Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, June 23, 2024


First dream I was on a computer. It was apparently my own even though I don't have one. I was Google searching who some celebrity looked like because I had heard his name but not seen him. Luke? Anyways I click the first link and suddenly my computer turns in a big porno fest. Awful. I can't even get to the desktop. Somehow I figured out how to delete it.. had to do it with another computer too. After that I'm escaping the room because this villain is after me. I leave through a window and hide on the roof. Some Asian woman sees me and gets out and starts following and I'm waving for her to leave so that the villain doesn't see me etc, but she is not listening. Instead I grab her and we are suddenly holding onto this huge parachute style sheet and when we lift it we go higher and when we drop it some we get to ground. We're scared to lift it too high and not be able to get back, so we stick way too close to ground and make it too easy for the villain to see us. We are leaving from my dad's property and heading towards Warrens. 

Dreamt I was in the jeep and Julian was driving. I told him he needed to stop and to let me drive because we'd be on big trouble if he drove etc. what do I do? I try to start it and it flutters a little, then the steering gets bad and I start veering into a parked car. (We're in a parking lot).. I freak out, try to decide if I stop or go. Realize I would also be in deep shit because of my permit, so I drive off. It's still acting funny so I try shifting gears to see if it was in neutral or something. Then it starts reving loud like it's in a higher gear. I tell myself to open my eyes and wake up, because I don't want to be in that dream lol. 

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