Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Time Traveling

Dreamt I went a little ways into future. Was in a school. Big school. Befriended this older girl teenager like 18 or so. She took me to her house which was a farm. She knew I was a time traveler at this point so she had to hide me mostly. She had two brothers that looked like the elder Lawrence brothers. I think whatever I was doing in the future had to do with oil. The older brother was talking about it positively and I was thinking in my head how awkward it was. Anyways somehow I went back to my time. Then back to hers. Back and forth. We fell in love. She had me wear this beautiful dress with a slit in it. Green. Looks like one I bought recently. Kept traveling back and forth, she kept having to hide me. At some point I was that I could go back in time as a guy which apparently was what I was in the dream in real life, looked like kv. I did. Woke up after that. 

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