Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Was in an Asian store. Bought groceries and then found out there was a lower level. Don't know why dev didn't buy the stuff in main level first but he took kids with him to car and I took out full cart to find how to get to lower level. I get to an elevator (after finding out I had like 8 minutes or so left before it closes) and see a man in a wheelchair. He explains we use elevator but that they don't allow carts. I get wishy washy, do I want to leave the cart in elevator and take a chance? Just leave? I decided to leave but apparently my memory tells me I did go down there and found TMNT shirts. Head to car and instead in in a house with dev and kids at his "mom's house". His parents are annoyed we bought food and stuff but dev explains me and the kids didn't feel like leftovers. Woke up shortly after to husband calling me. 

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