Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


First I remember being a jellystone. I stopped in to get food and I noticed behind the counter a schedule..  my name was at the end. I was weirded out but thought nothing of it. Then I remember being with my Aunt Erin and my husband. I think (I could be wrong about the order here but this seems more right).. Erin was driving us home but she was really tired. I was in the back with husband and my aunt was driving. I was watching the road and suddenly I noticed she was getting awfully close to two bicyclists. I said "Erin, you're getting kind of close" and she kind of bobbed her head to the side and I yelled her name out and she sat up straighter and slowed down. I suggested she park on the ramp of the interstate (at this point we were in front of Jellystone). My husband was going to take over but he was pretty tired too. For some dumb reason he was about to drive from the passenger side but I yelled at him and he sat in the driver side. We started pulling up to a toll area and I looked down in the car and found some mail on the floor boards in back. I picked up two envelopes and saw one with the wrong address and was addressed to 'current resident' at the wrong address, so I sat that one down again. The other one was to me. I opened it and saw a tax info thing and it made it seem like I was set to start working at Jellystone this week. I look up and see my husband just kind of drove through the toll and some lady was poking her head out. The road turned into an alleyway.. 

Now I'm in a store at Jellystone. It looks like a gift shop with random clothing etc. I remember seeing a cat condo/bed thing too for almost $400. I noticed I'm absolutely wet and in a swimsuit maybe? Or naked? Lol I can't remember. I asked my mom to buy me something so I wasn't so naked feeling. For some reason she didn't, I don't know if the store was expensive or what. 

Then I see an older, bigger guy that looked like the actor that plays Jill's dad in Home Improvement. He was a worker and hebwas holding a pair of speedos. He was joking and saw two black men sitting down at a bench opposite me in the store and asked them if it was theirs, or made the assumption it was or that it was their 'type' of suit or whatnot. Everybody kind of laughed along, even the guys, but then I got weirded out by the old white guy and thought it had some racial undertones to the joke so I remember stopping from laughing and walking out. I was walking through Warrens playground and I saw the two guys but they were younger (so was I..  we were all kids now). My clothes were still wet. The boys were on the playground and I was walking through/past. I asked if they always lived around here or were new, can't remember their answer. They followed just out of politeness, since we were still talking. We were maybe where the fire department was or where the Wades lived but there was an old building there instead. We noticed these beautiful gravestones with holographic etchings on them. I was in love. I walked into the building and saw an older bearded man walk up. I asked if he made them and he said yes. I told him I would love for him to make mine someday, and he kind of laughed awkwardly and I realized he probably thought that I meant I'd die before him and he was a LOT older (I did mean that but I changed the thought process then) and explained maybe I could buy one well before I pass. I started getting gleeful thoughts of what picture I wanted on mine and what I'd put as my epitaph. Woke up. 

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