcraft-like book to help protect him until we could provide the proof to get him out. I wanted to drop these books off so I drove around hoping to find his house. I was driving on the road my dad lives on. We passed a white house with multiple garbage bags outside and my immediate thought was that the dad did something and was hiding his body. Then I saw a flash in a window and worried it was a gun going off. Somehow I was my husband and still driving and I slowed down further away where I could still see the house. I saw something move and realized it was the boy hiding behind something and walking with it to get to the car. We drive to Walmart (I think I was going to buy him stuff to just run away with or something) and then I woke up. 

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