Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Monday, June 17, 2024


Dreamt I was in a hallway or something. Like at a mall or hotel. It was probably supposed to be a hotel but looked more mall like. Wait. First maybe we were at a booth/table? And I had my boys with me, a ong with this guy....anyways walking away from table and through this mall hotel hallway thing, this guy that looked like cs but used the name de came with from the booth and showed me these books on the floor that are for kids and also this sign with an old and frayed rope tangled around into a word. De told me that some bad guys did something and made this sign and that in order to catch them and get the police to arrest them etc would be to turn that stuff in. He leaves to do another thing to stop the guys, and I took the sign with and started walking. I get to a room and Sarah sees the sign and starts messing with it and I yell at her not to because of the DNA evidence on it etc.. I'm trying to shut the hotel door thing and the door is super weird. It's material for a shower curtain and it folds a few times. I'm trying to shut it because a tornado is coming. (I don't think it does, but it was a little windy). Anyways then I leave the room and venture around, looking for police to show the sign etc. I walk up to this reception area and an old lady is there. I explain everything and she takes it. Then I ask her if she's seen de. She says name doesn't sound familiar etc. I walk away sad, then I see this this part of a hallway with some horizontal paneling on the wall, so I walk to it and shimmy myself up so that I'm kind of up high and hopefully hidden. Someone walks past and I worry they are bad people and that's why I hid. Instead, it's de. He climbs up also but we both fall and topple onto each other. I don't think we kiss because we were too new with each other but I sure did want to. 

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