Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Book Party

Dreamt I was cleaning my house (but it was my childhood home) because I had gotten stuck with a dumb MLM-buy-party thing, and didn't think about it til the day of. I realized I have no food at all to feed people, so I call my aunt but she doesn't answer. Called my mom next and she does answer. I ask her if she could stop at a store and pick up some pizzas and then maybe some sides like Cole slaw etc. we start talking about the party and I list off a couple people going to be there like her cousin Mina (and then mentally realizing that everyone there will be family and I have no friends). I remember cleaning counters, sweeping, moving clothes, and then thinking I should take a shower because I was stinky, so I took these tall black crew socks off my sweaty feet and threw them in the closet. At this point I start thinking it might be dad's house and I probably won't get those socks back. Did all that while talking to Mom on phone. She tells me her and my aunt won't be able to make it. She asks me what the party is selling and I try to think and that's when I realized the party I was stuck hosting was from an online party, and that it's probably all online. Immediately I try to get online. I see it's 8 something pm and I might have missed it entirely. 

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