Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Deja Vus Alllll Day

I don't know if this is a dream or what.. but all day I've been getting these really weird deja vus. Something would happen and I'd get a very quick flash of a dream. I went to my sister's today and we watched The Mole and I felt this intense deja vu. Like I had dreamt about a survival type game and someone was trying to sabotage it. I don't even know... Also other things would give me flashes of memory. Alllll day though. I feel like I'm going crazy. I hope I can remember the dream, because I do feel like I'm going senile or something. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

So Much Happening

My aunt Kathi was in a doom metal band lol. It was so weird, but awesome in the dream. She sang the first song and then she sang as a secondary person for the other song. We were in a dark building and there was just a white spotlight on the band. She wore a Dorothy from Wizard of Oz dress. Came out of this white sheet for dramatic effect. He voice was really low. My nuclear dam was with and we were watching and we kind of all spaced out at the last song, so we noticed we were the only ones in the bar and it was really dark. I had to pick up a bunch of clothes in a bag because they were mine. I was worried if the band came back they'd think I was stealing their clothes but I knew they were mine. I think I woke up after that maybe? That was the more memorable part of the dream anyway. Okay I lied. I dreamt also that I was with my nuclear fam at a playground. Some bigger boy kept asking if people knew his name so we'd answer what he told us it was and it was always a different name he'd given everyone. 

Ooh. Also dreamt I was at my aunt Erin's house and I had just taken a shower and was in the dining room when Erin came out holding a bottle of shampoo or conditioner and asking if I showered and I didnt listen properly and answered no so she told me I should use that stuff because it smells really good. That's when I realized I'm still a little damp, hair still wet etc, so I had to correct myself and tell her I had already taken one. 

Damn. Also remember giving dad all of his father's day gifts.

Ommmmg. Another part. I remember my niece kaelynn had a couple parakeets. They didn't have a cage so much as a speaker like thing in the corner of a wall up high that they'd go to. 


Dreamt I was pregnant. First I remember a bunch of clothes and my husband was taking some off a pile on my lap and putting them in their own pile and saying that those were going to his sister and her kids for Xmas gifts. They all looked extremely tiny but I remember thinking how cute they were and wished I could keep one. They were flared sleeves and had cute designs. One was white with purple/pink/blue cowgirl boots along the edge. It was cute! .....Okay then I realized I was pregnant. Big belly. I was looking through a calendar or something and realized it was June or July or whatnot and thinking "omg I'm due then, this baby must be coming soon!" I laid back and tried to push. It got a little weird and a small, broken, wooden dog sculpture came out first. For a split second I thought maybe there was a mistake and I wasn't pregnant but I thought eff it, I'm gonna try pushing anyways. Out popped a baby girl. Hugged her to me. Held her tight while walking through piles of clothes. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hotel Gunshots

Currently staying at a hotel in real life for the night, so keep that in mind. Dreamt that I was getting out of the jeep, husband got out with our two older kids. I got out, started to get my littlest out when a woman walked up to get in her own car. Instead she opened my door to help me in. The jeep kind of turned into a hybrid jeep/hotel bed. I laid down next to my son and tried to fall asleep (my guess is I was half asleep).. anyways then she got in our bed too. I felt awkward because I knew I'd need to get me and my son out to find husband. I looked around by the bed on the floor for shoes and then quickly wandered a second to see if I could find my husband. Turned around and got a little lost looking for the jeep/hotel room. Decided to look into other beds/cars for my son. Suddenly I hear sounds from behind me in another turn of the hallway.. it sounded like gunshots and started to get closer sounding. I tried to hurry to look for my son. I'm not sure if I found the room or not.. I just remember attempting to make chocolate pancakes and worrying about burning them. 

Woke up hungry. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

In Laws

Dreamt at dads house and our stuff is there. Suddenly the door opens and in comes devs parents with some things. They said they have some things of their own and that they need in to dropoff. I blurt out to Devin 'but what about our stuf' and kind of regret it because it disappoints the inlaws. Dev says they need to stay for a few weeks and need to move out stuff out for now. I at least tell him maybe we can keep our stuff in the porch and we can take that half and they can take the other half. He says "no, we can't do that, because it's not fair to sis in law and boyfriend because they might want to stay there too. I'm so confused thinking we're getting kicked out. Really though they just want to use their own furniture while they stay a few weeks. Whatever. I allow it. 

Shortly after I remember having to go to the bathroom several times because I need to switch out a pad. I'm way up on this hill of a room and I accidentally drop stuff and it slides down the hill and into an interstate. I tell dev what I did and run down because I'm terrified it might be something if inlaws and they think I did it out of spite. I see a phone gets crushed by a semi... Thankfully it looks like one of my old ones. I cross the busy traffic trying to get stuff off the road and not get hit. Felt like forget. Woke up. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024


First dream I was on a computer. It was apparently my own even though I don't have one. I was Google searching who some celebrity looked like because I had heard his name but not seen him. Luke? Anyways I click the first link and suddenly my computer turns in a big porno fest. Awful. I can't even get to the desktop. Somehow I figured out how to delete it.. had to do it with another computer too. After that I'm escaping the room because this villain is after me. I leave through a window and hide on the roof. Some Asian woman sees me and gets out and starts following and I'm waving for her to leave so that the villain doesn't see me etc, but she is not listening. Instead I grab her and we are suddenly holding onto this huge parachute style sheet and when we lift it we go higher and when we drop it some we get to ground. We're scared to lift it too high and not be able to get back, so we stick way too close to ground and make it too easy for the villain to see us. We are leaving from my dad's property and heading towards Warrens. 

Dreamt I was in the jeep and Julian was driving. I told him he needed to stop and to let me drive because we'd be on big trouble if he drove etc. what do I do? I try to start it and it flutters a little, then the steering gets bad and I start veering into a parked car. (We're in a parking lot).. I freak out, try to decide if I stop or go. Realize I would also be in deep shit because of my permit, so I drive off. It's still acting funny so I try shifting gears to see if it was in neutral or something. Then it starts reving loud like it's in a higher gear. I tell myself to open my eyes and wake up, because I don't want to be in that dream lol. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Clothes and Church

Was in a super religious family and fell for an older brother lol, weird I know. We were teenagers and just running around hiding in rooms, away from the many many siblings, to make out. We were a celebrity family. 

Another part of the dream I'm myself and with husband. We are parked behind a business in downtown T-town. There's junk all over the place. Husband is talking to this lady that works at one of the businesses and she's telling us to take stuff and to look at all the clothes on the ground they are getting rid of. I find a super cute sweatshirt/maybe hoodie that is royal blue with magenta at the bottom. I keep that. I think then I get out of the car to look at more stuff and suddenly I'm in a church and that's where the first part I wrote comes in. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Time Traveling

Dreamt I went a little ways into future. Was in a school. Big school. Befriended this older girl teenager like 18 or so. She took me to her house which was a farm. She knew I was a time traveler at this point so she had to hide me mostly. She had two brothers that looked like the elder Lawrence brothers. I think whatever I was doing in the future had to do with oil. The older brother was talking about it positively and I was thinking in my head how awkward it was. Anyways somehow I went back to my time. Then back to hers. Back and forth. We fell in love. She had me wear this beautiful dress with a slit in it. Green. Looks like one I bought recently. Kept traveling back and forth, she kept having to hide me. At some point I was that I could go back in time as a guy which apparently was what I was in the dream in real life, looked like kv. I did. Woke up after that. 

Damn, It Was Just A Dream

Dreamt I looked a little slimmer in the mirror, so I went to check my weight. I kept having problems with pieces of clothing being under it or being unbalanced so it took awhile but I did end up getting lower than usual on the scale. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


Dreamt I was in a hallway or something. Like at a mall or hotel. It was probably supposed to be a hotel but looked more mall like. Wait. First maybe we were at a booth/table? And I had my boys with me, a ong with this guy....anyways walking away from table and through this mall hotel hallway thing, this guy that looked like cs but used the name de came with from the booth and showed me these books on the floor that are for kids and also this sign with an old and frayed rope tangled around into a word. De told me that some bad guys did something and made this sign and that in order to catch them and get the police to arrest them etc would be to turn that stuff in. He leaves to do another thing to stop the guys, and I took the sign with and started walking. I get to a room and Sarah sees the sign and starts messing with it and I yell at her not to because of the DNA evidence on it etc.. I'm trying to shut the hotel door thing and the door is super weird. It's material for a shower curtain and it folds a few times. I'm trying to shut it because a tornado is coming. (I don't think it does, but it was a little windy). Anyways then I leave the room and venture around, looking for police to show the sign etc. I walk up to this reception area and an old lady is there. I explain everything and she takes it. Then I ask her if she's seen de. She says name doesn't sound familiar etc. I walk away sad, then I see this this part of a hallway with some horizontal paneling on the wall, so I walk to it and shimmy myself up so that I'm kind of up high and hopefully hidden. Someone walks past and I worry they are bad people and that's why I hid. Instead, it's de. He climbs up also but we both fall and topple onto each other. I don't think we kiss because we were too new with each other but I sure did want to. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Had an abusive husband. Tried to show my parents before he came home. Weirdly me and husband were both teenagers. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024


K and daughter a were washing their hair in a boiling pot of water or something. They and fam were in a camper. I saw wife and she had perfect teeth. So jelly. Lol

Edit: I remember another part of the dream where I found out that an old friend David L had died. I was sad, felt bad... It was likely an overdose or something?

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cursed Photo

Dreamt I was cleaning out the old house. Like we're moving out and I had to clean out everything, so I was grabbing a bunch of stuff that I saw in a little corner in the wall. I saw papers and pictures and pieces of glass. I was reaching in trying to grab stuff and couldn't get everything so Sarah helped. She seemed pissed off at me. She got what she could but said there was one photo she couldn't get because it was stuck to the wall or floor. She told me to just take a picture of it. I grabbed out my phone to take one and the first time I took a picture I looked demonic with red eyes. Second one I took seemed like maybe it would be okay. I looked at the pictures I took and I looked dead/rotted. Sarah was shocked and said that wasn't good. It meant a ghost was haunting the house and wouldn't let me go until I did something - like maybe beat them in a game. Crap I forgot what.  Anyways I was against this woman/ghost/creepy rotten lady and trying to win. I dunno what I had to do, but at some points I was also alone in a bathtub ;) ahem so it's all confusing. Also at one point I remember being in my dad's garden and there were others and we were all separate and hiding behind plants and stuff the best we could. I remember trying to twerk and didn't know if I was doing it right. Lol.. Anyways, somehow I beat her. I was free and not cursed. Mom and Sarah and Devin and Erin were all walking over and telling me that we'll have to start fresh and that we can all live together "in their basement" under this garage. It was a really pretty royal blue color I remember made of tin. Okay so we're walking down the stairs and I'm looking at everything and mom is kind of telling me what rooms will be what. Living room, then a room after that that had counters in it would be a good kitchen. There was a room on the other side of the counters that we said would make a good dining room. Walking to the right from that room I found this oblong room and we decided to put a wall in and make it two rooms. Then mom said there was another two rooms on the other side by the living room. I walked into a room to start working on cleaning and finishing and dev came with and we started making out. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024


At a beach with de. There's a dog there too I think? Or maybe a house and some dogs escaped an we had to get them. We're leaving the beach because I have a weird rash all over my hands from this game show thing I was doing and had this microphone thing strapped to me. He helped get it off and took me to his home or a hotel or whatnot. I was drunk or exhausted, on my stomach. Really wanted him to stay and not go back to beach. 

Tornado Again

Was in this big Mall Of america like mall. It was so big that some people were sleeping in it. Sarah for sure. I saw shadows pass in a huge wall of a window several feet away and I just knew that was a tornado coming. Suddenly I'm not me and I'm watching the Twister peeps. A big tornado was coming at the so they jumped into a lake nearby. They swam up into the eye of it and it sucked them up. Woke up I believe. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Was in an Asian store. Bought groceries and then found out there was a lower level. Don't know why dev didn't buy the stuff in main level first but he took kids with him to car and I took out full cart to find how to get to lower level. I get to an elevator (after finding out I had like 8 minutes or so left before it closes) and see a man in a wheelchair. He explains we use elevator but that they don't allow carts. I get wishy washy, do I want to leave the cart in elevator and take a chance? Just leave? I decided to leave but apparently my memory tells me I did go down there and found TMNT shirts. Head to car and instead in in a house with dev and kids at his "mom's house". His parents are annoyed we bought food and stuff but dev explains me and the kids didn't feel like leftovers. Woke up shortly after to husband calling me. 


Dreamt I was at Sarah's and I was helping them with their garage or something. Sarah was scraping stuck on rocks on the ceiling and wall (similar to how you'd get off popcorn ceiling. I told her I could take over since it's tough work. Of course when I do it I managed to start dropping important stuff and suddenly the whole garage starts to slowly collapse in. I run out from under the garage as it's falling down. I feel awful for breaking it. I tell them the Devin and I would buy a new garage at some point.

Monday, June 3, 2024


Dreamt I was in this mental hospital or something. I was looking under the dirty bed and found a whooole bunch of old pictures stacked to each other in a few piles. Early 90s photos. I started grabbing out as many as I could. Suddenly an invisible person came in. I was terrified. Scared of them. They weren't hurting me, so suddenly it got more romantic/physical and we started kissing. I was able to see what he looked like. More celeb C.S.-like. He was going to help me escape the mental hospital. We were halfway down an elevator when I remembered the photos that I really wanted to keep since I don't have many as a child in real life. He left for a minute to go get them. I can't remember if he did get them or not, but I think I was just home/in a room, safe, with the vampire guy. Having sex on a bed in the dark with a bunch of other people laying on the floor sleeping nearby. That was weird and awkward. 

That's all I remember.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Ugh. Bad dream. Not a good one for the health anxiety. 

Dreamt I was at a table and just getting tired. I could barely keep me eyes open. (In real life, I just heard about my husband's uncle who kept getting tired at a card game last night and was just exhausted.. he has parkinsons and it's progressing a lot these past few weeks..) Anyways in the dream I was getting tired and having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Once they shut, I could NOT open them and I immediately felt myself shift to a REALLY intense deep sleep. I couldn't wake myself up. I kept trying to open my eyes, wouldn't work. Tried to shake myself awake, wouldn't work. So terrified. I just could not wake up in my dream or in real life for a few minutes. Finally I could feel my body moving in real life and was able to rouse myself enough to wake up. Scared to go back to bed now... Thankfully just a nap on the couch and I can stay awake if need be.