Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Dreamt husband's cousin in law R died of sudden heart attack. Went to hospital to 'pay respects'  to the wife D. Weren't sure how to let his "kids/grandkids" know what happened. (They were young and looked like husbands other cousin Danielle's kids. Very young.) We all went to the hospital. We wanted to wait until someone specific got there (I think my husband's mom) to let the 'kids' know. I was in a parking lot with a whole bunch of stuff out on the pavement like two cameras, some shoes, clothes, etc, my duffle bag and some other stuff. I'm trying to stuff as much into the duffle bag so I have less to carry. I'm trying to get home. I get most of it in. I stand up and have everything in my arms when I see my daughter getting into a car with a baby and two older guys maybe in their 70s. I asked her what she was doing and she said they asked if she could drive them home. I told her no, don't go with strangers even though they seemed kind. Then I run into the wife of the guy that died in my dream and she's in my dad's house by the front door. I awkwardly try to figure out what to say to pay my respects. I tell her I'm so scared of losing someone I love. That I'm sorry. She seems like she isn't sad. She tells me they knew he was going and that she's been with someone else for a while, so she didn't really feel bad. 

Woke up.

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