Song Of The However Long I Feel Like..

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Ugh. Bad dream. Not a good one for the health anxiety. 

Dreamt I was at a table and just getting tired. I could barely keep me eyes open. (In real life, I just heard about my husband's uncle who kept getting tired at a card game last night and was just exhausted.. he has parkinsons and it's progressing a lot these past few weeks..) Anyways in the dream I was getting tired and having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Once they shut, I could NOT open them and I immediately felt myself shift to a REALLY intense deep sleep. I couldn't wake myself up. I kept trying to open my eyes, wouldn't work. Tried to shake myself awake, wouldn't work. So terrified. I just could not wake up in my dream or in real life for a few minutes. Finally I could feel my body moving in real life and was able to rouse myself enough to wake up. Scared to go back to bed now... Thankfully just a nap on the couch and I can stay awake if need be. 

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