Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Had a bad dream about Uncle Clint (in law, but my dad's best friend, so I've known him since I was a little kid and always thought of him as an uncle). He was dying and we were all kind of saying our goodbyes. Seems like we were on Dad's property and I was moving some stuff around so it'd be easier to move him around (outside kind of by pond road). I stopped husband's mom and asked her an update and she told me he's still alive but people were saying their goodbyes etc, so I asked my sister if she was going to and she said she didn't want to, but I did. I wanted to make sure everyone got a turn though that mattered so I kept waiting. Woke up. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Obstacle Course

Playing an obstacle course game in my dream with a bunch of people and I remember carrying my bottle of water with me and losing it at some point. There was hay all over so I assumed maybe it fell into that. Kept doing the course when I bump into my uncle Dave who was also doing the obstacle course and I mention losing my bottle and he says he uses it as a marker to remember someone or something he saw or something like that. I had dropped it while going from one obstacle to the other and he saw it and used it as a way to remember something he needed to do after the game. Anyways after that I think I had a lil romance with CS. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Family Reunion

Dreamt I was at my mom's cousin's property (Dave and barb). We were eating outside having fun with a family reunion when (dad was there for some reason) I look over at him talking about being able to see his property from theirs. My sister and I walk closer to be able to see. We pass what looks like a garden but I hear a bullfrog I had stepped on. I look down and they're everywhere. Someone yells to watch for them. We are running trying not to step on any. We get towards the house and instead of looking at my dad's property, we go inside the house. I see there's another party inside and suddenly remember that we were celebrating a birthday, a family reunion and I think an anniversary or something? We keep walking through the house which felt like a big hallway. I see paper bags filled with papers and some photos etc. we are told to take the stuff and keep them safe. I see one bag had my aunt Heather's family's paperwork in it, so I make note to give her that. 

Okay the dream changes a bit and I see a girl on a motorcycle driving on the street. She hits onto a car and most likely doesn't make it. 

Wait before all this. Or maybe during? We were in that area for sure and my husband was there and I had remembered another dream I had years ago where there was a thrift store with tons of furniture and some clothes in a corner, books in boxes etc... so weird because I suddenly rememberes the store in my dream vividly. Anyways I was asking family and husband if we were near because it felt like it was close to this area. Husband was trying to make me think it wasn't close. I really wanted to so and look at stuff. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Dreamt I was graduating, so I was shopping for nice jeans at Maurice's. Haven't gone there in ages, but that's where I wanted to look for clothes. Saw gold nail polish and was about to get it but the cashier yelled behind me that it's not gold nail polish but just like a foundation/moisturizer for your nails. I put it back... Next I'm at school and I'm in a line. I don't think we were being called and this was the ceremony or anything, we were just in line. 

Oh gross, I remember my sister in law was getting back together with her ex. Also her and my in laws needed me to write out the pronunciation of the word 'doritos' for them so that when my MIL went to the store to buy them she could ask where they were and correctly pronounce it or something? I have no idea! Anyways I had paper and pen and was trying to write it down but I was having problems writing with the pen and then while trying to get the pen to work I was writing the pronunciation wrong too. 

Oh no... I dreamt I had dyed my hair jet black and missed some spots so it looked patchy silver blond in spots. It started looking cooler as I looked in the mirror and shook my hair, though. 

Last thing I remember was getting more books in the mail for my littlest (kindergartner) and they were books I was thinking might be a couple grades too high for him. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


First dream: dreamt I was grocery shopping with husband and sis in law. Sis in law was looking for a specific vodka maybe on that was orange infused? 

Second dream: lived in this huge mansion. Got a little lost and could tell it was just too big because I had to work with my brain for it to make sense. I had to tell my brain where to put stairs etc. just as I'm telling my husband about the stairs, a man walks up behind us and kind of hovers near my husband like he's angry with him. I tell my husband and he turns and they talk. Husband acts like it was normal. 

That's all I remember. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Book Party

Dreamt I was cleaning my house (but it was my childhood home) because I had gotten stuck with a dumb MLM-buy-party thing, and didn't think about it til the day of. I realized I have no food at all to feed people, so I call my aunt but she doesn't answer. Called my mom next and she does answer. I ask her if she could stop at a store and pick up some pizzas and then maybe some sides like Cole slaw etc. we start talking about the party and I list off a couple people going to be there like her cousin Mina (and then mentally realizing that everyone there will be family and I have no friends). I remember cleaning counters, sweeping, moving clothes, and then thinking I should take a shower because I was stinky, so I took these tall black crew socks off my sweaty feet and threw them in the closet. At this point I start thinking it might be dad's house and I probably won't get those socks back. Did all that while talking to Mom on phone. She tells me her and my aunt won't be able to make it. She asks me what the party is selling and I try to think and that's when I realized the party I was stuck hosting was from an online party, and that it's probably all online. Immediately I try to get online. I see it's 8 something pm and I might have missed it entirely. 

Friday, July 19, 2024


Dreamt my sister invited me and my family over to her and my mom and aunt's house (but it was actually my childhood home). I remember bits and pieces. I think I was playing a game on my phone at one point, was looking at their shower and saw they had some nice looking soaps and stuff and I was nosing around. Then I saw a store setup with a bunch of boxes of various Christmas cards and some calendars. I was just nosy and curious what all they had (I think in the dream they all worked together still at a store and was given this because it was going to get thrown away.) anyways my sister got really annoyed with me looking at stuff in the set up and asked what I'm doing (like I was wanting to keep one or something) so I sat it back down and huffed and said "I'm not taking anything I was just curious what you guys had! I'm just looking!" One of the box of cards was a nightmare before Christmas theme. 

Math Test

Dreamt that I was doing a math test in what felt like a hospital setting/the hallways and desks. Devin and his dad were there. They worked together or told each other answers. I realized later I had the 'old answers' from last year, so I started copying off for that. 

Another dream I had was realizing Devin had to go back to work. Might have been swimming in the pool when I realized this. (Which is weird because he does go back today after an 11-day vacation, and also family might be stopping by to swim.i also remember being at Grandma's old house but in her driveway. I don't remember what happened at all but I was there at one point. I think I was looking up at the sky maybe? 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Dreamt I was in Erin's house and sometimes it was dad's. Mostly Erin's. Littlest was born because I see dad come out of Erin's hallway by laundry and up to us near dining/living area and explain that my littlest shouldn't have rocks because he just threw one at his tablet. I get annoyed and take the rocks and throw them outside dad's house. I walk out and littlest is a dog now and he runs out with another dog and goes towards the woods/playground. They pass the playground and go a little ways into the woods and I hear this sound like a big ball is rolling. It was on the playground standing area and rolls towards the dogs that ran off. I yell for them so that the ball doesn't start rolling towards them. One of the dogs is Ziggy. I walk up to the playground and push one of the dogs/Jeremy on a swing once or twice but I realize it's really dark, foggy, and the trees have an eerie glow. My glasses were really bad and only showed me a portion of what I could see, so it was kind of blurry. I yell for them all to come in because I'm scared. Once inside I am at my own house in the computer room/by stairs and I see a cousin (he's younger in the dream) kind of curled up on the floor. There's a bed also in that room and I assume it's in case a child is sick, they can lounge on that all day. I ask the cousin if they're okay. Then I woke up (orrr, it is possible the cousin part was first and then the rocks/dog part was after). 

Cartoon-Slapping Game

I don't really remember what the game was completely, but I remember dreaming I was in line waiting to play a game. It was a team game and I had either my husband or my sister with me? Seems like it was my husband first, then while playing maybe it was my sister? It was $7 to play the game and I thought how awful it was to waste so much money. Finally it was our turn. I remember seeing the timer go down and I was watching my partner take for fucking ever just trying to sign up or whatnot. I was annoyed they were signing up and wasting a lot of our time. Finally we were able to play. I started wandering my dad's house but also not quite his house. It was all white and more doors, so set up almost exactly. I kept seeing these images on the walls of like South Park's Randy, or Garfield, or Hello Kitty, etc.. just random cartoon characters on the walls. We were supposed to slap out hand over the images and they'd disappear and basically the most slapped images was the winner. We went through the long white hallway and opened up a bunch of doors. There was a clue that the images were only in the rooms that had an extra bonus entryway to get there. I was just about to go upstairs to a creepy looking Home Alone-style attic. Woke up. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Dreamt c was in a car behind me and fam, with their fam. Like nowadays fam. I recognized him or his wife and got nervous because I realized we'd have to see each other. I think I looked like shit, so I was worried he'd see me. Worried husband and c would see each other. Anyways we're parked and maybe at my dad's house/my childhood home? Walking around in woods? I think C's wife comes up and talks to my husband. They are doing some kind of job on Dad's property. She says something about c having to come check something. Again I worry because I don't think husband likes c. I don't remember anything else really. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I don't remember much but what I do remember is I was in the porch at my dad's house and my mother in law walked in and looked dizzy. She said she needed to go home but felt dizzy. I ran and got my husband and told him I think we should take her to the hospital to be safe. Everything else is bits and pieces. I remember piles of clothes in the porch.. my father in law walking in at some point. I dunno. I can't remember anything else. Just that I was worried her dizziness was something serious. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Dreamt husband's cousin in law R died of sudden heart attack. Went to hospital to 'pay respects'  to the wife D. Weren't sure how to let his "kids/grandkids" know what happened. (They were young and looked like husbands other cousin Danielle's kids. Very young.) We all went to the hospital. We wanted to wait until someone specific got there (I think my husband's mom) to let the 'kids' know. I was in a parking lot with a whole bunch of stuff out on the pavement like two cameras, some shoes, clothes, etc, my duffle bag and some other stuff. I'm trying to stuff as much into the duffle bag so I have less to carry. I'm trying to get home. I get most of it in. I stand up and have everything in my arms when I see my daughter getting into a car with a baby and two older guys maybe in their 70s. I asked her what she was doing and she said they asked if she could drive them home. I told her no, don't go with strangers even though they seemed kind. Then I run into the wife of the guy that died in my dream and she's in my dad's house by the front door. I awkwardly try to figure out what to say to pay my respects. I tell her I'm so scared of losing someone I love. That I'm sorry. She seems like she isn't sad. She tells me they knew he was going and that she's been with someone else for a while, so she didn't really feel bad. 

Woke up.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


I don't remember much but I do remember being at a school or something. Sitting at this big table for 2-3 people. I was playing this game that connects with other people. Next to me was Cory from high school. I remember mom being in the dream. Not at the school part. I was in this house or garage maybe trying to clean it up to move in? Dad was in it too but for just a fraction of time. I remember being in this house or garage and just being excited to get to go back to school so I could play with Cory. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Alice In Wonderland Staircase

Dreamt I was in my own house. I was in the back porch and realized we had a skylight. The ceiling was a bit higher and there was a small loft above too but very tiny loft. Like to store stuff on. Suddenly I saw a cat sitting on our window. I looked around and saw our cat so I knew it wasn't him. Looked up again and an adorable shaggy-haired bright orange, blue-eyed kitten was about to fall out of the window and onto the floor. I caught him and sat him in our kitchen. Then another shorter orange haired kitten fell. I put him next to the other kitty. I yelled for my kids medium and big to come to the kitchen because they have new kittens. (My littlest claims our actual cat). 

Dreamt some weird stuff now... First squirrel and I somehow appeared in Kayla's house and she was about to come in so I told squirrel we needed to hide because we literally just appeared out of nowhere and didn't mean to, and it looked like we were breaking and entering. I hid up in a screen window but squirrel didn't hide so I had to climb down just as she was coming into the living room and knew she wouldn't believe that we just appeared there (not by choice) so I explained that we showed up to say hi and the door was open or whatnot. 

Later I dreamt that this other guy was 'with' me. We were making out on a bed but others were in the bed too. I told him to stop attempting anything. Then I dreamt that I don't even know.. the world ended and we had this new place to stay but it was hidden. I was trying to get into the room but I was going down these concrete stairs and they just kept getting narrower and steeper. At the end I realized there was no opening except a very small slat that I could only put my hand through. Maybe three inches. So I climbed down the stairs some and noticed the paneling on the walls looked like doors so I tried seeing if any opened. After ten or so tries I found a panel that swung open and it revealed a vintage wooden door. I opened that and another door, then another.. then I opened that one and I found the room. A bunch of people were in there. It looked like Squid Games main room where the beds are. Big, big room. Painted teal. Bunch of people randomly on beds or benches. Saw t and s even. Kept walking though. Saw Kayla again and she hugged me and I told her I'm sorry for real life stuff and after giving the excuses she said it was okay. Anyways found the guy I was with. I was honestly just really horny and wanted him but there was nowhere we could really go to get alone. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Dreamt I was pregnant and in love. The guy looked like k. I don't remember the details. Seems like we were on a star trek-style space ship. Might have been pregnant with twins? Ohhh. Then I had the baby so it was just a single birth and I was breastfeeding it. Me and partner were moving in together. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


First I remember being a jellystone. I stopped in to get food and I noticed behind the counter a schedule..  my name was at the end. I was weirded out but thought nothing of it. Then I remember being with my Aunt Erin and my husband. I think (I could be wrong about the order here but this seems more right).. Erin was driving us home but she was really tired. I was in the back with husband and my aunt was driving. I was watching the road and suddenly I noticed she was getting awfully close to two bicyclists. I said "Erin, you're getting kind of close" and she kind of bobbed her head to the side and I yelled her name out and she sat up straighter and slowed down. I suggested she park on the ramp of the interstate (at this point we were in front of Jellystone). My husband was going to take over but he was pretty tired too. For some dumb reason he was about to drive from the passenger side but I yelled at him and he sat in the driver side. We started pulling up to a toll area and I looked down in the car and found some mail on the floor boards in back. I picked up two envelopes and saw one with the wrong address and was addressed to 'current resident' at the wrong address, so I sat that one down again. The other one was to me. I opened it and saw a tax info thing and it made it seem like I was set to start working at Jellystone this week. I look up and see my husband just kind of drove through the toll and some lady was poking her head out. The road turned into an alleyway.. 

Now I'm in a store at Jellystone. It looks like a gift shop with random clothing etc. I remember seeing a cat condo/bed thing too for almost $400. I noticed I'm absolutely wet and in a swimsuit maybe? Or naked? Lol I can't remember. I asked my mom to buy me something so I wasn't so naked feeling. For some reason she didn't, I don't know if the store was expensive or what. 

Then I see an older, bigger guy that looked like the actor that plays Jill's dad in Home Improvement. He was a worker and hebwas holding a pair of speedos. He was joking and saw two black men sitting down at a bench opposite me in the store and asked them if it was theirs, or made the assumption it was or that it was their 'type' of suit or whatnot. Everybody kind of laughed along, even the guys, but then I got weirded out by the old white guy and thought it had some racial undertones to the joke so I remember stopping from laughing and walking out. I was walking through Warrens playground and I saw the two guys but they were younger (so was I..  we were all kids now). My clothes were still wet. The boys were on the playground and I was walking through/past. I asked if they always lived around here or were new, can't remember their answer. They followed just out of politeness, since we were still talking. We were maybe where the fire department was or where the Wades lived but there was an old building there instead. We noticed these beautiful gravestones with holographic etchings on them. I was in love. I walked into the building and saw an older bearded man walk up. I asked if he made them and he said yes. I told him I would love for him to make mine someday, and he kind of laughed awkwardly and I realized he probably thought that I meant I'd die before him and he was a LOT older (I did mean that but I changed the thought process then) and explained maybe I could buy one well before I pass. I started getting gleeful thoughts of what picture I wanted on mine and what I'd put as my epitaph. Woke up. 


Only entering pieces and I just know I'll get flashes all day again like I've been getting lately, but what I remember just before waking up was my sister making pancakes and coffee for me the coffee was on top of a microwave and was dirty. Oh! My aunt was sleeping on a couch but was gone for the day to work. I saw her cat so I decided to give him a bath in the sink. As I was soaping him up o noticed a bunch of dead fleas and a couple half alive ones. I told Erin but was sure to mention they were dying so she knew I wasn't complaining.