Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cursed Photo

Dreamt I was cleaning out the old house. Like we're moving out and I had to clean out everything, so I was grabbing a bunch of stuff that I saw in a little corner in the wall. I saw papers and pictures and pieces of glass. I was reaching in trying to grab stuff and couldn't get everything so Sarah helped. She seemed pissed off at me. She got what she could but said there was one photo she couldn't get because it was stuck to the wall or floor. She told me to just take a picture of it. I grabbed out my phone to take one and the first time I took a picture I looked demonic with red eyes. Second one I took seemed like maybe it would be okay. I looked at the pictures I took and I looked dead/rotted. Sarah was shocked and said that wasn't good. It meant a ghost was haunting the house and wouldn't let me go until I did something - like maybe beat them in a game. Crap I forgot what.  Anyways I was against this woman/ghost/creepy rotten lady and trying to win. I dunno what I had to do, but at some points I was also alone in a bathtub ;) ahem so it's all confusing. Also at one point I remember being in my dad's garden and there were others and we were all separate and hiding behind plants and stuff the best we could. I remember trying to twerk and didn't know if I was doing it right. Lol.. Anyways, somehow I beat her. I was free and not cursed. Mom and Sarah and Devin and Erin were all walking over and telling me that we'll have to start fresh and that we can all live together "in their basement" under this garage. It was a really pretty royal blue color I remember made of tin. Okay so we're walking down the stairs and I'm looking at everything and mom is kind of telling me what rooms will be what. Living room, then a room after that that had counters in it would be a good kitchen. There was a room on the other side of the counters that we said would make a good dining room. Walking to the right from that room I found this oblong room and we decided to put a wall in and make it two rooms. Then mom said there was another two rooms on the other side by the living room. I walked into a room to start working on cleaning and finishing and dev came with and we started making out. 

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