Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Dreamt I was pregnant. First I remember a bunch of clothes and my husband was taking some off a pile on my lap and putting them in their own pile and saying that those were going to his sister and her kids for Xmas gifts. They all looked extremely tiny but I remember thinking how cute they were and wished I could keep one. They were flared sleeves and had cute designs. One was white with purple/pink/blue cowgirl boots along the edge. It was cute! .....Okay then I realized I was pregnant. Big belly. I was looking through a calendar or something and realized it was June or July or whatnot and thinking "omg I'm due then, this baby must be coming soon!" I laid back and tried to push. It got a little weird and a small, broken, wooden dog sculpture came out first. For a split second I thought maybe there was a mistake and I wasn't pregnant but I thought eff it, I'm gonna try pushing anyways. Out popped a baby girl. Hugged her to me. Held her tight while walking through piles of clothes. 

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