Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Monday, June 24, 2024

In Laws

Dreamt at dads house and our stuff is there. Suddenly the door opens and in comes devs parents with some things. They said they have some things of their own and that they need in to dropoff. I blurt out to Devin 'but what about our stuf' and kind of regret it because it disappoints the inlaws. Dev says they need to stay for a few weeks and need to move out stuff out for now. I at least tell him maybe we can keep our stuff in the porch and we can take that half and they can take the other half. He says "no, we can't do that, because it's not fair to sis in law and boyfriend because they might want to stay there too. I'm so confused thinking we're getting kicked out. Really though they just want to use their own furniture while they stay a few weeks. Whatever. I allow it. 

Shortly after I remember having to go to the bathroom several times because I need to switch out a pad. I'm way up on this hill of a room and I accidentally drop stuff and it slides down the hill and into an interstate. I tell dev what I did and run down because I'm terrified it might be something if inlaws and they think I did it out of spite. I see a phone gets crushed by a semi... Thankfully it looks like one of my old ones. I cross the busy traffic trying to get stuff off the road and not get hit. Felt like forget. Woke up. 

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