Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hotel Gunshots

Currently staying at a hotel in real life for the night, so keep that in mind. Dreamt that I was getting out of the jeep, husband got out with our two older kids. I got out, started to get my littlest out when a woman walked up to get in her own car. Instead she opened my door to help me in. The jeep kind of turned into a hybrid jeep/hotel bed. I laid down next to my son and tried to fall asleep (my guess is I was half asleep).. anyways then she got in our bed too. I felt awkward because I knew I'd need to get me and my son out to find husband. I looked around by the bed on the floor for shoes and then quickly wandered a second to see if I could find my husband. Turned around and got a little lost looking for the jeep/hotel room. Decided to look into other beds/cars for my son. Suddenly I hear sounds from behind me in another turn of the hallway.. it sounded like gunshots and started to get closer sounding. I tried to hurry to look for my son. I'm not sure if I found the room or not.. I just remember attempting to make chocolate pancakes and worrying about burning them. 

Woke up hungry. 

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